Unable to Load Cvextern in a C# Project

StreamWriter.Write doesn't write to file; no exception thrown


System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"path\te.txt", "text");

Why does my StreamWriter not write to file?

I would rewrite your Log class to avoid the close part.

Just open, write and close after finishing the write part

class MySimpleLog
private string _filename;
public MySimpleLog(string filename)
_filename = filename;

public void AppendText(string msg)
// Create an instance of StreamWriter to write text to a file.
// The using statement also closes the StreamWriter.
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(_filename, true))
// Add some text to the file.

In this way the using statement will close the stream and you don't have to worry about closing it. Indeed closing the stream could be very troublesome if something unexpected happens in your code. (Like an exception that change your code flow).

This is just a starting point to have the code tested and verified, but you could add some more complex logic following the pattern given. For example you could add a constructor with a flag to add a timestamp for everyline (or a flag to add a separator line, or a flag to recreate the file if exists...)

class MySimpleLog
private string _filename;
private bool _addtime;
public MySimpleLog(string filename)
_filename = filename;
public MySimpleLog(string filename, bool addtime)
_filename = filename;
_addtime = addtime;

public void AppendText(string msg)
// Create an instance of StreamWriter to write text to a file.
// The using statement also closes the StreamWriter.
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(_filename, true))
// Add some text to the file.
msg = (_addtime ? DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + msg : msg);

FINALLY: Keep in mind that specialized log libraries exists well tested and free to use. Perhaps you could invest some of your time in learning them


StreamWriter won't write to log file

You need to close the StreamWriter. It's best to use a using block for this, as it guarantees that the StreamWriter will be closed, even if an exception is thrown.

using (var log = GetLog()){
log.WriteLine("["+DateTime.Now + "]: ");


public StreamWriter GetLog(){
if (!File.Exists(@"" + LogFile))
return new StreamWriter(@"" + LogFile);
else {
return File.AppendText(@"" + LogFile);

StreamWriter doesn't write to a file that doesn't exist

You're missing a constructor which takes a boolean that can aid in creating the file:

using (StreamWriter stream = new StreamWriter(filePath, false)) {

The logic is actually is little more complex than that, however:

public StreamWriter(
string path,
bool append

Determines whether data is to be appended to the file. If the file
exists and append is false, the file is overwritten. If the file
exists and append is true, the data is appended to the file.
Otherwise, a new file is created.

StreamWriter Not working in C#

You need to Flush() the StreamWriter after write.

By default StreamWriter is buffered that means it won't output until it receives a Flush() or Close() call.

Also you can also try to close it like this:

sw.Close();  //or tw.Flush();

You can also have a look at StreamWriter.AutoFlush Property

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the StreamWriter will flush
its buffer to the underlying stream after every call to

The other option which is now a days very popular and recommended is to use the using statement which takes care of it.

Provides a convenient syntax that ensures the correct use of
IDisposable objects.


using(var sr = new StreamReader("C:\\Temp1\\test1.txt"))
using(var sw = new StreamWriter("C:\\Temp2\\test2.txt"))

Write text to file using stream writer

You should dispose of the StreamWriter after writing to it.


 var MIS = string.Join(" ", MentionsList.ToArray());
string Mentionsintext = MIS.ToString();

using (StreamWriter MentionFile = new StreamWriter(@"C:\Users\User\Documents\Mentions.txt")) {

MentionFile.WriteLine(Mentionsintext + Environment.NewLine);


For more examples: see https://www.dotnetperls.com/streamwriter

StreamWriter can't write in few folders(and no exception thrown) but it can write in different folder locations

It is a Folder security issue, account I'm using doesn't have rights to write to that folder. So to write to it
1) Open Folder Property,
2) Navigate to 'Security' tab
3) Click 'Edit' and 'Add' in Newly opened tab
4) enter your pc name/... click 'Ok'

That should solve this issue. Thanks for your comments though :)

I'm trying to write text to a .txt file but it doesn't work

I just had to run visual studio as administrator, dont waste time trying to add more answers\comments, this problem is solved

Streamwriter not throwing exception

FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Append);

This will create the file if it doesn't exist (and append to it if it does).

Assuming from your post (there is no question in it!) you don't want it to create a file first call File.Exists to ensure the file exists.

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