Nuget Behind a Proxy

Dotnet Core Nuget set proxy

Installing nuget from this post and running the appropriate commands supported the workaround.

NuGet Behind Proxy

Would still like to see those commands integrated into dotnet coret.

Issues connecting to Nuget. Cannot turn off proxy

What alternatives do I have? Can I download the nuget package manually and just update using VS2017?

To resolve this issue, you can try to add proxy settings into Nuget.Config file which store in C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\NuGet.

Refer to this link for details: Nuget Config Section & Nuget Proxy Settings.

Besides, if above not help you. Since you can access the contents of in a browse, you can create a local feed for those packages, so that you can save the downloaded the nuget package and just update using VS2017.

How to create you local feed and how to use the local feed, please check the details from my another answer.

Hope this helps.

NuGet can't restore packages behind the proxy

The solution is that you have to configure the VSTS Build Agent to run under a domain user account.

How to configure proxy for NuGet while using Docker?

Check my answer here.

Basically, you should instruct the docker build environment to use the proxy by adding build arguments like:

docker build --build-arg HTTP_PROXY=<proxy URL> --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY=<proxy URL> -t <application name>

Accessing Nuget Official Package Source behind company proxy

If you can't get the exception added to your proxy, or just want an immediate solution then edit your Visual studio configuration file (devenv.exe.config) located in your Visual Studio installation directory (eg - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE) and change/add the <> configuration section to the following, which will let Visual Studio work with the proxy:

<defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true" enabled="true">
<proxy proxyaddress="http://<Insert proxy address here>" />
<servicePointManager expect100Continue="false" />
<ipv6 enabled="true" />

All you need to do is change the <Insert proxy address here> to your company's proxy address. Also depending on your proxy settings you may be able to use Expect100Continue messages and may not need to change that configuration element. You can find more information here

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