How to Load a .Net Assembly At Runtime and Instantiate a Type Knowing Only the Name

Can I load an Assembly without knowing the dll filename, where I only know the namespace name

In general this is not possible to do. There is no inherent relationship between a DLL and a namespace. It's possible for multiple DLL's to contain the same namespace and a single DLL to contain multiple different root namespaces. So there is not guaranteed to be a 1-1 mapping here.

However you could create a table in your application between a given namespace and the set of DLLs which do contain it. Then for a namespace try and load all of those DLL's in sequence. That will get you close to the effect you are looking for (but only for a limited set of available DLLs)

How to load Assembly at runtime and create class instance?

If your assembly is in GAC or bin use the assembly name at the end of type name instead of Assembly.Load().

object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("DALL.LoadClass, DALL", true));

AssemblyLoadContext, dynamically load an assembly, instantiate an object and cast to a shared interface

AssemblyLoadContext to support dynamic code loading and unloading, it creates an isolated context for loading code and its dependencies in their own AssemblyLoadContext instance.

The problem was that in the ExecutionAssemblyLoadContext implementation, the dependencies was resolved and isolated. Using the default implementation, siggested by the documentation of AssemblyLoadContext the shared types will not be isolated. Following the correct implementation to use to share the interface.

public class ExecutionAssemblyLoadContext : AssemblyLoadContext
public ExecutionAssemblyLoadContext() : base(isCollectible: true)

protected override Assembly Load(AssemblyName name)
return null;

How to load a type from the type's name and the assembly's name

Type.GetType(string.Concat(typeName, ", ", assemblyName))

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