How to Sort a List<T> by Multiple T.Attributes

Sort a list by multiple attributes?

A key can be a function that returns a tuple:

s = sorted(s, key = lambda x: (x[1], x[2]))

Or you can achieve the same using itemgetter (which is faster and avoids a Python function call):

import operator
s = sorted(s, key = operator.itemgetter(1, 2))

And notice that here you can use sort instead of using sorted and then reassigning:

s.sort(key = operator.itemgetter(1, 2))

Ordering a list in-place by two properties

The answer you linked to is correct. The key in sorting by multiple values is that the secondary property only matters if the primaries are equal. A psuedocode implementation of your sort comparison might be:

compare x and y position
if they differ, return order
else compare name, return order

On the Sort method, the code following the (x,y)=> must return 0 if the items are equal, a negative number if the first should be before the second, and a positive number if the second should come before the first. The CompareTo method will return -1, 0, or 1 based on these cases and its arguments. Since you need to compare two different properties, you need two calls to CompareTo. If you decided to add them together, you could have a case like this:

  • x.position < y.position (compare returns -1)
  • > (compare returns 1)
  • result 0, items are considered equal, where your rules
    clearly say x should come first in this case.

To solve this issue, we need to make sure the Name comparison only matters when the positions are equal. Since CompareTo only returns -1, 0, or 1, if we multiply the position result by 2 (or any larger number) then the Name comparison will only change the result if the positions are equal. (Because -2 + 1 = -1 and 2 - 1 = 1)

So using the method in your original linked answer, your code would be something like:

list.Sort((x, y) => 
2 * x.Position.CompareTo(y.Position)
+ x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name));

How to Sort a ListT by a property in the object

The easiest way I can think of is to use Linq:

List<Order> SortedList = objListOrder.OrderBy(o=>o.OrderDate).ToList();

How to sort list items based on multiple attributes, while the last priority is alphabet?

Just put the name as the last element of the tuple:

teams = sorted([Spain, Portugal, Iran, Morocco], key = lambda x : (x.points, x.wins,

Sort and group a list of objects by multiple properties and conditions

Tasks is a collection of instances of a class. Create a calculated property in that class called OrderPriority.

public byte OrderPriority
if (HighPriority && !Completed)
return 1;
if (Priority && !Completed)
return 2;
// and so forth

Then your LINQ could look like:

Tasks.OrderBy(x => x.OrderPriority).ThenBy(x => x.Date).ToList();

Kotlin: Sort list by mutliple attributes

Use sortWith and a custom comparator

val list = mutableListOf("abab", "abcd", "aaa")
list.sortWith(compareBy(String::length).thenBy { it.count { char -> char == 'a'} })

Here you can see documentation for all functions that will help you create a new comparator:

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