How to Convert Json to Xml or Xml to Json

How to convert JSON to XML or XML to JSON?

Yes. Using the JsonConvert class which contains helper methods for this precise purpose:

// To convert an XML node contained in string xml into a JSON string   
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
string jsonText = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(doc);

// To convert JSON text contained in string json into an XML node
XmlDocument doc = JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(json);

Documentation here: Converting between JSON and XML with Json.NET

Converting from JSON to XML using c#

At first, I would hardly recommend that your API team provides a valid JSON object. Otherwise you will have to write a converter that does the job. The converter could look like this:

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Json
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var converter = new Converter();

class Converter
public void Convert()
// your JSON string goes here
var jsonString = @"{""status"":""Error"",""errorMessages"":{ ""1001"":""Schema validation Error"", ""1953"":""Another error""}}";

// deconstruct the JSON
var jObject = JObject.Parse(jsonString);
var root = new Root { Status = jObject["status"].ToString(), ErrorMessages = new List<ErrorMessage>() };
foreach (var errorMessageJsonObject in jObject["errorMessages"])
var jProperty = (JProperty)errorMessageJsonObject;
var errorCode = System.Convert.ToInt16(jProperty.Name);
var errorDescription = jProperty.Value.ToString();
var errorMessage = new ErrorMessage() { ErrorCode = errorCode, ErrorDescription = errorDescription};


// serialize as XML
var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Root));
string xml;
using (StringWriter textWriter = new StringWriter())
xmlSerializer.Serialize(textWriter, root);
xml = textWriter.ToString();

public class Root
public string Status;

public List<ErrorMessage> ErrorMessages;

public class ErrorMessage
public int ErrorCode;

public string ErrorDescription;

With this, you will read the JSON, deconstruct it into a proper object and serialize it as XML.

Converting a JSON file to a specific XML format

One option is to use json-to-xml() in XSLT 3.0.

You'll need an XSLT 3.0 processor; I used Saxon-HE 9.8 in my example below.

You can pass the JSON in as a param.

The results of json-to-xml() will look something like this:

<map xmlns="">
<array key="playerStats">
<string key="jerseyNumber">23</string>
<number key="fgPercentage">60</number>
<string key="plusMinus">plus</string>
<string key="jerseyNumber">24</string>
<number key="fgPercentage">40</number>
<string key="plusMinus">minus</string>

You can process that XML to get your target XML.



package so.test1;

import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XsltTransformer;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.Processor;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.QName;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.SaxonApiException;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.Serializer;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmAtomicValue;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XsltCompiler;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XsltExecutable;

* @author dhaley
public class SOTest1 {

public static void main(String[] args) throws SaxonApiException {
final String XSLT_PATH = "src/so/test1/test.xsl";
final String JSON = "{\"playerStats\": [\n" +
" {\"jerseyNumber\": \"23\", \"fgPercentage\": 60, \"plusMinus\": \"plus\"},\n" +
" {\"jerseyNumber\": \"24\", \"fgPercentage\": 40, \"plusMinus\": \"minus\"}\n" +

OutputStream outputStream = System.out;
Processor processor = new Processor(false);
Serializer serializer = processor.newSerializer();
XsltCompiler compiler = processor.newXsltCompiler();
XsltExecutable executable = compiler.compile(new StreamSource(new File(XSLT_PATH)));
XsltTransformer transformer = executable.load();
transformer.setInitialTemplate(new QName("init")); //<-- SET INITIAL TEMPLATE
transformer.setParameter(new QName("json"), new XdmAtomicValue(JSON)); //<-- PASS JSON IN AS PARAM


XSLT 3.0 (test.xsl)

<xsl:stylesheet version="3.0" xmlns:xsl=""
<xsl:output indent="yes"/>
<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

<xsl:param name="json"/>

<xsl:mode on-no-match="shallow-copy"/>

<xsl:template name="init">
<!--Only process playerStats-->
<xsl:apply-templates select="json-to-xml($json)//array[@key='playerStats']"/>

<xsl:template match="array">

<xsl:template match="map">

<xsl:template match="*[@key='jerseyNumber']">
<BallerJersey xsl:expand-text="true">{.}</BallerJersey>

<xsl:template match="*[@key='fgPercentage']">
<Value xsl:expand-text="true">{.}</Value>

<xsl:template match="*[@key=('plusMinus')]"/>


Output (stdout)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

C# convert JSON object to XML dynamically

Not building on your current code, you can take a look at this question

Using this one-liner:

XmlDocument doc = JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode("{\"Row\":" + json + "}", "root"); // JSON needs to be an object

You can end up with:


Where json is the input JSON on your question, it's close to what you want (which your post says is sort of okay), but if you want to go for your 1st and 2nd options, you can simply build new XML by manipulating this (renaming the nodes, etc.).

How to convert XML to JSON without attributes?

You can parse it with XDocument. XDocument can remove attributes.

public static XDocument RemoveAttributes(string xml)
var xDoc = XDocument.Parse(xml);

.ForEach(x => {

foreach (var attr in x.Attributes().ToList())
if (attr.IsNamespaceDeclaration)

return xDoc;

var xDoc = RemoveAttributes(xmlString);

var json = JsonConvert.SerializeXNode(xDoc);
var jObject = JObject.Parse(json);
var final = Convert.ToString(jObject["SOAP-ENV:Envelope"]["SOAP-ENV:Body"]["Results"]);

Result is:

"Summary": {
"Status": "true",
"etc": "etc"

Converting JSON to XML in Java

Use the (excellent) JSON-Java library from then

JSONObject json = new JSONObject(str);
String xml = XML.toString(json);

toString can take a second argument to provide the name of the XML root node.

This library is also able to convert XML to JSON using XML.toJSONObject(java.lang.String string)

Check the Javadoc

Link to the the github repository



original post updated with new links

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