Styled-Components VS SASS (Scss) or Less

Equivalent of scss @import for styled-components?

You can declare css styles with the css helper from styled-components and then invoke it where you need it:

export const cleanSlateRules = css`
// styles

export const StyledWhatever = styled.div`

EDIT: Turns out this currently doesn't work in prod. I think because of the same issue as the @import problem.

EDIT 2: I got this to work in production using the babel plugin for styled components. The custom css was successfully applied after that. See my answer here: styled-components only rendering certain styles after successful build with parcel

How to get Scss in styled component?

I suggest you use the styled-component and styled-system

import styled from "styled-component";

const StyledComponent = styled.p `
// scss content

Const StyledComponent1 = styled(StyledComponent)`
// scss content

You can use your object it already have done by you easily.

const AnyStyledComponent = styled(AnyComponent)(
// style object(as you have done)
prop: "color",
variants: {
white: {
color: "#fff"
black: {
color: "#000"

And also you can refer to Theming in styled-components

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