Deep Cloning Objects

What is the most efficient way to deep clone an object in JavaScript?

Native deep cloning

There's now a JS standard called "structured cloning", that works experimentally in Node 11 and later, will land in browsers, and which has polyfills for existing systems.


If needed, loading the polyfill first:

import structuredClone from '@ungap/structured-clone';

See this answer for more details.

Older answers

Fast cloning with data loss - JSON.parse/stringify

If you do not use Dates, functions, undefined, Infinity, RegExps, Maps, Sets, Blobs, FileLists, ImageDatas, sparse Arrays, Typed Arrays or other complex types within your object, a very simple one liner to deep clone an object is:


const a = {
string: 'string',
number: 123,
bool: false,
nul: null,
date: new Date(), // stringified
undef: undefined, // lost
inf: Infinity, // forced to 'null'
re: /.*/, // lost
console.log(typeof; // Date object
const clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a));
console.log(typeof; // result of .toISOString()

How do I deep clone an object in React?

First let's clarify the difference between shallow and deep clone:

A shallow clone is a clone that has its primitive properties cloned but his REFERENCE properties still reference the original.

Allow me to clarify:

let original = {
foo: "brlja",
howBigIsUniverse: Infinity,
mrMethodLookAtMe: () => "they call me mr. Method",
moo: {
moo: "MOO"

// shallow copy
let shallow = Object.assign({}, original);
console.log(original, shallow); // looks OK

shallow.moo.moo = "NOT MOO";

console.log(original, shallow); // changing the copy changed the original

Notice how changing the shallow copy's not primitive property's inner properties REFLECTED on the original object.

So why would we use shallow copy?

  • It is definitely FASTER.
  • It can be done in pure JS via 1 liner.

When would you use shallow copy?

  • All of your object's properties are primitives
  • You are making a partial copy where all your copied properties are primitives
  • You don't care about the fate of the original (is there a reason to copy and not use that one instead?)

Oke, let's get into making a propper (deep) copy. A deep copy should obviously have the original object coped into the clone by value, not references. And this should persist as we drill deeper into the object. So if we got X levels deep nested object inside of the original's property it should still be a copy not a reference to the same thing in memory.

What most people suggest is to abuse the JSON API. They think that turning an object into a string then back into an object via it will make a deep copy. Well, yes and NO. Let's attempt to do just that.

Extend our original example with:

  let falseDeep = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(original));
falseDeep.moo.moo = "HEY I CAN MOO AGAIN";
console.log(original, falseDeep); // moo.moo is decoupled

Seems ok, right? WRONG!
Take a look at what happened to the mrMethodLookAtMe and howBigIsUniverse properties that I sneaked in from the start :)

One gives back null which is definitely not Infinity and the other one is GONE. That is no bueno.

In short: There are problems with "smarter" values like NaN or Infinity that get turned to null by JSON API. There are FURTHER problems if you use:
methods, RegExps, Maps, Sets, Blobs, FileLists, ImageDatas, sparse Arrays, Typed Arrays as your original object's properties.

In short. If you tell me you are a mid-level JS developer and you suggest I make deep copies of an object via JSON API, you will be offered a junior position. If you claim you are a senior and suggest JSON API is the correct answer I will tell you that the interview is over :)

Why? Well this produces some of the nastiest to track bugs out there.. I have nightmares tracking the disappearing methods or type being turned to another (which passed someone's bad input parameter check but then couldn't produce a valid result) before Typescript became a thing.

Time to wrap this up! So what is the correct answer?

  • You write your own implementation of a deep copy. I like you but please don't do this when we have a deadline to meet.
  • Use a deep cloning function provided to you by the library or framework you already use in the project.
  • Lodash's cloneDeep

Many people still use jQuery. So in our example (please put import where it belongs, on top of the file):

import jQ from "jquery"; 
let trueDeep = jQ.extend(true, original, {});
console.log(original, trueDeep);

This works, it makes a nice deep copy and is a one-liner. But we had to import the entire jQuery. For some its already there but for me I tend to avoid it since it is overbloated and has terribly incosistent naming.

Angular users can use angular.copy(). For your project dependencies, you can google if it is in there :)

But what if my framework/library does not have a similar function?

You can use my personal SUPERSTAR among JS libraries (I am not involved in the project, just a big fan) - Lodash (or _ for friends).

So extend our example with (again, mind the position of import):

import _ from "lodash"; // cool kids know _ is low-dash
var fastAndDeepCopy = _.cloneDeep(objects);
console.log(original, lodashDeep);

It is a simple oneliner, it works, it is fast.

This is pretty much it :)

Now you know the difference between shallow and deep copy in JS. You realize JSON API abuse is just that, abuse and not a true solution. If you are using jQuery or Angular already you now know there is a solution already there for you. If not you can write your own or consider using lodash.

The entire example can be found here:
codesandbox - entire example

Deep cloning objects

Whereas one approach is to implement the ICloneable interface (described here, so I won't regurgitate), here's a nice deep clone object copier I found on The Code Project a while ago and incorporated it into our code.
As mentioned elsewhere, it requires your objects to be serializable.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;

/// <summary>
/// Reference Article
/// Provides a method for performing a deep copy of an object.
/// Binary Serialization is used to perform the copy.
/// </summary>
public static class ObjectCopier
/// <summary>
/// Perform a deep copy of the object via serialization.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of object being copied.</typeparam>
/// <param name="source">The object instance to copy.</param>
/// <returns>A deep copy of the object.</returns>
public static T Clone<T>(T source)
if (!typeof(T).IsSerializable)
throw new ArgumentException("The type must be serializable.", nameof(source));

// Don't serialize a null object, simply return the default for that object
if (ReferenceEquals(source, null)) return default;

using var Stream stream = new MemoryStream();
IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
formatter.Serialize(stream, source);
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return (T)formatter.Deserialize(stream);

The idea is that it serializes your object and then deserializes it into a fresh object. The benefit is that you don't have to concern yourself about cloning everything when an object gets too complex.

In case of you prefer to use the new extension methods of C# 3.0, change the method to have the following signature:

public static T Clone<T>(this T source)
// ...

Now the method call simply becomes objectBeingCloned.Clone();.

EDIT (January 10 2015) Thought I'd revisit this, to mention I recently started using (Newtonsoft) Json to do this, it should be lighter, and avoids the overhead of [Serializable] tags. (NB @atconway has pointed out in the comments that private members are not cloned using the JSON method)

/// <summary>
/// Perform a deep Copy of the object, using Json as a serialization method. NOTE: Private members are not cloned using this method.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of object being copied.</typeparam>
/// <param name="source">The object instance to copy.</param>
/// <returns>The copied object.</returns>
public static T CloneJson<T>(this T source)
// Don't serialize a null object, simply return the default for that object
if (ReferenceEquals(source, null)) return default;

// initialize inner objects individually
// for example in default constructor some list property initialized with some values,
// but in 'source' these items are cleaned -
// without ObjectCreationHandling.Replace default constructor values will be added to result
var deserializeSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings {ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace};

return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(source), deserializeSettings);

Deep copy in ES6 using the spread syntax

No such functionality is built-in to ES6. I think you have a couple of options depending on what you want to do.

If you really want to deep copy:

  1. Use a library. For example, lodash has a cloneDeep method.
  2. Implement your own cloning function.

Alternative Solution To Your Specific Problem (No Deep Copy)

However, I think, if you're willing to change a couple things, you can save yourself some work. I'm assuming you control all call sites to your function.

  1. Specify that all callbacks passed to mapCopy must return new objects instead of mutating the existing object. For example:

    mapCopy(state, e => {
    if ( === {
    return Object.assign({}, e, {
    title: 'new item'
    } else {
    return e;

    This makes use of Object.assign to create a new object, sets properties of e on that new object, then sets a new title on that new object. This means you never mutate existing objects and only create new ones when necessary.

  2. mapCopy can be really simple now:

    export const mapCopy = (object, callback) => {
    return Object.keys(object).reduce(function (output, key) {
    output[key] =, object[key]);
    return output;
    }, {});

Essentially, mapCopy is trusting its callers to do the right thing. This is why I said this assumes you control all call sites.

Deep clone an object in java

Java Deep-Cloning library The cloning library is a small, open source
java library which deep-clones objects. The objects
don't have to implement the Cloneable interface. Effectivelly, this
library can clone ANY java objects.

Cloner cloner = new Cloner();
MyClass clone = cloner.deepClone(o);

So and here is example cloning.

What is the most efficient way to deep clone an object in JavaScript?

Native deep cloning

There's now a JS standard called "structured cloning", that works experimentally in Node 11 and later, will land in browsers, and which has polyfills for existing systems.


If needed, loading the polyfill first:

import structuredClone from '@ungap/structured-clone';

See this answer for more details.

Older answers

Fast cloning with data loss - JSON.parse/stringify

If you do not use Dates, functions, undefined, Infinity, RegExps, Maps, Sets, Blobs, FileLists, ImageDatas, sparse Arrays, Typed Arrays or other complex types within your object, a very simple one liner to deep clone an object is:


const a = {
string: 'string',
number: 123,
bool: false,
nul: null,
date: new Date(), // stringified
undef: undefined, // lost
inf: Infinity, // forced to 'null'
re: /.*/, // lost
console.log(typeof; // Date object
const clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a));
console.log(typeof; // result of .toISOString()

How to Deep clone in javascript

It really depends what you would like to clone. Is this a truly JSON object or just any object in JavaScript? If you would like to do any clone, it might get you into some trouble. Which trouble? I will explain it below, but first, a code example which clones object literals, any primitives, arrays and DOM nodes.

function clone(item) {
if (!item) { return item; } // null, undefined values check

var types = [ Number, String, Boolean ],

// normalizing primitives if someone did new String('aaa'), or new Number('444');
types.forEach(function(type) {
if (item instanceof type) {
result = type( item );

if (typeof result == "undefined") {
if ( item ) === "[object Array]") {
result = [];
item.forEach(function(child, index, array) {
result[index] = clone( child );
} else if (typeof item == "object") {
// testing that this is DOM
if (item.nodeType && typeof item.cloneNode == "function") {
result = item.cloneNode( true );
} else if (!item.prototype) { // check that this is a literal
if (item instanceof Date) {
result = new Date(item);
} else {
// it is an object literal
result = {};
for (var i in item) {
result[i] = clone( item[i] );
} else {
// depending what you would like here,
// just keep the reference, or create new object
if (false && item.constructor) {
// would not advice to do that, reason? Read below
result = new item.constructor();
} else {
result = item;
} else {
result = item;

return result;

var copy = clone({
one : {
'one-one' : new String("hello"),
'one-two' : [
"one", "two", true, "four"
two : document.createElement("div"),
three : [
name : "three-one",
number : new Number("100"),
obj : new function() { = "Object test";

And now, let's talk about problems you might get when start cloning REAL objects. I'm talking now, about objects which you create by doing something like

var User = function(){}
var newuser = new User();

Of course you can clone them, it's not a problem, every object expose constructor property, and you can use it to clone objects, but it will not always work. You also can do simple for in on this objects, but it goes to the same direction - trouble. I have also included clone functionality inside the code, but it's excluded by if( false ) statement.

So, why cloning can be a pain? Well, first of all, every object/instance might have some state. You never can be sure that your objects doesn't have for example an private variables, and if this is the case, by cloning object, you just break the state.

Imagine there is no state, that's fine. Then we still have another problem. Cloning via "constructor" method will give us another obstacle. It's an arguments dependency. You never can be sure, that someone who created this object, did not did, some kind of

new User({
bike : someBikeInstance

If this is the case, you are out of luck, someBikeInstance was probably created in some context and that context is unkown for clone method.

So what to do? You still can do for in solution, and treat such objects like normal object literals, but maybe it's an idea not to clone such objects at all, and just pass the reference of this object?

Another solution is - you could set a convention that all objects which must be cloned should implement this part by themselves and provide appropriate API method ( like cloneObject ). Something what cloneNode is doing for DOM.

You decide.

What is the difference between a deep copy and a shallow copy?

Shallow copies duplicate as little as possible. A shallow copy of a collection is a copy of the collection structure, not the elements. With a shallow copy, two collections now share the individual elements.

Deep copies duplicate everything. A deep copy of a collection is two collections with all of the elements in the original collection duplicated.

How do I correctly clone a JavaScript object?

2022 update

There's a new JS standard called structured cloning. It works on all browsers:

const clone = structuredClone(object);

Old answer

To do this for any object in JavaScript will not be simple or straightforward. You will run into the problem of erroneously picking up attributes from the object's prototype that should be left in the prototype and not copied to the new instance. If, for instance, you are adding a clone method to Object.prototype, as some answers depict, you will need to explicitly skip that attribute. But what if there are other additional methods added to Object.prototype, or other intermediate prototypes, that you don't know about? In that case, you will copy attributes you shouldn't, so you need to detect unforeseen, non-local attributes with the hasOwnProperty method.

In addition to non-enumerable attributes, you'll encounter a tougher problem when you try to copy objects that have hidden properties. For example, prototype is a hidden property of a function. Also, an object's prototype is referenced with the attribute __proto__, which is also hidden, and will not be copied by a for/in loop iterating over the source object's attributes. I think __proto__ might be specific to Firefox's JavaScript interpreter and it may be something different in other browsers, but you get the picture. Not everything is enumerable. You can copy a hidden attribute if you know its name, but I don't know of any way to discover it automatically.

Yet another snag in the quest for an elegant solution is the problem of setting up the prototype inheritance correctly. If your source object's prototype is Object, then simply creating a new general object with {} will work, but if the source's prototype is some descendant of Object, then you are going to be missing the additional members from that prototype which you skipped using the hasOwnProperty filter, or which were in the prototype, but weren't enumerable in the first place. One solution might be to call the source object's constructor property to get the initial copy object and then copy over the attributes, but then you still will not get non-enumerable attributes. For example, a Date object stores its data as a hidden member:

function clone(obj) {
if (null == obj || "object" != typeof obj) return obj;
var copy = obj.constructor();
for (var attr in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) copy[attr] = obj[attr];
return copy;

var d1 = new Date();

/* Executes function after 5 seconds. */
var d2 = clone(d1);
alert("d1 = " + d1.toString() + "\nd2 = " + d2.toString());
}, 5000);

The date string for d1 will be 5 seconds behind that of d2. A way to make one Date the same as another is by calling the setTime method, but that is specific to the Date class. I don't think there is a bullet-proof general solution to this problem, though I would be happy to be wrong!

When I had to implement general deep copying I ended up compromising by assuming that I would only need to copy a plain Object, Array, Date, String, Number, or Boolean. The last 3 types are immutable, so I could perform a shallow copy and not worry about it changing. I further assumed that any elements contained in Object or Array would also be one of the 6 simple types in that list. This can be accomplished with code like the following:

function clone(obj) {
var copy;

// Handle the 3 simple types, and null or undefined
if (null == obj || "object" != typeof obj) return obj;

// Handle Date
if (obj instanceof Date) {
copy = new Date();
return copy;

// Handle Array
if (obj instanceof Array) {
copy = [];
for (var i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++) {
copy[i] = clone(obj[i]);
return copy;

// Handle Object
if (obj instanceof Object) {
copy = {};
for (var attr in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) copy[attr] = clone(obj[attr]);
return copy;

throw new Error("Unable to copy obj! Its type isn't supported.");

The above function will work adequately for the 6 simple types I mentioned, as long as the data in the objects and arrays form a tree structure. That is, there isn't more than one reference to the same data in the object. For example:

// This would be cloneable:
var tree = {
"left" : { "left" : null, "right" : null, "data" : 3 },
"right" : null,
"data" : 8

// This would kind-of work, but you would get 2 copies of the
// inner node instead of 2 references to the same copy
var directedAcylicGraph = {
"left" : { "left" : null, "right" : null, "data" : 3 },
"data" : 8
directedAcyclicGraph["right"] = directedAcyclicGraph["left"];

// Cloning this would cause a stack overflow due to infinite recursion:
var cyclicGraph = {
"left" : { "left" : null, "right" : null, "data" : 3 },
"data" : 8
cyclicGraph["right"] = cyclicGraph;

It will not be able to handle any JavaScript object, but it may be sufficient for many purposes as long as you don't assume that it will just work for anything you throw at it.

How do you do a deep copy of an object in .NET?

Important Note

BinaryFormatter has been deprecated, and will no longer be available in .NET after November 2023. See BinaryFormatter Obsoletion Strategy

I've seen a few different approaches to this, but I use a generic utility method as such:

public static T DeepClone<T>(this T obj)
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
formatter.Serialize(ms, obj);
ms.Position = 0;

return (T) formatter.Deserialize(ms);


  • Your class MUST be marked as [Serializable] for this to work.

  • Your source file must include the following code:

     using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
    using System.IO;

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