How to Control Size of List-Style-Type Disc in CSS

How to control size of list-style-type disc in CSS?

I have always had good luck with using background images instead of trusting all browsers to interpret the bullet in exactly the same way. This would also give you tight control over the size of the bullet.

.moreLinks li {
background: url("bullet.gif") no-repeat left 5px;
padding-left: 1em;

Also, you may want to move your DIV outside of the UL. It's invalid markup as you have it now. You can use a list header LH if you must have it inside the list.

Decrease List style bullet size using css?

You can do this, if you don't want to use image.

li {    list-style: none;}
li:before { content:"· "; font-size:24px; vertical-align:middle; line-height:20px;}
<ul><li><a>Item 1</a></li><li><a>Item 2</a></li><li><a>Item 3</a></li><li><a>Item 4</a></li><li><a>Item 5</a></li></ul>

Increase size of list-style-bullet type

Might not work in old version of IE.

li:before{ content:'\00b7'; font-size:100px; }


For IE6:

Without javascript or images, I would recommend putting a <span>·</span> in the beginning of every list item and styling that.

is there any way to decrease List bullet size in CSS

There is no <!DOCTYPE html> in your HTML page. so that you're not able to decrease Bullet size

CSS list-style-image size

Try using a <img /> tag instead of setting the list-style-image property. Setting the width and height properties in CSS will crop the image, but if you use a <img /> tag, the image can be re-sized using the value specified by width and height (CSS) properties or (HTML) attributes for that <img /> element.

Customize list item bullets using CSS

You mean altering the size of the bullet, I assume? I believe this is tied to the font-size of the li tag. Thus, you can blow up the font-size for the LI, then reduce it for an element contained inside. Kind of sucks to add the extra markup - but something like:

li {font-size:omgHuge;}
li span {font-size:mehNormal;}

Alternately, you can specify an image file for your list bullets, that could be as big as you want:

list-style: square url("38specialPlusP.gif");


How can I increase the bullet size in a li?

You could do this in an IE8 conditional comment...

ul {
list-style: none;

ul li:before {
content: "•";
font-size: 170%; /* or whatever */
padding-right: 5px;


In IE7, you could prepend the bullet via JavaScript and style it accordingly.

CSS: Control space between bullet and li

Put its content in a span which is relatively positioned, then you can control the space by the left property of the span.

li span {  position: relative;  left: -10px;}
<ul>  <li><span>item 1</span></li>  <li><span>item 2</span></li>  <li><span>item 3</span></li></ul>

HTML/CSS List Style Type Not Showing

Probably you forgot about something...

li {
display: list-item;

In your code there is display:inline which isn't list item and haven't list styles.

It is possible to give list-style-type for some elements of li and for others dont?

So just make them <li> elements. For example:

<h4>Answer 1</h4>
<p> test test test test test test test test test test test test test testtest testtest test test test</p>
<span>Saber mais:</span><br/>
<li><a href="#">Who are we?</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Who are we?</a></li>

You can nest ordered/unordered lists to whatever depth you want. Then apply the CSS style as desired to the list.

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