How to Autosize the Height and the Width of C# Windows Form

How to autosize the height and the width of c# windows form?

use the Anchor property of each control, to snap it to either end of the containing form. then when you resize the form, those anchored controls are resized as well.

auto size of label height and width in C#

One basic strategy is to set the MaximumSize.Width property so the label cannot grow horizontally beyond the window edge or overlap another control. It will now automatically wrap long text, adding lines vertically.

You may well also want to set the MaximumSize.Height property so the height cannot get out of control either. In which case you also want to set the AutoEllipsis property to True. So that the user can tell that the text was clipped and a ToolTip is automatically displayed when he hovers the mouse over the label.

Preserve form's width or height when resizing

E.g. for a fixed height of 500px:

You can set the Form's MinimumSize to 0;500 and MaximumSize to 5000;500.

Winform won't resize when setting Size property

Judging by the code, everything should work as intended but there is something called pending layout requests in WinForms which requests an update for the layout. These changes are applied after invalidation of the UI so it is recommended to use SuspendLayout method before updating crucial layout/visual elements and then call ResumeLayout to apply these pending layout requests.

To apply these changes simply do :

void ViewWebBrowser_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
ViewWebBrowser.Height = ViewWebBrowser.Document.Window.Size.Height;
ViewWebBrowser.Width = ViewWebBrowser.Document.Window.Size.Width;
Size = new Size(ViewWebBrowser.Width, ViewWebBrowser.Height);

Change form size at runtime in C#

If you want to manipulate the form programmatically the simplest solution is to keep a reference to it:

static Form myForm;

static void Main()
myForm = new Form();

You can then use that to change the size (or what ever else you want to do) at run time. Though as Arrow points out you can't set the Width and Height directly but have to set the Size property.

WinForms Button: Autosize Maximumsize

It seems that the initial button height is borders + the height the font. So I calculated the border subtracting button.Height-button.font.Height. (See the last block of my original post)

This also works with VisualStyles enabled/disabled.

How to vertically auto size a winforms datagridview control, so that its rows are always visible

Since your control is data-bound, I would set the Height property on the DataGridView to the sum of the heights of its rows (plus some margin) in the DataBindingComplete event:

private void dataGridView1_DataBindingComplete(object sender, DataGridViewBindingCompleteEventArgs e)
var height = 40;
foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in dataGridView1.Rows) {
height += dr.Height;

dataGridView1.Height = height;

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