Internal .Net Framework Data Provider Error 1025

Internal .NET Framework Data Provider error 1025

While the other answers are true, note that when trying to use it after a select statement one has to call AsQueryable() explicitly, otherwise the compiler will assume that we are trying to use IEnumerable methods, which expect a Func and not Expression<Func>.

This was probably the issue of the original poster, as otherwise the compiler will complain most of the time that it is looking for Expression<Func> and not Func.

The following will fail:

MyContext.MySet.Where(m => 
m.SubCollection.Select(s => s.SubItem).Any(expr))

While the following will work:

MyContext.MySet.Where(m => 
m.SubCollection.Select(s => s.SubItem).AsQueryable().Any(expr))

Casting LINQ expression throws Internal .NET Framework Data Provider error 1025.

You want to "store [the] expression in a variable, for reuse purposes, and pass that into Count()". This is 100% possible if the Expression can be translated to SQL. The problem here is that you're introducing something that can't be translated to SQL. The particular issue in this case is that the cast gets translated to an Expression.Convert. Your types definitely aren't represented in SQL, so this won't be able to execute. Plug both into LINQPad and check out the IL to see the difference.

As the other related question/answer you linked to suggests, you need to pass your predicate as an Expression rather than a Func (how to do the work vs. pointing to a location in code that does the work). The problem, as you noted, is that the Count method doesn't take an Expression, but this is easily resolved by using AsQueryable() which will give you the IQueryable extension methods that take Expression.

This should have no problems executing:

Expression<Func<Item,bool>> predicate = i => i.Amount.HasValue;

model.Items = dbQuery.Select(c => new Item {
Total = c.Items.AsQueryable().Count(predicate)

Using Count() function throws “Internal .NET Framework Data Provider error 1025.”

The AsQueryable() does not solve this other cause of the same error. As also explained in Casting LINQ expression throws "Internal .NET Framework Data Provider error 1025.", the problem is that Where(x => !x.Any(char.IsDigit)) can't be translated to SQL.

The C# code you use treats a string as a char array and calls a function that uses a Unicode lookup table to check if each character is a digit.

The T-SQL variant of this is ISNUMERIC. See How to know if a field is numeric in Linq To SQL:

.Select(x => x.IcdCode)
.Where(i => SqlFunctions.IsNumeric(i) == 1)

How to get around Internal .NET Framework Data Provider error 1025.?

The reason why this happens is subtle.

Queryable.All need to be called with an Expression. Passing in just the method 'reference' creates a delegate, and subsequently, Enumerable.All becomes the candidate instead of the intended Queryable.All.

This is why your solution you posted as an answer works correctly.


so if you write the statement as this, it will work without exception:

var res = ctx.As.Where(
a => a.Bs.Select(b => b.SomeName).All(b => names.Contains(b)));

ICollection.Where using Func causes 'Internal .NET Framework Data Provider error 1025' error

Found an answer - it was clear that ELinq was complaining about a lack of Expression<...> and ICollection.Where wouldn't accept an Expression.

So casting the ICollection to IQueryable fixes the issue:

m => m.Messages.AsQueryable().Where(predicate)  // IQueryable.Where accepts Expressions

// complete invocation
IEnumerable <Results> GetByPredicate(Func<Message, bool> predicate) {
DataContext.Threads.Where(<some criteria>)
.Select(m => m.Messages.AsQueryable().Where(predicate));

Maybe there's a better answer but this seems to fix the issue for now.

Entity Framework BuildContainsExpression Causes Internal .NET Framework Data Provider error 1025


        var labelIds = new List<int> { 1, 2 };
var exp = LinqTools.BuildContainsExpression<Billing.Customer, int>(u => u.LabelId, labelIds);
var customersAggregatedTransactionsByType =
(from transactions in context.TransactionSet
from customers in context.CustomerSet.Where(exp)
from accounts in context.AccountSet
where customers == accounts.Customer
&& accounts.Id == transactions.Account.Id
&& transactions.DateTime >= fromDate && transactions.DateTime < toDate
group transactions.Amount
by new
UserAccountId = transactions.Account.Id,
TransactionTypeId = transactions.TransactionTypeId,
BaseAssetId = accounts.BaseAssetId
} into customerTransactions
select customerTransactions).ToList();

You want the result in the query, not the call to LinqTools.BuildContainsExpression itself.

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