How to Force Newtonsoft JSON to Serialize All Properties? (Strange Behavior with "Specified" Property)

How to force Newtonsoft Json to serialize all properties? (Strange behavior with Specified property)

This behavior is mentioned, very briefly, in the Json.NET 4.0.1 release notes: New feature - Added XmlSerializer style Specified property support. The XmlSerializer functionality is in turn described in MinOccurs Attribute Binding Support:

[For optional fields] Xsd.exe generates a public field of type bool whose name is the element field's name with Specified appended. For example, if the element field's name is startDate, the bool field's name becomes startDateSpecified. When serializing an object to XML, the XmlSerializer class checks the value of the bool field to determine whether to write the element.

I feel as though this functionality should be documented here, but is not. You might want to open a documentation issue with Newtonsoft.

Since you don't want this behavior, if you are using Json.NET 11.0.1 or later, you can disable it for all classes by instantiating your own DefaultContractResolver and settting DefaultContractResolver.IgnoreIsSpecifiedMembers = true:

public static class JsonContractResolvers
// Newtonsoft recommends caching and reusing contract resolvers for best performance:
// But be sure not to modify IgnoreIsSpecifiedMembers after the contract resolver is first used to generate a contract.

public static readonly DefaultContractResolver IgnoreIsSpecifiedMembersResolver =
new DefaultContractResolver { IgnoreIsSpecifiedMembers = true };

Then pass it to JsonConvert as follows:

var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = JsonContractResolvers.IgnoreIsSpecifiedMembersResolver };
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(testObject, Formatting.Indented, settings);

Or to create a JToken do:

var jToken = JToken.FromObject(testObject, JsonSerializer.CreateDefault(settings));

If you are using an earlier version, you will need to create and cache a custom contract resolver:

public static class JsonContractResolvers
public static readonly DefaultContractResolver IgnoreIsSpecifiedMembersResolver =
new IgnoreSpecifiedContractResolver();

internal class IgnoreSpecifiedContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
var property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);
property.GetIsSpecified = null;
property.SetIsSpecified = null;
return property;

How to make Json.NET set IsSpecified properties for properties with complex values?

You appear to have encountered a limitation in Json.NET's support for {propertyName}Specified members: the {propertyName}Specified property is not set when populating an instance of a preallocated reference type property. As a workaround, you can deserialize with the setting JsonSerializerSettings.ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace. If you do, new instances of reference type properties will be created by the serializer and set back after creation, thereby toggling the corresponding {propertyName}Specified property.

A detailed explanation follows. In your Person type, you automatically allocate instances of the child properties Address and Details in the default constructor:

public Person()
this._address = new Address();
this._details = new PersonalDetails();

Now, because Json.NET supports populating an existing object, during deserialization, after calling your default Person() constructor, it will populate the values of Address and Details that you constructed, rather than creating new ones. And because of that, it apparently never calls the setters for Address and Details, perhaps because Newtonsoft assumed there was no need to do so. But that, in turn, seems to prevent the corresponding Specified properties from being set, as it appears Json.NET toggles them only when the setter is called.

(For comparison, XmlSerializer never populates preallocated reference type properties other than collection-valued properties, so this situation situation should not arise with XmlSerializer.)

This might be a bug in Json.NET's implementation of the {propertyName}Specified pattern. You might want to open an issue about it with Newtonsoft.

Demo fiddle #1 here.

As a workaround, you could:

  • Deserialize with the setting JsonSerializerSettings.ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace like so:

    config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace;

    This option will Always create new objects and thereby triggers the setting of Specified properties.

    Demo fiddle #2 here.

  • Remove allocation of Address and Details from the default constructor for Person. Not really recommended, but it does solve the problem.

    Demo fiddle #3 here.

Force single JSON property to always serialize while DefaultValueHandling is Ignore

You can also specify the default value handling for every property with the JsonProperty attribute. And if you have default value handling specified globally and per property as well, the property's own attributed value takes precedence over the global setting.

    [JsonProperty(DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Include)]
public bool SomeFlagYouAlwaysWantToSee { get; set; }

Newtonsoft.Json - how can I choose the constructor to deserialize based on passed object properties types?

There is no way to configure Json.NET to choose a constructor based on the presence or absence of certain properties in the JSON to be deserialized. It simply isn't implemented.

As a workaround, you can create a custom JsonConverter<Test<T, U>> that deserializes to some intermediate DTO that tracks the presence of both properties, and then chooses the correct constructor afterwards. Then you can create a custom contract resolver that applies the converter to all concrete types Test<T, U>.

The following converter and contract resolver perform this task:

class TestConverter<T, U> : JsonConverter where U : struct
// Here we make use of the {PropertyName}Specified pattern to track which properties actually got deserialized.
class TestDTO
public T FirstProperty { get; set; }
[JsonIgnore] public bool FirstPropertySpecified { get; set; }
public U SecondProperty { get; set; }
[JsonIgnore] public bool SecondPropertySpecified { get; set; }

public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
var dto = serializer.Deserialize<TestDTO>(reader);
if (dto == null)
return null;
else if (dto.FirstPropertySpecified && !dto.SecondPropertySpecified)
return new Test<T, U>(dto.FirstProperty);
else if (!dto.FirstPropertySpecified && dto.SecondPropertySpecified)
return new Test<T, U>(dto.SecondProperty);
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Wrong number of properties specified for {0}", objectType));

public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType) => objectType == typeof(Test<T, U>);
public override bool CanWrite => false;
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer) => throw new NotImplementedException();

public class TestContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
protected override JsonObjectContract CreateObjectContract(Type objectType)
var contract = base.CreateObjectContract(objectType);
if (objectType.IsGenericType && objectType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Test<,>))
contract.Converter = (JsonConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TestConverter<,>).MakeGenericType(objectType.GetGenericArguments()));
return contract;

Then use them e.g. as follows:

var json1 = @"{""FirstProperty"":""hello""}";
var json2 = @"{""SecondProperty"": 10101}";

IContractResolver resolver = new TestContractResolver(); // Cache this statically for best performance
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
ContractResolver = resolver,
var test1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Test<string, long>>(json1, settings);
Assert.AreEqual(test1.FirstProperty, "hello");
var test2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Test<string, long>>(json2, settings);
Assert.AreEqual(test2.SecondProperty, 10101L);


  • The converter throws an InvalidOperationException if the JSON does not contain exactly one of the two properties.

    Feel free to modify this as per your requirements.

  • The converter does not implement serialization as your Test<T, U> type does not provide a method to track which property was initialized.

  • The converter does not attempt to handle subclasses of Test<T, U>.

Demo fiddle here.

Json.NET: Serializing a Charting Series just returns type-name

Thanks to @dbc pointing me to the NoTypeConverterJsonConverter<T> discussed here I was able to solve my issue.

I made a modified version of the NoTypeConverterJsonConverter<T> which instead takes a list of types to apply NoType Conversion:

public class NoTypeConverterJsonConverter : JsonConverter
private NoTypeConverterContractResolver Resolver = new NoTypeConverterContractResolver();

/// <summary>
/// The types where the default typeconverter will not be used
/// </summary>
public List<Type> TypesToOverride
get { return Resolver.DefaultedTypes; }
set { Resolver.DefaultedTypes = value; }

private class NoTypeConverterContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
/// <summary>
/// The types where the default typeconverter will not be used
/// </summary>
public List<Type> DefaultedTypes = new List<Type>();

protected override JsonContract CreateContract(Type objectType)
// if its in the listed types
if (DefaultedTypes.Any(t => t.IsAssignableFrom(objectType)))
// create a default contract
JsonObjectContract contract = base.CreateObjectContract(objectType);
// Null out the converter to not use the default typeconverter.
contract.Converter = null;
return contract;
// if it decends from a list
else if (typeof(IList<>).IsAssignableFrom(objectType))
// create a contract from the object, avoiding any presets(?)
JsonObjectContract contract = this.CreateObjectContract(typeof(IList<>));
//contract.Converter = null; // Also null out the converter to prevent infinite recursion.
return contract;

// use default contract creator
return base.CreateContract(objectType);
catch (Exception ex)
// see if it can be treated as a list
if (typeof(IList<>).IsAssignableFrom(objectType))
// create a contract from the object, avoiding any presets(?)
JsonObjectContract contract = this.CreateObjectContract(typeof(IList<>));
//contract.Converter = null; // Also null out the converter to prevent infinite recursion.
return contract;

throw ex;


protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
JsonProperty property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);

return property;

/// <summary>
/// Default Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="skippedTypes"></param>
public NoTypeConverterJsonConverter(List<Type> skippedTypes = null)
if (skippedTypes != null)
TypesToOverride = skippedTypes;

public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
return TypesToOverride.Any(t => t.IsAssignableFrom(objectType));

public override object ReadJson(
JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
return JsonSerializer.CreateDefault(
new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = Resolver }
).Deserialize(reader, objectType);

public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = Resolver }
).Serialize(writer, value);

I also found that Collections like DataPointCollection tended to be treated poorly, only returning the count, so I added the IList part:

// see if it can be treated as a list
if (typeof(IList<>).IsAssignableFrom(objectType))
// create a contract from the object, avoiding any presets(?)
JsonObjectContract contract = this.CreateObjectContract(typeof(IList<>));
//contract.Converter = null; // Also null out the converter to prevent infinite recursion.
return contract;

The code is then used like so:

// The types to not use the default typeconverter
List<Type> skippedTypes = new List<Type>()

// create converter
NoTypeConverterJsonConverter converter = new NoTypeConverterJsonConverter(skippedTypes);

// use the converter to serialize a series
string seriesstr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(series, Formatting.Indented,
new JsonSerializerSettings()
Converters = new List<JsonConverter> { converter }

// deserialise using the same converter
Series series2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Series>(seriesstr, new JsonSerializerSettings()
Converters = new List<JsonConverter> { converter }

Effectively, just add any type that's giving you trouble to that list and it usually sorts it out.

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