Change Values in JSON File (Writing Files)

Change values in JSON file (writing files)

Here's a simple & cheap way to do it (assuming .NET 4.0 and up):

string json = File.ReadAllText("settings.json");
dynamic jsonObj = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
jsonObj["Bots"][0]["Password"] = "new password";
string output = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonObj, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented);
File.WriteAllText("settings.json", output);

The use of dynamic lets you index right into json objects and arrays very simply. However, you do lose out on compile-time checking. For quick-and-dirty it's really nice but for production code you'd probably want the fully fleshed-out classes as per @gitesh.tyagi's solution.

Update property in json file with C#

you need to save the complete JSON when you update a property of an element of the array

    static void Main(string[] args)
const string jsonPath = @"C:\Logs\recordRoot.json";
var loanRecordRoot = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<LoanRecordRoot>(File.ReadAllText(jsonPath));
foreach (var record in loanRecordRoot.LoanRecords)

if (record.Completed == "false")
if (ManipulateEncompass(rec.LoanGUID, rec.ProcessType))
record.Completed = "true";

//Save Json
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(loanRecordRoot, Formatting.Indented);
File.WriteAllText(jsonPath, json);

Update specific value in JSON file

Using NewtonSoft, I once made a flatten function to analyse json files of any depth:

IEnumerable<JProperty> Flatten(JToken token)
return token.Children<JProperty>().Concat(
token.Children().SelectMany(t => Flatten(t)))
.Where(t => t.Value is JValue);

It returns a flat listing of all "endpoint" JsonPropertys in a file (say: all "xyx" : primitive value entries). Using it you can simply deserialize your Json, find all "email" properties and set their value to null:

var jobj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(getJson());

var flattened = Flatten(jobj);

foreach (var jprop in flattened.Where(t => t.Name == "email"))
jprop.Value = null;
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jobj).Dump();

Result for the "more complicated" json (with one deeper email added to make it more fun):

"reservations": [
"id": "111",
"bookingId": "",
"status": "",
"checkInTime": "",
"checkOutTime": "",
"property": {
"id": "",
"code": "",
"name": ""
"primaryGuest": {
"firstName": "",
"middleInitial": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": null,
"phone": "",
"address": {
"email": null,
"addressLine1": "",
"postalCode": "",
"city": "",
"countryCode": ""
"booker": {
"firstName": "",
"middleInitial": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": null,
"phone": ""

how to change the value of json file after comparing its element to another json file?

Below code should solve your issue of reading, logic and writing into your file.

'use strict';

const fs = require('fs');

let rawdata_one = fs.readFileSync('one.json');
let rawdata_two = fs.readFileSync('two.json');
let onedata = JSON.parse(rawdata_one);
let twodata = JSON.parse(rawdata_two);

let ob = twodata.findIndex( o => == obj.projectId );
if(ob != -1){
twodata[ob].completedCount = obj.completedCount;

let data = JSON.stringify(twodata);
fs.writeFileSync('two.json', data);

This write will overwrite your two.json with the updated data.

You can also read the json file using require('one.json'). However, it can be done only once in your entire code.

How to modify the multiple values in the JSON file using python

The code works as expected if you have resolved the variable name difference.

Further, I would also suggest to open the file using context manager with so that it gets closed automagically when the with block is exited.

import json, os
with open(".\example.json", 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)

for feature in data['images']:
feature['file_name'] = os.path.basename(feature["file_name"])



Data in json file:

{'images': [{'id': 1, 'file_name': 'Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/Folder4/1110.jpg', 'height': 3024, 'width': 4032}, {'id': 2, 'file_name': 'Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/Folder4/1111.jpg', 'height': 3024, 'width': 4032}, {'id': 3, 'file_name': 'Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/Folder4/1112.jpg', 'height': 3024, 'width': 4032}]}

Formatted data:

{'images': [{'id': 1, 'file_name': '1110.jpg', 'height': 3024, 'width': 4032}, {'id': 2, 'file_name': '1111.jpg', 'height': 3024, 'width': 4032}, {'id': 3, 'file_name': '1112.jpg', 'height': 3024, 'width': 4032}]}

Working on .json files (read/write/change) on-the-fly with Python

I would recommend you to just use the json library. Read the file once and do occasionally a save, let's say every five minutes.
Maybe you want to create a new class in a singleton pattern. This will ensure that you have one object that holds the current up-to-date information and only this object can update the file.

Here is a quick sketch on how this class may look like:


import json

class _SaveFileHandler:
def __init__(self):
self._data = {}
self._path = ""

def read(self, path):
self._path = path
with open(path) as file:
self._data = json.load(file)

def write(self):
with open(self._path) as file:
json.dump(self._data, file)

# now for every value you want data to have do the following
# it allows you to check the value for errors and makes the usage more readable
def key(self):
return self._data["key"]

def key(self, value):
self._data["key"] = value

# the is the only object you will ever use
save_file = _SaveFileHandler()

You can also read the save file directly in the init, this will make sure your data is always available.

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