Vue.Js Toggle Class on Click

Vue.js toggle class on click

You could have the active class be dependent upon a boolean data value:

class="initial "
v-on="click: myFilter"
v-class="{active: isActive}">
<span class="wkday">M</span>

new Vue({
el: '#my-container',

data: {
isActive: false

methods: {
myFilter: function() {
this.isActive = !this.isActive;
// some code to filter users

Toggle class on click in VueJS

You need to catch the event handler in the method and using that you can refer to the callee i.e. anchor object in this case.

See the fiddle :

activeLink(event) {
if( == "noclass")
{ = "link active";
{ = "noclass";


May be try this fiddle and see if it is hitting the bulls eye :

  var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
isActive: false
methods: {
activeLink(event) {
var checkboxes = document.getElementsByClassName ("noclass");

for (var i=0; i<checkboxes.length; i++) {
checkboxes[i].className = "link active";
//checkboxes[i].className = "link";
} = "noclass";

Vuejs toggle class to the body on button click in a components

You can emit an event inside your header and maybe catch it in the mounted of app component like this:

In your sidebar or other component:

on_some_btn_click: function (){



In your app component:

mounted: function(){

var _this = this;

this.$on('toggle_root_class', function(){ = !;


Vue may restrict event from being observed in sibling components. So I use EventBus in my projects to handle sending events easily.

toggle class on click Vue3

isOpen is a ref, so you have to unwrap it with .value:

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
let isOpen = ref(false);

// isOpen = !isOpen; ❌
isOpen.value = !isOpen.value; ✅

demo 1

Alternatively, you could use the Reactivity Transform to avoid having to unwrap:

<script setup>
//import { ref } from 'vue';
//let isOpen = ref(false);
let isOpen = $ref(false); ✅

isOpen = !isOpen;

demo 2

Vue.js toggle class on click with v-for

Here is the small example to acheive you want. This is just a alternative not exact copy of your code.

var app = new Vue({el:'#app',data: {    dynamicItems: [      {id:1,name:'Niklesh',selected:false},      {id:2,name:'Raut',selected:false}    ],    selectedAll:false,},methods: {    toggleAll(){      for(let i in this.dynamicItems){         this.dynamicItems[i].selected = this.selectedAll;      }    }}});
.active{  color:blue;  font-size:20px;}
<script src=""></script><div id="app"><template><input type="checkbox" v-model="selectedAll" @change="toggleAll"> Toggle All <div v-for="(item, i) in dynamicItems">  <div :class='{active:item.selected}'><input type="checkbox" v-model="item.selected">Id : {{}}, Name: {{}}</div></div>{{dynamicItems}}</template></div>

Vue.js: toggle class onclick

Data needs to be a function in a component.

export default {
name: 'my-component',
return {
static: true,
isActive: true

Toggle class(or change style) of element when element in clicked, Vuejs

If I understood you correctly try like following snippet:

const app = Vue.createApp({
data() {
return {
tweets: [{id: 1, tweet_id: 1, isSelected: true, tweet_text: 'aaa', tweetReplies: [{tweet_id: 11, tweet_text: 'bbb'}, {tweet_id: 12, tweet_text: 'ccc'}]}, {id: 2, tweet_id: 2, isSelected: false, tweet_text: 'ddd', tweetReplies: [{tweet_id: 21, tweet_text: 'eee'}, {tweet_id: 22, tweet_text: 'fff'}]}],
tweetActionIds: [],
methods: {
markTweet(tweetId, i) {
const idIndex = this.tweetActionIds.indexOf(tweetId)
this.tweets[i].isSelected = !this.tweets[i].isSelected
if (this.tweetActionIds.includes(tweetId)) {
this.tweetActionIds.splice(idIndex, 1)
} else {
markReply(replyId) {
const idIndex = this.tweetActionIds.indexOf(replyId)
if (this.tweetActionIds.includes(replyId)) {
this.tweetActionIds.splice(idIndex, 1)
} else {
checkReply(r) {
return this.tweetActionIds.includes(r) ? true : false

.selected {color: red;}
<script src=""></script>
<div id="demo">
<div class="container-full">
<div class="tweets-container">
<div v-for="(tweet, i) in tweets" :key="">
:class="{ selected: tweet.isSelected }"
@click="markTweet(tweet.tweet_id, i)"
<div class="text">
<p v-html="tweet.tweet_text">
{{ tweet.tweet_text }}
<div class="replies">
v-for="(reply, index) in tweet.tweetReplies"
@click="markReply(reply.tweet_id, index)"
<div class="tweet-card tweet-reply">
<div class="text" :class="{selected: checkReply(reply.tweet_id)}">
<p>{{ reply.tweet_text }}</p>

Toggle class on click directive?

You can use a custom directive and attaching to the click event there (in the bind hook).

EDIT: modified to use the element data context to store the class active flag

Just a quick example:

Vue.directive("toggle-active", {
bind: function(el, binding, vnode) {
() => {
let active = vnode.context.class_active;
active = !active;
vnode.context.class_active = active;
if (!active) {
} else {

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