What Is the Purpose of a Question Mark After a Type (For Example: Int Myvariable)

What is the purpose of a question mark after a value type (for example: int? myVariable)?

It means that the value type in question is a nullable type

Nullable types are instances of the System.Nullable struct. A
nullable type can represent the correct range of values for its
underlying value type, plus an additional null value. For example, a
Nullable<Int32>, pronounced "Nullable of Int32," can be assigned any
value from -2147483648 to 2147483647, or it can be assigned the null
value. A Nullable<bool> can be assigned the values true, false, or
null. The ability to assign null to numeric and Boolean types is
especially useful when you are dealing with databases and other data
types that contain elements that may not be assigned a value. For
example, a Boolean field in a database can store the values true or
false, or it may be undefined.

class NullableExample
static void Main()
int? num = null;

// Is the HasValue property true?
if (num.HasValue)
System.Console.WriteLine("num = " + num.Value);
System.Console.WriteLine("num = Null");

// y is set to zero
int y = num.GetValueOrDefault();

// num.Value throws an InvalidOperationException if num.HasValue is false
y = num.Value;
catch (System.InvalidOperationException e)

What does a question mark after a reference type mean in C#?

In C# 8.0, nullable reference types were introduced - this allows you to mark reference types as nullable by appending ? to the type name.

In null-state analysis, the code is statically checked to keep track of the null-state of references. This analysis can result in one of the 2 states below:

  • not-null - variable has a non-null value

  • maybe-null - variable can be null or not-null; the analyser can't determine for sure

This is useful as it helps the compiler provide warnings to help you write code less prone to NullReferenceExceptions and more consumable by other APIs.

For example, the compiler will emit a warning for the below.

#nullable enable

string message = null;

// Warning - CS8602 Dereference of a possibly null reference


This is because since message was set to null, its state was tracked as maybe-null. This throws a warning to alert you just in case you're trying to access the properties of a null object. And yes, you are.

Here's a different example:

#nullable enable

string message = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";

// No warning

Since message is known to not be null, its state is set to not-null. The compiler won't produce a warning as it knows that you can dereference the variable safely. It is definitely not null.

Alternatively, you can also just decide to tell the world that some variables can be null :)

Question mark '?' given in arguments of a method

Simple, this isn’t C++ code. It’s C#, where ? denotes a nullable value type. I.e. a value type that can also be null. int? is a shortcut for Nullable<int>.

In FLUTTER / DART, why do we sometimes add a question mark to "String" when declaring a variable?

variable_type ? name_of_variable; means that name_of_variable can be null.

variable_type name_of_variable1; means that name_of_variable1 cannot be null and you should initialize it immediately.

late variable_type name_of_variable2; means that name_of_variable2 cannot be null and you can initialize it later.

late variable_type name_of_variable3;
variable_type ? name_of_variable4;
name_of_variable3=name_of_variable4!;// name_of_variable4! means that you are sure 100% it never will be null

Real example with int type:

int ? a=null; // OK
int b=null; // b cannot be equal null
late int c =null; // c cannot be equal null
late int d;
d=5; //OK

late int d; // if you never initialize it, you ll got exception

int e=5;
int? f=4;
int ? z;
e=f!; // OK, You are sure that f never are null

e=z!;// You get exception because z is equal null

What does one question mark following a variable declaration mean?

This is a nullable type. Nullable types allow value types (e.g. ints and structures like DateTime) to contain null.

The ? is syntactic sugar for Nullable<DateTime> since it's used so often.

To call ToString():

if (timstamp.HasValue) {        // i.e. is not null
return timestamp.Value.ToString();
else {
return "<unknown>"; // Or do whatever else that makes sense in your context

Question Mark (?) after session variable reference - What does that mean

It performs a null-check on Session("LightBoxID") before attempting to call .ToString() on it.

MS Docs: Null-conditional operators ?. and ?[]

Question mark on a type

Primitive types such as integers and booleans cannot generally be null, but the corresponding nullable types (nullable integer and nullable boolean, respectively) can also assume the NULL value. NULL is frequently used to represent a missing value or invalid value, such as from a function that failed to return or a missing field in a database, as in NULL in SQL.

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nullable_type

Nullable types in C# - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/1t3y8s4s.aspx

What does class? (class with question mark) mean in a C# generic type constraint?

It enforces that T has to be a nullable reference type.

The type you set in for T, must derive from object?.

It's a new feature in C#8, to explictly declare a type as nullable.
if you have

 Add<T>(T tmp);

You document, it's OK to Add null;

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