Graph Nodes Coordinates Evaluation

Get nodes positions in a randomly generated graph

Check nx.spring_layout docs here, look for the scale and k parameters:

scale (number (default: 1)) – Scale factor for positions. Not used unless fixed is None.

k (float (default=None)) – Optimal distance between nodes. If None the distance is set to 1/sqrt(n) where n is the number of nodes. Increase this value to move nodes farther apart.

As to getting integer coordinates, you can easily do this with int.

positions = { node: (int(pos[0]),int(pos[1])) for node,pos in node_positions.items() }


k is the parameter for Fruchterman-Reingold layout algorithm, it is kind of strength of repulsion between nodes.

I'd better show what it does (the same graph layed out with different k's):





What is the best way compare two nodes coordinates?

If I understand your question correctly, you want to check the closeness between two points (positions) which may or may not be far apart from each other.

Check out this function first:

int get_distance(std::pair<int, int> const pos_a, std::pair<int, int> const pos_b)
auto const distance_x = pos_a.first >= pos_b.first ? pos_a.first - pos_b.first : pos_b.first - pos_a.first;
auto const distance_y = pos_a.second >= pos_b.second ? pos_a.second - pos_b.second : pos_b.second - pos_a.second;
if (distance_x != 0 && distance_y != 0)
return int(round(sqrt(distance_x * distance_x + distance_y * distance_y)));
if (distance_x == 0)
return distance_y;
return distance_x;

Here, it calculates the distance between two points by subtracting it with the greatest number (Hence the two beginning statements) and the operator used is a Ternary Operator. (Click on the link if you don't know what that is)

The third line is an if statement evaluating whether both the acquired distances are non-zero because if they are, then they are on the same line vertically or horizontally...

If both are non-zero numbers, then square root sum of squares of both distance x and y is rounded off to the nearest integer and then cast itself to an integer (Since the return type is int)

On the other hand, if any one of them is a zero number (Hence, on the same line), then the distance X or Y will be returned respectively based on the axis of the line (Vertical or Horizontal, hence distance_x == 0 and distance_y == 0)

Now, for your other problem, viz. Closeness, which was mentioned above, one way is to declare an enumerator that stores the value for this kind of thing...


enum Distance

Then this enumerator will keep track of the distance for you, so you just need to use this macro to convert an integer to Distance (The enumerator)...

#define TO_DISTANCE(distance) ((distance) > 7 ? Distance(7) : Distance(distance))

This is a simple macro that just simply casts an integer to the enumerator and casts the digit 7 if the distance is more than 7 (Hence, DISTANCE_EXTREMELY_FAR). However, you can go ahead and add more inside the enumerator if you want. (Just remember to change 7 to the value the last enum member has)

Example use of the above method:

int main()
auto const dist = TO_DISTANCE(get_distance(std::make_pair(20, 20), std::make_pair(30, 30)));
accuracy *= dist; // Multiplying accuracy to distance (Hence, increases)
// Note: The accuracy needs to be at least 1 or more for this to work...
// You can check the "closeness" like this...
if (dist == DISTANCE_FAR)
std::cout << "They are far away from each other" << std::endl;
// Some other code goes here ...
return 0;

Kind regards,


How to change node positions in networkx graph?

You can pass the position dictionary (keys are nodes, values are 2-d coordinates) to the more general draw_networkx function using the pos argument:

nx.draw_networkx(G,pos= positions,with_labels=True,node_color=node_color,node_size=500)

Note that the nx.draw_shell will layout your network according to a shell layout algorithm.

Drawing nodes of multigraph in fixed position

You can set the attributes before you convert the graph to a Pydot object:

import networkx as nx                                                                                     
graph= nx.MultiGraph()

#add 4 nodes in the vertexs of a square. X and Y are the coordinates
# assign positions
for n in graph:
graph.node[n]['pos'] = '"%d,%d"'%(graph.node[n]['x'], graph.node[n]['y'])
p = nx.to_pydot(graph)
print p.to_string()
# run neato -n2 -Tpng >foo.png

The output is:

graph G {
1 [y=100, x=100, pos="100,100"];
2 [y=200, x=100, pos="100,200"];
3 [y=100, x=200, pos="200,100"];
4 [y=200, x=200, pos="200,200"];
1 -- 2 [key=0];
1 -- 4 [key=0];
2 -- 3 [key=0];
3 -- 4 [key=0];

neato -n2 -Tpng >foo.png
(the -n2 keeps your node positions)

Sample Image

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