How to Generate Unique Number of 8 Digits

How to Generate Unique Number of 8 digits?

A GUID is not just a random number; it's composed of segments. Some of the segments will not change at all if the guid is generated on the same computer. By using only 64-bits of the original 128-bits you are breaking the structure of the guid and most likely breaking the uniqueness of the generated number.

This question has more info on uniqueness of guids, check this link as well for more info on why it's bad to use only part of a guid if you need a unique number.

If you need to limit duplication to an absolute minimum, an incremental counter will give you what you need. If your application is using multiple threads or processes, a counter may be hard (or even impossible) to implement correctly.

This is the realm that guids were designed for, to be unique across multiple machines. So if uniqueness across machines is a requirement you should use guids. The whole guid.

create unique 8 digit number

This is my code to generate random number :

public function generateRandomNumber($length = 8)
$random = "";
srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);

$data = "123456123456789071234567890890";
// $data .= "aBCdefghijklmn123opq45rs67tuv89wxyz"; // if you need alphabatic also

for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$random .= substr($data, (rand() % (strlen($data))), 1);

return $random;


How to generate 8 digits UNIQUE & RANDOM number in C#

Random rnd = new Random();
int myRandomNo= rnd.Next(10000000, 99999999); // creates a 8 digit random no.

How to generate 8 digit unique identifier to replace the existing one in python pandas

The primary method here will be to use on the 'ID's to assign the new values.

Used for substituting each value in a Series with another value, that may be derived from a function, a dict or a Series.

which is exactly what you're looking for.

Here are some options for generating the new IDs:

1. Randomly generated 8-digit integers, as asked

You can first create a map of randomly generated 8-digit integers with each of the unique ID's in the dataframe. Then use on the 'ID's to assign the new values back. I've included a while loop to ensure that the generated ID's are unique.

import random

original_ids = df['ID'].unique()
while True:
new_ids = {id_: random.randint(10_000_000, 99_999_999) for id_ in original_ids}
if len(set(new_ids.values())) == len(original_ids):
# all the generated id's were unique
# otherwise this will repeat until they are

df['ID'] = df['ID'].map(new_ids)


         ID  Sales
0 91154173 100
1 27127403 50
2 91154173 70
3 55892778 60

Edit & Warning: The original ids are Chinese characters and they are already length 8. There's definitely more than 10 Chinese characters so with the wrong combination of original IDs, it could become impossible to make unique-enough 8-digit IDs for the new set. Unless you are memory bound, I'd recommend using 16-24 digits. Or even better...

2. Use UUIDs. [IDEAL]

You can still use the "integer" version of the ID instead of hex. This has the added benefit of not needing to check for uniqueness:

import uuid

original_ids = df['ID'].unique()
new_ids = {cid: uuid.uuid4().int for cid in original_ids}
df['ID'] = df['ID'].map(new_ids)

(If you are okay with hex id's, change uuid.uuid4().int above to uuid.uuid4().hex.)


                                        ID  Sales
0 10302456644733067873760508402841674050 100
1 99013251285361656191123600060539725783 50
2 10302456644733067873760508402841674050 70
3 112767087159616563475161054356643068804 60
2.B. Smaller numbers from UUIDs

If the ID generated above is too long, you could truncate it, with some minor risk. Here, I'm only using the first 16 hex characters and converting those to an int. You may put that in the uniqueness loop check as done for option 1, above.

import uuid

original_ids = df['ID'].unique()
DIGITS = 16 # number of hex digits of the UUID to use
new_ids = {cid: int(uuid.uuid4().hex[:DIGITS], base=16) for cid in original_ids}
df['ID'] = df['ID'].map(new_ids)


                     ID  Sales
0 14173925717660158959 100
1 10599965012234224109 50
2 14173925717660158959 70
3 13414338319624454663 60
3. Creating a mapping based on the actual value:

This group of options has these advantages:

  • not needing a uniqueness check since it's deterministically based on the original ID and
    • So original IDs which were the same will generate the same new ID
  • doesn't need a map created in advance

3.A. CRC32

(Higher probability of finding a collision with different IDs, compared to option 2.B. above.)

import zlib

df['ID'] = df['ID'].map(lambda cid: zlib.crc32(bytes(cid, 'utf-8')))


           ID  Sales
0 2083453980 100
1 1445801542 50
2 2083453980 70
3 708870156 60

3.B. Python's built-in hash() of the orignal ID [My preferred approach in this scenario]

  • Can be done in one line, no imports needed
  • Reasonably secure to not generate collisions for IDs which are different
df['ID'] = df['ID'].map(hash)


                    ID  Sales
0 4663892623205934004 100
1 1324266143210735079 50
2 4663892623205934004 70
3 6251873913398988390 60

3.C. MD5Sum, or anything from hashlib

Since the IDs are expected to be small (8 chars), even with MD5, the probability of a collision is very low.

import hashlib

DIGITS = 16 # number of hex digits of the hash to use
df['ID'] = df['ID'].str.encode('utf-8').map(lambda x: int(hashlib.md5(x).hexdigest()[:DIGITS], base=16))


                     ID  Sales
0 17469287633857111608 100
1 4297816388092454656 50
2 17469287633857111608 70
3 11434864915351595420 60

Django Drf: generate an 8 digit unique number in the user serializer

You need to call the function:

instance = User.objects.create(
# call the function ↓↓
# …

otherwise it will call str(…) on the function object, and in that case you indeed get a string that presents the name of the function together with the location in memory.

Your function should also return the generated key, so:

def create(self, validated_data):
def create_new_ref_number():
unique_id = randint(10000000, 99999999)
while User.objects.filter(student_id=unique_id):
unique_id = randint(10000000, 99999999)
return unique_id

# …

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