Differencebetween Align-Items VS. Align-Content in Grid Layout

What is the difference between align-items vs. align-content in Grid Layout?

Let's start with clarifying the terminology:

Grid Container

The grid container is the overall container for the grid and grid items. It establishes the grid formatting context (as opposed to another formatting context, such as flex or block).


The grid is a group of intersecting vertical and horizontal lines that divides the grid container’s space into grid areas, which are boxes that contain grid items.

Grid Items

Grid items are boxes in a grid container that represent in-flow content (i.e., content that is not absolutely positioned).

Here's an illustration from the W3C:

Sample Image

The justify-content and align-content properties align the grid.

The justify-self, justify-items, align-self and align-items properties align the grid items.

With regard to the problem described in your question:

My confusion revolves around the claim made by the author that the "-content" set are there because: "Sometimes the total size of your grid might be less than the size of its grid container"

Well, you can see in the illustration that the grid is smaller than the grid container.

As a result, there is space remaining and the container is able to distribute this space to vertically center (align-content: center) and right-align (justify-content: end) the grid.

The extra space could also allow the grid to be spaced apart with values such as space-around, space-between and space-evenly.

However, if the grid size equaled the container size, then there would be no free space, and align-content / justify-content would have no effect.

Here's more from the spec:

10.3. Row-axis Alignment: the justify-self and justify-items

Grid items can be aligned in the inline dimension by using the
justify-self property on the grid item or justify-items property
on the grid container.

10.4. Column-axis Alignment: the align-self and align-items

Grid items can also be aligned in the block dimension (perpendicular
to the inline dimension) by using the align-self property on the
grid item or align-items property on the grid container.

10.5. Aligning the Grid: the justify-content and align-content

If the grid’s outer edges do not correspond to the grid container’s
content edges (for example, if no columns are flex-sized), the grid
tracks are aligned within the content box according to the
justify-content and align-content properties on the grid

(emphasis added)

What is difference between justify-self, justify-items and justify-content in CSS grid?

To answer your questions:


As reiallenramos mentioned, "The justify-self and justify-items properties are not implemented in flexbox. This is due to the one-dimensional nature of flexbox, and that there may be multiple items along the axis, making it impossible to justify a single item. To align items along the main, inline axis in flexbox you use the justify-content property." - MDN


This screen shot from W3 does an excellent job of showing what they do and the differences between them.
Sample Image

Good To Knows:

For more information and example, I would suggest you check out:

  • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Grid_Layout/Box_Alignment_in_CSS_Grid_Layout
  • https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/06/building-production-ready-css-grid-layout/
  • https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/12/grid-inspector/

And for some inspiration:

  • https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/10/css-grid-challenge-2017-winners/

justify-content works differently in Flex and Grid layouts

In flex layout, the justify-content property distributes free space in the container between or around flex items (depending on the value).

8.2. Axis Alignment: the justify-content

The justify-content property aligns flex items along the main axis
of the current line of the flex container. ... Typically it helps
distribute extra free space leftover when either all the flex items on
a line are inflexible, or are flexible but have reached their maximum

In grid layout, the justify-content property distributes free space in the container between or around grid columns (depending on the value).

Note the difference with flex: Here, justify-content aligns grid columns, not grid items.

10.5. Aligning the Grid: the justify-content and align-content

If the grid’s outer edges do not correspond to the grid container’s
content edges (for example, if no columns are flex-sized), the grid
tracks are aligned within the content box according to the
justify-content and align-content properties on the grid

Here are the grid column tracks in your layout...

...without justify-content: space-between:

Sample Image

...and with justify-content: space-between:

Sample Image

Here's a related post that may help with further understanding:

  • What is the difference between align-items vs. align-content in Grid Layout?

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