How to Make a Link Inside a Div Fill the Entire Space Inside the Div

Divs inside of Div Fill Entire Parent DIV Without Display:Table

From MDN:

The flex CSS property is a shorthand property specifying the ability
of a flex item to alter its dimensions to fill available space.

You need to provide flex: 1; to .container > div > div to expand the inner div elements.

.container > div > div {
border: 5px solid green;
height: 50px


Have a link fill div vertically

Apply height:0px to the parent elemetns #calla and #calsd so that the height:100% on anchors will work.


(Parent element needs explicit height set for % height. refer this old SO question)


You can also apply display:inline-block; to the anchors as Jack Pattishall Jr pointed out in the comments


How to make content fill space inside div tag in html?

I know you said:

I'm trying to avoid tables.

But, they make this really easy, so here's a display: table based answer:

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I can't think of a more eloquent way to do this without resorting to JavaScript.


width: 280px;
vertical-align: middle;
background: #ccc;
display: table
.notificationArea a, .notificationArea input {
display: table-cell
.notificationArea input {
width: 100%


<div class="notificationArea">
<a href="#">A</a> <a href="#">B</a>
<input id="Text1" type="text" />

Inside div 100% height of link

Since the class name is overlay I believe you want it to overlap the img?

If so use position: absolute;. Your div is set to height: 100%; but its width is 0 so change it to 100% as well.


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