@Font-Face Custom Icon Font Only Showing Unicodes

@font-face custom icon font only showing unicodes

You're possibly running into unicode-range limitations. As described here you can define in a font-face declaration which Unicode characters are covered. It could very well be that older Chrome versions only replaced Latin characters by default. You should be able to fix this by adding this to your font-face declaration:

unicode-range: U+00-FFFF;

Having said that, it could very well be that you're only having a local issue. Check in your Chrome settings, under Advanced Settings, under Web Content click Customize Fonts, then at the bottom check the current setting for Encoding. Changing its value to "Unicode (UTF-8)" could solve the issue as well.

Icon Font causes Compatibility Mode in IE8

Long story short, there are two ways to solve this:

  • assign to the Basic Latin Range : U+0020 to U+007F
  • assign to the Low Surrogates Range : U+DC00 to U+DFFF

I found this through unit testing various ranges with my custom icon font using a grunt-webfont build process.
I didn't exhaustively test every range, but I found these two to work, and to be sufficient.

Notes: The Basic Latin Range starts from U+0020 not U+0000.
The Low Surrogates Range has a larger address space, and so is preferrable if you have a lot of glyphs. It also has the advantage of rendering square boxes if the glyph fails to load, as opposed to assorted Latin characters as the Basic Latin Range does.

Custom icon font not loaded

Is it perhaps because the font is not set? The font-family is defined in the "icon" class, but you are not specifying that. What happens if you use the following instead?

<i class="icon icon-send"></i>

Custom icon fontface not showing on my website but showing for others?

OK, I believe your problem lies here:

EDIT: Hopefully more clear instructions.

Your .cbp-ig-icon class is probably not correctly being inherited by your additional classes that define the content. There might be something going on with the double :before. As a test, directly define the content under .cbp-ig-icon:before (font-family, etc), directly to your .cbp-ig-icon-show:before, and see if that works.

.cbp-ig-icon:before {
font-family: 'anyoldicon';

.cbp-ig-icon-shoe:before { /** This is a totally separate class **/
content: "\e000";

CSS - apply unicode range to brower-installed font

You can use local(), an example:

@font-face {
font-family: 'CustomConsolas';
src: local('Consolas');
unicode-range: U+0061-0100;

Font Awesome & Unicode

It does not work, because <i></i> simply asks the browser to display the Private Use code point U+F015 using an italic typeface. The Font Awesome CSS code has nothing that would affect this. If you add class=icon-home to the tag, you will get the glyph assigned to U+F015 in the FontAwesome font, but you will get it twice, due to the way the Font Awesome trickery works.

To get the glyph just once, you need to use CSS that asks for the use of the FontAwesome font without triggering the rules that add a glyph via generated content. A simple trick is to use a class name that starts with icon- but does not match any of the predefined names in Font Awesome or any name otherwise used in your CSS or JavaScript code. E.g.,

<i class=icon-foo></i>

Alternatively, use CSS code that sets font-family: FontAwesome and font-style: normal on the i element.

PS. Note that Private Use code points such as U+F015 have, by definition, no interoperable meaning. Consequently, when style sheets are disabled, will not be displayed as any character; the browser will use its way of communicating the presence of undefined data, such as a small box, possibly containing the code point number.

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