Binding Property to Control in Winforms

Binding property to control in Winforms

You must implement INotifyPropertyChanged And add binding to textbox.

I will provide C# code snippet. Hope it helps

class Sample : INotifyPropertyChanged
private string firstName;
public string FirstName
get { return firstName; }
firstName = value;
InvokePropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("FirstName"));

#region Implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged

public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

public void InvokePropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null) handler(this, e);


Usage :

 Sample sourceObject = new Sample();
sourceObject.FirstName = "Stack";

bind a Control's property to another control's property value on the same form

It is possible to do via the designer. For your control -> Properties -> Binding...

But it is a lot of steps to result in a line of code in the designer file which you can add yourself just as easily in the constructor:

this.groupBox.DataBindings.Add( "Enabled", this.myCheckBox, "Checked" );

How to bind a property of control to another control's property

control2.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Left", control1, "Width"));//Your code

Your code doesn't work because there is no change notification going when chaning Width property, but Size does.

You can bind to Size but the problem is you need an int but Size property is of type Size, so you need to convert it also using Format event like this.

var binding = new Binding("Left", control1, "Size", true,DataSourceUpdateMode.Never);
binding.Format += (sender, args) =>
if (args.DesiredType == typeof (int))
Size size = (Size) args.Value;
args.Value = size.Width;

Another way is to implement INotifyPropertyChanged in your source control. That should do the trick.

WinForms. Design-time Data binding to child control's property

Don't give up too soon. One of the most useful features of Windows Forms is data-binding. For your requirement, first change your TextBox property to this:

public TextBox TextBox
return textBox1;

then bind Text property of your TextBox of your user control in designer this way:

Sample Image

Binding WinForms control to ObjectA.ObjectB.Property

I think there are two issues:

1) I think you need to declare your Tire objects as Properties, not Fields:

Instead of this:

public Tire FrontLeftTire = new Tire()

Try changing it to:

private Tire frontLeftTire = new Tire()

public Tire FrontLeftTire {
get { return frontLeftTire; }

2) I think you might be hitting a breaking change that Microsoft made in 4.0 regarding data members that requires using a BindingSource.

Instead of this:

new Binding("SelectedValue",

Try changing it to:

BindingSource bs = new BindingSource(bindingSourceForCars, null);

How can I bind a Winform textbox to a class property?

Try this:

bookProperty.Add(new BookProperties(){bookTitle="C#"});
textBox1.DataBindings.Add("Text", bookProperty[0], "bookTitle");

Second argument is source that should be shown, third parameter is source class property. Also make sure there is items in bookProperty list.

Hope helps.

WinForms data binding to a custom property throws an exception

The property has to be public:

public bool CanEdit
get { return this._CurrentRecord.CanEdit(); }

Winform: Binding a custom control property to a BindingList

Since you said your bound object doesn't get updated (I assume from Control -> Object changes), but it is bound correctly, maybe this will help:

customControl.DataBindings.Add("CustomProperty", list, "BoundObjectProperty", 
false, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);

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