Where Is the Postasjsonasync Method in ASP.NET Core

PostAsJsonAsync() not working in .Net Core 3.1 when update project from 2.2 to 3.1 (Missing Assembly) or How to consume API POST request in .NET Core

This works for me.

Dot net core 3.x doesn't have any assembly for PostAsJsonAsync().

And Dot Net Core 2. not supported by Microsoft. So we should not use anything that not in 3.x. should not add assembly from 2.x.

The possible alternative is PostAsync();

HttpResponseMessage resNews = 
await client.PostAsync("News/GetNews", new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Object),
Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));

If pass only string:

HttpResponseMessage resNews =
await client.PostAsync("News/GetNews", new StringContent("string"));

HttpClient not supporting PostAsJsonAsync method C#

Yes, you need to add a reference to


This can be found in the extensions assemblies area.

A good way of achieving this is by adding the NuGet package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client to your project.

Compiler can't find PostAsJsonAsync method

If you gonna use PostAsJsonAsync method then you need to use following NuGet Package.

However, if you're using DNX that it won't work because it does not support DNX (yet?).

It that case you can do the following:

var response = await client.PostAsync("api/values", new StringContent(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item);, Encoding.UTF8,"application/json"));

That should help.

ASP.NET Core 3.1 - PostAsync/PostAsJsonAsync method in Integration Test always returns Bad Request

You are missing the FromBody attribute from you action parameter. When you are sending json data to a controller that will be part of the request body. You can tell to the controller how to bind the incoming data, in your case from the body. So you code should look like:

public async Task<IActionResult> Register([FromBody]UserRegistrationRequest request)


You could read more about bindings in the official documentation.

HttpClient PostAsJsonAsync behaving different in .NET Core and Classic .NET

The underlying problem appears to be that the Classic .NET WebAPI fails to process chunked requests in it current newest version (v5.2.3). I'm going to assume that's a bug and as a work-around downgrade to v5.0 for the time being.

Special thanks to @Developer for helpful input.


Get Values in .Net Core Api send via PostAsJsonAsync in .Net Core Application

you send an object and your backend excepts deconstructed values. your API should look like below;

public JsonResult PostNewStamptime([FromBody] LoginModel model)

And LoginModel should contain key and login properties like Below

public class LoginModel {
public string Key {get;set;}
public bool Login {get;set;}

Also, you can avoid using a model by altering endpoints statusVerb to Get and send the parameters in query strings. That's when you can reach them via [FromQuery]. But this is semantically wrong.

Send HTTP POST message in ASP.NET Core using HttpClient PostAsJsonAsync

You should add reference to "Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client" package (read this article for samples).

Without any additional extension, you may use standard PostAsync method:

client.PostAsync(uri, new StringContent(jsonInString, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));

where jsonInString value you can get by calling JsonConvert.SerializeObject(<your object>);

net Core 3.1 Object null in WebApi method after PostAsJsonAsync

You need to construct your http client like this:

_client = new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri("your http://my base url goes here"), 
Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, -1) };

new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));//add json header
//_client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Bearer", "some token goes here");

and you need to call your method like this:

var postTask = await _client.PostAsJsonAsync("AgregarNegocio", model);

make sure you call "await" on it because it is async.


Notice that I added MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue to indicate that it is json.

Also using Route usually is not a good idea... It is better to use HttPost("MyRoute") because it combined the ControllerName + Route. But it is up to you.

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