Managing CSS Explosion

Managing CSS Explosion

This is a very good question. Everywhere I look, CSS files tend to get out of control after a while—especially, but not only, when working in a team.

The following are the rules I myself am trying to adhere to (not that I always manage to.)

  • Refactor early, refactor often. Frequently clean up CSS files, fuse together multiple definitions of the same class. Remove obsolete definitions immediately.

  • When adding CSS during fixing bugs, leave a comment as to what the change does ("This is to make sure the box is left aligned in IE < 7")

  • Avoid redundancies, e.g. defining the same thing in .classname and .classname:hover.

  • Use comments /** Head **/ to build a clear structure.

  • Use a prettifier tool that helps maintain a constant style. I use Polystyle, with which I'm quite happy (costs $15 but is money well spent). There are free ones around as well (e.g. Code Beautifier based on CSS Tidy, an open-source tool).

  • Build sensible classes. See below for a few notes on this.

  • Use semantics, avoid DIV soup - use <ul>s for menus, for example.

  • Define everything on as low a level as possible (e.g. a default font family, colour and size in the body) and use inherit where possible

  • If you have very complex CSS, maybe a CSS pre-compiler helps. I'm planning to look into xCSS for the very same reason soon. There are several others around.

  • If working in a team, highlight the necessity of quality and standards for CSS files as well. Everybody's big on coding standards in their programming language(s), but there is little awareness that this is necessary for CSS too.

  • If working in a team, do consider using Version Control. It makes things that much easier to track, and editing conflicts that much easier to solve. It's really worth it, even if you're "just" into HTML and CSS.

  • Do not work with !important. Not only because IE =< 7 can't deal with it. In a complex structure, the use of !important is often tempting to change a behaviour whose source can't be found, but it's poison for long-term maintenance.

Building sensible classes

This is how I like to build sensible classes.

I apply global settings first:

body { font-family: .... font-size ... color ... }
a { text-decoration: none; }

Then, I identify the main sections of the page's layout—e.g. the top area, the menu, the content, and the footer. If I wrote good markup, these areas will be identical to the HTML structure.

Then, I start building CSS classes, specifying as much ancestry as possible as long as it is sensible, and grouping related classes as closely as possible.

div.content ul.table_of_contents 
div.content ul.table_of_contents li
div.content ul.table_of_contents li h1
div.content ul.table_of_contents li h2
div.content ul.table_of_contents li span.pagenumber

Think of the whole CSS structure as a tree with increasingly specific definitions the further away from the root you are. You want to keep the number of classes as low as possible, and you want to repeat yourself as seldom as possible.

For example, let's say you have three levels of navigational menus.
These three menus look different, but they also share certain characteristics. For example, they are all <ul>, they all have the same font size, and the items are all next to each other (as opposed to the default rendering of an ul). Also, none of the menus has any bullet points (list-style-type).

First, define the common characteristics in a class named menu:

div.navi { display: ...; list-style-type: none; list-style-image: none; }
div.navi li { float: left }

then, define the specific characteristics of each of the three menus. Level 1 is 40 pixels tall; levels 2 and 3, 20 pixels.

Note: you could also use multiple classes for this but Internet Explorer 6 has problems with multiple classes, so this example uses ids.

div.navi { height: 40px; }
div.navi { height: 20px; }
div.navi { height: 16px; }

The markup for the menu will look like this:

<ul id="level1" class="menu"><li> ...... </li></ul>
<ul id="level2" class="menu"><li> ...... </li></ul>
<ul id="level3" class="menu"><li> ...... </li></ul>

If you have semantically similar elements on the page—like these three menus—try to work out the commonalities first and put them into a class; then, work out the specific properties and apply them to classes, or, if you have to support Internet Explorer 6, ID's.

Miscellaneous HTML tips

If you add these semantics to your HTML output, designers can later customize the look of web sites and/or apps using pure CSS, which is a great advantage and time-saver.

  • If possible, give every page's body a unique class: <body class='contactpage'> this makes it very easy to add page-specific tweaks to the style sheet:

    body.contactpage div.container ul.mainmenu li { color: green }
  • When building menus automatically, add as much CSS context as possible to allow extensive styling later. For example:

    <ul class="mainmenu">
    <li class="item_first item_active item_1"> First item </li>
    <li class="item_2"> Second item </li>
    <li class="item_3"> Third item </li>
    <li class="item_last item_4"> Fourth item </li>

    This way, every menu item can be accessed for styling according to its semantic context: Whether it's the first or last item in the list; Whether it's the currently active item; and by number.

Note that this assigning of multiple classes as outlined in the example above does not work properly in IE6. There is a workaround to make IE6 able to deal with multiple classes. If the workaround is not an option, you will have to set the class that is most important to you (item number, active or first/last), or resort to using IDs.

CSS Best Practices for Large Scale Web Site

Avoid giving each page a body tag with a unique ID. Why? Because if a page needs to be styled uniquely, it should have its own stylesheet.

I will often have a main.css stylesheet, stylesheets for various similar portions of my website (like an administration.css for an admin section, assuming the pages in the admin section shared a similar look and feel), and then give certain unique pages their own stylesheets (like signup.css).

I then include the stylesheets in order from least-to-most specific, because if two otherwise-identical rules are encountered, the rule in the most "recently" included stylesheet will be used.

For example, if my main.css had:

a { color: red; }

... and for some reason, I wanted my signup page to have blue links:

a { color: blue; }

The second rule will overwrite the first if my signup.css were included after main.css.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/main.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/signup.css">

How can I stay organized when writing CSS?

Let's approach this from the angle of a new programmer who wants to make some changes to the layout of your website.

I'm not sure whether using a framework will make things better, more abstraction, more learning curve.

I think you are on the right track with your organization.

I usually create a default.css file which contains the markup for the default fonts, colors, link styles, etc. In this file, I treat the website if it were one big chunk of pretty formatted text with embedded pictures. No <div> tag styling here. Usually this means that a lot of the formatting for the content is in there. But not that special button on the news page, that one gets a news.css on it's own.

Usually websites can be divided into parts. Header, footer, sidebar, frontpage, newspage, agenda, etc. If for instance the footer needs to be red, it's nice to see a file footer.css which indeed contains the background color.

If the link style in the footer is the same as in the sidebar, put the style declarations in both files. If the link style in the footer is the same as the main body text, it gets placed in default.css. Try to make sure it is in the first place you'd look as a new developer.

How do I refactor my CSS?

Split your css into separate files.

  1. Put in one file the CSS reset (if you use one)
  2. Then create a global.css file where you will put global styles that
    apply to many-all pages
  3. Then create individual files for your individual pages

Then start styling your pages. Every time you find a style rule that is reusable on many pages make it a CSS class and put it in the global.css file. Avoid using css ID's. You will find that you more often reuse things or will reuse in the future. In this case you use of course CSS classes.

Eventually you will find out that in your global.css you will find mostly CSS classes rules and html tag rules.

In your individual page CSS files you will find specific styles for each page.

That should give you a good first level of organization in your CSS. You can try to keep this separation through the whole development process, and for releases merge the CSS files into one and minify it.

How to manage css of big websites within team environment without mess?

A similar question was asked a while ago: How to manage CSS Explosion there is a number of good answers there, and a number of great links (check out those provided by Paul D. Waite for example.)

Your main problem is going to be structuring the CSS file well. You will need clean rules for that: Keep everything grouped within the CSS file. Maybe using a CSS editor that can help you "navigate" through the style sheet is a good idea (similar to a programming IDE's "code explorer" feature). I don't know, however, if such a thing exists.

Other than that:

  • Using version control is a MUST. I personally am totally happy with centralized versioning using Subversion and TortoiseSVN; others believe in distributed version control like git or hg. For a team of designers, I think the centralized approach of Subversion is good, but that is a discussion in itself.

  • Maybe it's a good idea to split the style sheet into thematically relevant separate files to avoid chaos, and compile it using a tool like LESS or xCSS.

  • Define a clear, concise coding style. Use a CSS beautifier like Polystyle ($14 per license but money well spent) or Code Beautifier (based on CSS Tidy, haven't used it but looks interesting) and run it frequently on the file.

  • Have a number of links handy of pages that use the style sheet. Have people test those pages after they have made a change to the style sheet.

Way of Determining How Many Style Rules I have

Through the command-line: You could pass the html file to grep, and do a word count on the occurences of css.

grep css index.html | wc -l

Homepage build - How to use CSS more efficiency?

First of all, if you want to build a modern website from my points of view, you should definitely use CSS Preprocessors like SASS or LESS.

I suggest you to use Foundation Zurb Responsive framework. It's mobile first, because every single modern website should be responsive. It uses SASS and there are 3 ways of getting started using it.

SASS allows you to create and separate your styles for each page, without messing them together. So basically you will have _home.scss, _header.scss, _footer.scss, but when you compile - you will have everything created in one style file. Additionally CSS and JS can by minified as well.

  • I suggest you to start with - SASS
  • After that to get yourself familiar with Foundation

Homepage build - How to use CSS more efficiency?

First of all, if you want to build a modern website from my points of view, you should definitely use CSS Preprocessors like SASS or LESS.

I suggest you to use Foundation Zurb Responsive framework. It's mobile first, because every single modern website should be responsive. It uses SASS and there are 3 ways of getting started using it.

SASS allows you to create and separate your styles for each page, without messing them together. So basically you will have _home.scss, _header.scss, _footer.scss, but when you compile - you will have everything created in one style file. Additionally CSS and JS can by minified as well.

  • I suggest you to start with - SASS
  • After that to get yourself familiar with Foundation

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