How to Check Byte Array Empty or Not

How to Check byte array empty or not?

Just do

if (Attachment != null  && Attachment.Length > 0)

From && Operator

The conditional-AND operator (&&) performs a logical-AND of its bool
operands, but only evaluates its second operand if necessary.

How to check if byte array is empty or not?

You can implement null check for files this way:


public boolean updateWorkBookMaster(FormDataMultiPart multiPartData) {
try {
final FormDataBodyPart workBookFilePart = multiPartData.getField("workBookFile");
final ContentDisposition workBookFileDetails = workBookFilePart.getContentDisposition();
final InputStream workBookFileDocument = workBookFilePart.getValueAs(InputStream.class);

if (workBookFileDetails.getFileName() != null ||
workBookFileDetails.getFileName().trim().length() > 0 ) {
// file is present
} else {
// file is not uploadded
} ... // other code

How to check a image byte array is empty in VB.Net?

Perhaps you need to perform a null check on the array before you attempt to access any properties. You'll need to post more code if you want better help.

If Photo IsNot Nothing AndAlso Photo.Length > 0 Then
'Photo isn't empty
End If

How do I check for an empty slice?

How to check if []byte is all zeros in go

How can I check whether an array is null / empty?

There's a key difference between a null array and an empty array. This is a test for null.

int arr[] = null;
if (arr == null) {
System.out.println("array is null");

"Empty" here has no official meaning. I'm choosing to define empty as having 0 elements:

arr = new int[0];
if (arr.length == 0) {
System.out.println("array is empty");

An alternative definition of "empty" is if all the elements are null:

Object arr[] = new Object[10];
boolean empty = true;
for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] != null) {
empty = false;


Object arr[] = new Object[10];
boolean empty = true;
for (Object ob : arr) {
if (ob != null) {
empty = false;

Empty elements in C# byte array

Byte[] array = new Byte[64];

Array.Clear(array, 0, array.Length);

How to find empty bytes array

I assume by 'empty' you mean containing default values for every byte element, if this isn't what you mean, look at @sehe's answer.

How about using LINQ to check whether all elements have the default value for the type:

var Empty = Buffer.All(B => B == default(Byte));

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