Microsoft Azure: How to Create Sub Directory in a Blob Container

Microsoft Azure: How to create sub directory in a blob container

To add on to what Egon said, simply create your blob called "folder/1.txt", and it will work. No need to create a directory.

How to create sub directory in Windows Azure blob container and rename directory

But we need to change parent directory name. Sub directory may contain
many files. Change every blob name in sub directory will take time.
How to do this?

So, there are two things in blob storage:

  1. As you mentioned, there is no concept of folders there. To create an illusion of folders, you prefix the blob name with the folder you want.
  2. Blob storage does not support rename functionality natively. In order to accomplish rename, you would need to perform 2 operations on a blob: Copy+Delete.

Here's how you can rename a folder in blob storage:

  1. First, you would need to list all blobs in that folder. You can use ListBlobs method and pass in the name of the folder as prefix parameter. See my answer here: How to load list of Azure blob files recursively?.
  2. Next, you need to copy these blobs since you're just renaming the folder, you would basically create a new name of the blob by replacing the old folder name with new folder name.
  3. Once the blobs are copied, you can again iterate over your blobs and delete them one by one.

You can also combine step 2 and 3 and do copy + delete operation on each blob. So you iterate over your list of blobs, first copy it with new name, delete it and then move on to the next blobs.

The bottom line is that you would need to do Copy+Delete on each blob in the folder to rename that folder.

how to create a sub folder in azure storage account and copy the files by using azure function App

There is no such thing as a (physical) folder in Azure Blob Storage. There is only the concept of virtual folders. By using a / in the name you are creating a virtual folder. For example, a blob named virtualfolder/myblob.ext is placed in a virtual folder named virtualfolder.

If you want to create a virtual subfolder just put the name in the blob and use the '/' as delimiter like this:


The notion of virtual folders is mentioned also if you take a look at the docs for cloudblobdirectory

Represents a virtual directory of blobs, designated by a delimiter character.

That said, moving a blob to a different folder would therefore the same as renaming a blob to, for example otherfolder/myblob.ext. Unfortunately there is no API that allows you to rename a blob. The solution is to download the blob contents and upload it with a different name.

How to create a sub container in azure storage location

Windows Azure doesn't provide the concept of heirarchical containers, but it does provide a mechanism to traverse heirarchy by convention and API. All containers are stored at the same level. You can gain simliar functionality by using naming conventions for your blob names.

For instance, you may create a container named "content" and create blobs with the following names in that container:



Note that these blobs are a flat list against your "content" container. That said, using the "/" as a conventional delimiter, provides you with the functionality to traverse these in a heirarchical fashion.

protected IEnumerable<IListBlobItem> 
GetDirectoryList(string directoryName, string subDirectoryName)
CloudStorageAccount account =
CloudBlobClient client =
CloudBlobDirectory directory =
CloudBlobDirectory subDirectory =

return subDirectory.ListBlobs();

You can then call this as follows:

GetDirectoryList("content/blue", "images")

Note the use of GetBlobDirectoryReference and GetSubDirectory methods and the CloudBlobDirectory type instead of CloudBlobContainer. These provide the traversal functionality you are likely looking for.

This should help you get started. Let me know if this doesn't answer your question:

[ Thanks to Neil Mackenzie for inspiration ]

How to upload to Azure blob and create subdirectories by date

This did the trick!

$year = (Get-Date -Format yyyy)
$month = (Get-Date -Format MM)
$day = (Get-Date -Format dd)

Get-ChildItem -File $FilePath1 -Recurse | Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -Container
$container -Blob $year/$month/$day/ -Context $StorageContext

How to create directories in Azure storage container without creating extra files?

I've created python code to create a range of folders and subfolders
(for data lake) in an Azure storage container. The code works and is
based on the documentation on Microsoft Azure. One thing though is
that I'm creating a dummy 'txt' file in the folders in order to create
the directory (which I can clean up later). I was wondering if there's
a way to create the folders and subfolders without creating a file. I
understand that the folders in Azure container storage are not
hierarchical and are instead metadata and what I'm asking for may not
be possible?

No, for blob storage, this is not possible. There is no way to create so-called "folders"

But you can use data-lake SDK like this to create directory:

from import DataLakeServiceClient 
connect_str = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=0730bowmanwindow;AccountKey=xxxxxx;"
datalake_service_client = DataLakeServiceClient.from_connection_string(connect_str)
myfilesystem = "test"
myfolder = "test1111111111"
myfile = "FileName.txt"

file_system_client = datalake_service_client.get_file_system_client(myfilesystem)
directory_client = file_system_client.create_directory(myfolder)

How to save a file to a subfolder in an Azure blob container?

"images" is the name of your container.

what you need to do is change this line from

CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(filename);


CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference("members/" + filename);

Then you can use the Azure Storage Explorer to view your files and folders:

How to upload a blob into azure storage container with sub directories using the python sdk?

I am able to reproduce this issue if I use invalid resource name (which is what the error message is telling you).

For example, if I use testcontainer as my blob container name (which is correct), I am able to upload the blob.

However if I use testContainer as my blob container name (which is invalid, notice the uppercase "C"), I get the same error as you're getting.

Please check the name of the blob container and the blob. Please see this link for naming convention for blob resources:

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