How to Convert HTML to Text in C#

How do you convert Html to plain text?

If you are talking about tag stripping, it is relatively straight forward if you don't have to worry about things like <script> tags. If all you need to do is display the text without the tags you can accomplish that with a regular expression:


If you do have to worry about <script> tags and the like then you'll need something a bit more powerful then regular expressions because you need to track state, omething more like a Context Free Grammar (CFG). Althought you might be able to accomplish it with 'Left To Right' or non-greedy matching.

If you can use regular expressions there are many web pages out there with good info:


If you need the more complex behaviour of a CFG I would suggest using a third party tool, unfortunately I don't know of a good one to recommend.

How can I Convert HTML to Text in C#?

What you are looking for is a text-mode DOM renderer that outputs text, much like Lynx or other Text browsers...This is much harder to do than you would expect.

How to convert html to text without removing html tags

Thanks for all your responses. I was able to do it in angular template instead of getting the converted html from C# using <p [innerHTML]="sampleHtml">'. innerHTML></p>, innerHTML does not work with 'textarea' which I was trying to do, so I used a paragraph, div can also be used.

HTML to Text Email Converter in C#

You can use HtmlAgilityPack and loop through nodes to extract text. Example: Grab all text from html with Html Agility Pack

How to convert HTML to plain text

You can use HtmlAgilityPack's HtmlToText demo, which can be found here.

I had a look at the other answers but they all suggest various solutions involving regular expressions. I thought that HtmlAgilityPack didn't get enough attention.

All you need to do is plug the NuGet package in your project and follow the example.

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