Hide Content of Parent Element Without Hiding Children in CSS

Hide content of parent element without hiding children in CSS

display:none; always hides children and overrides their display properties.

You can try using visibility instead:

.parent { visibility: hidden;}
.parent a { visibility: visible;}

How can I hide parent element if child element is hidden?

Okay, according to your description you try this approach, by default hide them all .spr-badge-container
and then on page load check the count and if there is value then show or otherwise leave it hidden.


.spr-badge-container{ display: none;}


winodw.onload = ()=>{
if(jQuery('.stamped-container').data('count') != '0' ){
$(".spr-badge-container").css('display', 'block');
// use CSS or show to display the container

Note: JS code using jQuery so must be loaded after the jQuery lib load, otherwise code not works.

Hide parent element if no elements exist in child element

Contrary to your assumption


doesn't return the children of elements using the CSS class careersIntegration__accordion-jobs. In fact it only returns the actual elements using this CSS class. If you want to have it's children you need to append another call to .children().

For example:

$(".careersIntegration__accordion").each(function() {
if ($(this).children(".careersIntegration__accordion-jobs").children().length == 0) {
} else {
console.log('has children');
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="careersIntegration__listing">

<!-- this should be hidden -->
<div class="careersIntegration__accordion">
<div class="careersIntegration__accordion-header">
<span class="careersIntegration__accordion-dept">Sales</span>
<div class="careersIntegration__accordion-jobs"></div>

<!-- this should not be hidden -->
<div class="careersIntegration__accordion">
<div class="careersIntegration__accordion-header">
<span class="careersIntegration__accordion-dept">Tech</span>
<div class="careersIntegration__accordion-jobs">


Hide certain content from a parent element but show child in CSS

You can use font-size to hide the text, then overwrite it for the child span elements like so:

.price {  font-size: 0px;}
.price span { font-size: 16px;}
<p class="price">From: <span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">£</span>189.00</span></p>

Hide parent, display child if parent lacks specific class

It's not possible to display a child of an element when the parent is hidden.

Try moving the #nav out of the #splash so it's no longer a child of #nav. Then to achieve the same look, place #nav after the #splash in the markup and use #nav { background-color: transparent } so you can see the main content underneath, and also use #splash {height: calc(100vh - HEIGHTOF#NAV)} to make the #nav stick to the bottom.

Set your scroll position rules in JS to act on the #nav instead of #splash.

Now you're free to hide or show the #splash section without if affecting the #nav

parent hidden but children still visible (I don't want them visible)!

You're not using display: none on the parent (which would affect the children), you're using visibility: hidden on the parent, and within the children have a visibility: visible css attribute. If you want the children to hide, either set them to be visibility: hidden too, or use display: none on the parent element.

So, as Kyle pointed out, you can use $('#parent_div').toggle();, which will easily apply a display: none to #parent_div.

I'll just add that visibility and display are not the same. For example, if an element is width: 10px, height: 10px, visibility retains the element's dimensional space (it still takes up width: 10px, height: 10px), whereas display: none completely removes the dimensions of the element from the parent element (width: 0, height: 0). Visibility means it's still represented visually on flow in relation to other affected elements, it's just not seen; display means it's not seen nor represented on the screen in relation to other displayed/visible elements.

how can I hide parent div if all the children are display:none

Try like this using Jquery.

let flag = true;
if($(this).css("display") != "none"){
flag = false;

$(this).css("display", "none");
}else {
$(this).css("display", "block");

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