How to Interpolate Strings

SQL Interpolated Strings

Giving the credits to @j.f.sebastian for pointing out these solutions. Sadly xp_sprintf is limited to 254 characters, so that wouldn't be ideal when using long queries. FORMATMESSAGE instead is limited to 2047 characters, so that's good enough in order to run long queries.

I'll summarize everything in one post for the solutions in order to keep things organized.

Answer 1:

Using FORMATMESSAGE it's important to know, that using interpolated string as first the parameter, Its supported only SQL versions 2012 and above, so I'll post 2 answers with FORMATMESSAGE:

SQL Version >= 2012:

SET @query = FORMATMESSAGE('SELECT %s FROM SOME_TABLE', @somevariable);

SQL Version < 2012:

EXEC sp_addmessage 50001, 16, 'SELECT %s FROM SOME_TABLE', NULL, NULL, 'replace'
SET @query = FORMATMESSAGE(50001, @somevariable)

Answer 2:

Using xp_sprintf stored procedure is important to note that It's limited to 254 characters, so it won't be a good idea for long queries.

,@somevariable as VARCHAR(10) = '[id]'
EXEC xp_sprintf @query OUTPUT, 'SELECT %s FROM SOME_TABLE', @somevariable

How do I interpolate the value in a string variable into a constant in Perl?

Constants can be treated as subs.

no strict qw( refs );
push @values, $value->();


push @values, ( \&$value )->();

But that's a hackish risky approach. And the second version even hides that you are dangerously allowing the user to call any sub in any package. What I would do instead:

my %lookup;
%lookup = (
PEAR => 3,
APPLE => 4,

use constant \%lookup;
push @values, $lookup{ $value };

Using this approach, inputs can be validated trivially, and invalid inputs merely result in undef.

How can I do string interpolation in JavaScript?

Since ES6, you can use template literals:

const age = 3console.log(`I'm ${age} years old!`)

AngularJs: How to interpolate an interpolated string?

One way is to use $interpolate, as in

$interpolate("Users({{users_count || 0}})")($scope)

How do I interpolate variable values in the javascript or typescript string?

To use interpolated strings you need to use the `` string separator as you do in your second snippet. If you already used a non interpolated string to hold the value of your setting, there is no way you can then interpolate it using the interpolation feature (you could use a regex to perform replacement but that is a bit messy).

The simplest solution is to make the field a function and have id as a parameter

export class VariableSettings {
public static USER_BOOKINGS = (id: number) => `vikas/${id}/data`;
console.log(VariableSettings.USER_BOOKINGS(10)); // Or no interpolation at call site, not needed anymore if you just need the single value

The USER_BOOKINGS will now be a function that takes as arguments the parameters needed to construct the string. This way the parameters needed for the strings are clear and type-safe.

How to perform string interpolation in TypeScript?

In JavaScript you can use template literals:

Template literals are literals delimited with backticks (`)

let value = 100;
console.log(`The size is ${ value }`);

String variable interpolation Java

If you're using Java 5 or higher, you can use String.format:

urlString += String.format("u1=%s;u2=%s;u3=%s;u4=%s;", u1, u2, u3, u4);

See Formatter for details.

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