How to Seamlessly Align Block Divs of Different Sizes

How to seamlessly align block divs of different sizes?

The simplest way I can think of using pure CSS would be to designate columns.

I surrounded each "column" with a div, and floated those divs left.

Here's an updated fiddle:

This should keep the margins equal like you wanted


<div class="container">
<div class="subcontainer">
<div class="box" style="height:225px;">
<h3>Blah blah</h3>
<div class="box" style="height:180px;">
<h3>Blah blah</h3>
<div class="subcontainer">
<div class="box" style="height:160px;">
<h3>Blah blah</h3>
<div class="box" style="height:200px;">
<h3>Blah blah</h3>
<div class="box" style="height:150px;">
<h3>Blah blah</h3>
<div class="box" style="height:170px;">
<h3>Blah blah</h3>

Added to CSS

float: left;

Vertically align divs with equal space between them

You can use Flexbox for this. You just need to set flex-direction: column and justify-content: space-between.

body,html {  margin: 0;  padding: 0;}.content {  display: flex;  height: 250px;  border: 1px solid black;  justify-content: space-between;  flex-direction: column;  width: 200px;}.box {  background: #0479D9;  height: 50px;}
<div class="content">  <div class="box"></div>  <div class="box"></div>  <div class="box"></div></div>

Stacking DIVs on top of each other?

Position the outer div however you want, then position the inner divs using absolute. They'll all stack up.

.inner {  position: absolute;}
<div class="outer">   <div class="inner">1</div>   <div class="inner">2</div>   <div class="inner">3</div>   <div class="inner">4</div></div>

Two divs side by side - Fluid display

Using this CSS for my current site. It works perfect!


Divs not horizontally aligned

Please see below CSS, I have only change the margin-right into %, as you are giving the width in % but the margin in pixels.

.info {
margin-top: 50px;
padding-left: 1%;
font-size: 12px;
position: absolute;
.info_label {
margin-right: 5%;
margin-bottom: 10px;
width: 40%;
padding: 0;
float: left;
background-color: yellow;
position: relative;
.info_data_label {
margin-right: 5%;
margin-bottom: 10px;
width: 50%;
padding: 0;
background-color: yellow;
float: right;
position: relative;
.j {
float: left;

text-align: justify; inline-block elements properly?

Updated the "Future" solution info below; still not yet fully supported.

Present Workaround (IE8+, FF, Chrome Tested)

See this fiddle.

Relevant CSS

.prevNext {
text-align: justify;

.prevNext a {
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
top: 1.2em; /* your line-height */

content: '';
display: block;
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: -1.2em; /* your line-height */

.prevNext:after {
content: '';
display: inline-block;
width: 100%;


The display: block on the :before element with the negative bottom margin pulls the lines of text up one line height which eliminates the extra line, but displaces the text. Then with the position: relative on the inline-block elements the displacement is counteracted, but without adding the additional line back.

Though css cannot directly access a line-height "unit" per se, the use of em in the margin-bottom and top settings easily accommodates any line-height given as one of the multiplier values. So 1.2, 120%, or 1.2em are all equal in calculation with respect to line-height, which makes the use of em a good choice here, as even if line-height: 1.2 is set, then 1.2em for margin-bottom and top will match. Good coding to normalize the look of a site means at some point line-height should be defined explicitly, so if any of the multiplier methods are used, then the equivalent em unit will give the same value as the line-height. And if line-height is set to a non-em length, such as px, that instead could be set.

Definitely having a variable or mixin using a css preprocessor such as LESS or SCSS could help keep these values matching the appropriate line-height, or javascript could be used to dynamically read such, but really, the line-height should be known in the context of where this is being used, and the appropriate settings here made.

UPDATE for minified text (no spaces) issue

Kubi's comment noted that a minification of the html that removes the spaces between the <a> elements causes the justification to fail. A pseudo-space within the <a> tag does not help (but that is expected, as the space is happening inside the inline-block element), a <wbr> added between the <a> tags does not help (probably because a break is not necessary to the next line), so if minification is desired, then the solution is a hard coded non-breaking space character  --other space characters like thin space and en space did not work (surprisingly).

Nearing a Future Clean Solution

A solution in which webkit was behind the times (as of first writing this) was:

.prevNext {
text-align: justify;
-moz-text-align-last: justify;
-webkit-text-align-last: justify; /* not implemented yet, and will not be */
text-align-last: justify; /* IE */

It works in FF 12.0+ and IE8+ (buggy in IE7).

For Webkit, as of version 39 (at least, might have crept in earlier) it does support it without the -webkit- extension but only if the user has enabled the experimental features (which can be done at chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features). Rumor is that version 41 or 42 should see full support. Since it is not seamlessly supported by webkit yet, it is still only a partial solution. However, I thought I should post it as it can be useful for some.

How do I center align a div's content with content elements floated towards the left?

text-align: center; will not work when use floating. use inline block.

Please see code below

.panel-body {
text-align: center;
.image-box {
display: inline-block;
margin-left: -4px;
.image-box img {
width: 128px;
height: 128px;
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading text-center">
<h3 class="panel-title">GALLERY</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="image-box">
<img src="">
<P class="caption">Image Description</P>
<div class="image-box">
<img src="">
<P class="caption">Image Description</P>
<div class="image-box">
<img src="">
<P class="caption">Image Description</P>

Alignment 2 html elements, centering them, on top of each other

The html

<div  class="col-sm-4 text-center">
<h4>this is text</h4>
<img style="
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
class="img-responsive imageCentered"; src="">

the css

margin:0 auto;

here is jsfiddle

CSS Re-Centering elements on wrap

This is the best solution I can think of with CSS only, the magic part is the @media queries. Obviously you'll have to do the math to fit your case.

JsFiddle Demo

body {    margin: 0;}.parent-wrapper {    margin: auto;    width: 500px;    padding: 5px 0;    font-size: 0;}.child-wrapper {    display: inline-block;    width: 100px;    font-size: 16px;}.child-wrapper img {    max-width: 100%;    height: auto;    padding: 5px;    vertical-align: top;    box-sizing: border-box;}@media screen and (max-width: 499px) {    .parent-wrapper { width: 400px; }}@media screen and (max-width: 399px) {    .parent-wrapper { width: 300px; }}@media screen and (max-width: 299px) {    .parent-wrapper { width: 200px; }}@media screen and (max-width: 199px) {    .parent-wrapper { width: 100px; }}
<div class="parent-wrapper">    <div class="child-wrapper">        <img src="//" />    </div>    <div class="child-wrapper">        <img src="//" />    </div>    <div class="child-wrapper">        <img src="//" />    </div>    <div class="child-wrapper">        <img src="//" />    </div>    <div class="child-wrapper">        <img src="//" />    </div>    <div class="child-wrapper">        <img src="//" />    </div></div>

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