Merge Dll into Exe

Merge DLL into EXE?

For .NET Framework 4.5

ILMerge.exe /target:winexe /targetplatform:"v4,C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0" /out:finish.exe insert1.exe insert2.dll


  1. Open CMD and cd to your directory. Let's say: cd C:\test
  2. Insert the above code.
  3. /out:finish.exe replace finish.exe with any filename you want.
  4. Behind the /out:finish.exe you have to give the files you want to be

How do you make an exe run without needing all the dll files in the same directory?

Option 1: .NET Core >3.x, .NET 5

From Single-file deployment you can edit your project file to contain the following

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">



Which corresponds to running the CLI tool:
dotnet publish -r win-x64 -p:PublishSingleFile=true --self-contained true

Option 2: .NET Framework

Before the single-file deployment was available (in .NET Framework), I personally used Fody Costura. Fody is an assembly weaver which, after installing, puts some commands into the MSBuild configuration of your project that enable you to do many things. One add-in is Costura, it weaves your dependencies into a single assembly.

Possible to merge a DLL into a .NET EXE?

ILMerge is a utility for merging multiple .NET assemblies into a single .NET assembly. It works on executables and dlls alike. It comes with several options for controlling the processing and format of the output, see the accompanying documentation for details.

Merge dll file Into EXE C# (.Net 6)

I did it !

By just publishing the file with this settings

Publish Settings

Merging dlls into a single .exe with wpf

.NET reactor has the feature of merging the assemblies and its not very expensive.

Packing an exe + dll into one executable (not .NET)

Have a look at Thinstall ThinApp

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