How to Overlay a Number on Top of a Fontawesome Glyph

How can I overlay a number on top of a FontAwesome glyph?

You css should look something like:

height:100px; width:100px;
text-align:center; position:absolute;

Your HTML might look like:

<div class='contain-i-e-s'>
<i class='icon-empty-star'></i>
<div class='text-i-e-s'>99</div>

Draw a slash line over glyphicon or font-awesome icon using CSS

Font awesome uses the :before tag for icons, why not use the :after pseudo and .fa.fa-signal:after {content: "/"; color: red;} and position it with css.

.fa.fa-signal:after {
position: absolute;
content: "/";
color: red;
font-weight: 700;
font-size: 1.7em;
left: 7px;
top: -10px;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">

<i class="fa fa-signal fa-2x"></i>

How do I make sure every glyph has the same width?

Since 3.1.1, you could use the icon-fixed-width class instead of having to edit the CSS.

Since 4.0, you should use fa-fw:



Thanks @kalessin for pointing out.

How to increase font-awesome icon size which has text inside of it (using fa-stack)

When an icon is part of a stack, you cannot change its size independently of the rest of the stack.

You can, however, change the overall size of the stack by adding one of the fa-1x fa-2x fa-3x etc classes to the parent as in the snippet below.

<span class="fa-stack fa-2x">    <i class="fa fa-circle fa-stack-2x"></i>    <i class="fa fa-stack-1x fa-inverse">1</i></span><span class="fa-stack fa-2x">    <i class="fa fa-circle-o fa-stack-2x"></i>    <i class="fa fa-stack-1x">1</i></span><link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Font Awesome icon inside text input element

You're right. :before and :after pseudo content is not intended to work on replaced content like img and input elements. Adding a wrapping element and declare a font-family is one of the possibilities, as is using a background image. Or maybe a html5 placeholder text fits your needs:

<input name="username" placeholder="">

Browsers that don’t support the placeholder attribute will simply ignore it.


The before content selector selects the input: input[type="text"]:before. You should select the wrapper: .wrapper:before. See .
I also added the placeholder suggestion where the wrapper is redundant.

.wrapper input[type="text"] {
position: relative;

input { font-family: 'FontAwesome'; } /* This is for the placeholder */

.wrapper:before {
font-family: 'FontAwesome';
position: relative;
left: -5px;
content: "\f007";
<p class="wrapper"><input placeholder=" Username"></p>

How to draw Font Awesome Icons onto html canvas [Version 5]

Sample Image

Here's how to draw Font Awsome glyphs on html5 canvas:

  1. Link in Font Awesome:

    <link rel="stylesheet" 
  2. Set the context font to Font Awesome:

    // set the canvas context's font-size and font-face
    context.font='14px FontAwesome';
  3. Draw one of the Font Awesome characters on the canvas:

    // specify the desired character code with the Unicode prefix (\u) 

Here's example code and a Demo:

var canvas=document.getElementById("canvas");var ctx=canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.font='12px verdana';ctx.fillText('Please wait for Font Awesome to load...',20,30);
// give font awesome time to loadsetTimeout(start,2000);
function start(){ ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); ctx.font='30px FontAwesome'; ctx.fillText('\uF047',20,50);}
body{ background-color: ivory; }#canvas{border:1px solid red; margin:0 auto; }
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""><script src=""></script><h4>Font Awesome glyph drawn onto html5 canvas</h4><canvas id="canvas" width=300 height=100></canvas>

Bootstrap 3: Can the Glyphicons be stacked like Font Awesome's icons?

Bootstrap's CSS for Glyphicons don't have classes to stack. You could apply the classes from your example code:


.icon-stack {
display: inline-block;
height: 2em;
line-height: 2em;
position: relative;
vertical-align: -35%;
width: 2em;
.icon-stack .icon-stack-base {
font-size: 2em;
.icon-stack [class^="icon-"], .icon-stack [class*=" icon-"] {
display: block;
font-size: 1em;
height: 100%;
line-height: inherit;
position: absolute;
text-align: center;
width: 100%;
.icon-stack .glyphicon{
font-size: 2em;


<span class="icon-stack">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-phone icon-stack-base"></i>
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></i>

Font Awesome Image Overlay

I've put a quick JSfiddle together using font-awesome. The CSS is hacked together but demonstrates what's possible. It should give you a starting point to experiment with.

<a href="#" title="" class="image">
<img src="" alt="Sample Image">

<div class="cn">
<div class="inner">
<a href="#zoom"><i class="icon-zoom-in large"></i></a>
<a href="#download"><i class="icon-cloud-download large"></i></a>
<a href="#comment"><i class="icon-comment large"></i></a>

Note: The JSfiddle above uses font-awesome.css called externally from

CSS for star ratings via FontAwesome

The overflow:hidden needs to be on 'stars-active' (the sized element) instead of 'score-wrap' (which never overflows.) You can use white-space: nowrap to prevent the stars from wrapping to the next line within the hidden-overflow container.

.score {  display: block;  font-size: 16px;  position: relative;  overflow: hidden;}
.score-wrap { display: inline-block; position: relative; height: 19px;}
.score .stars-active { color: #EEBD01; position: relative; z-index: 10; display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;}
.score .stars-inactive { color: grey; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; -webkit-text-stroke: initial; /* overflow: hidden; */}
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<span class="score"> <div class="score-wrap"> <span class="stars-active" style="width:88%"> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> </span><span class="stars-inactive"> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> </span></div></span>
<span class="score"> <div class="score-wrap"> <span class="stars-active" style="width:50%"> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> </span><span class="stars-inactive"> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> </span></div></span>
<span class="score"> <div class="score-wrap"> <span class="stars-active" style="width:100%"> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> </span><span class="stars-inactive"> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> </span></div></span>
<span class="score"> <div class="score-wrap"> <span class="stars-active" style="width:0%"> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> </span><span class="stars-inactive"> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> </span></div></span>

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