The Type '...' Has No Constructors Defined

The type '...' has no constructors defined

This error (CS0143) occurs if the class only defines an internal constructor and you try to instantiate it from another assembly.

public class MyClass
internal MyClass()

C# The type '…' has no constructors defined

You cannot initialize a TextInfo object because it has no (public) constructor(s) (source).


The application should use the CultureInfo.TextInfo property to obtain
the TextInfo object for a particular CultureInfo object.

So for example:

public string PrimeiraLetraUpper(string input, CultureInfo ci = null)
if (ci == null) ci = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
return ci.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(input.ToLower());

The type '...' has no constructors defined

This error (CS0143) occurs if the class only defines an internal constructor and you try to instantiate it from another assembly.

public class MyClass
internal MyClass()

error C2514 class has no constructors. But it does?

It can be that you only forward-declared ListOfEmployeeNode, without including it's header (and therefore definition) where it is used.

In that case, the compiler knows about the class, but cannot access any members, including constructors.

If you did include the header, check your include guards. If they happen to be same in the two header files, the definition can be discarded by the preprocessor

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