CSS White-Space:Nowrap Horizontal Scroll Bug

css white-space:nowrap horizontal scroll bug

An easy solution is to do this: on #outer, remove width: 100% and add float: left.

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CSS white-space:pre always renders a horizontal scrollbar in firefox

This looks to be a bug in Firefox. (The same problem is in the latest nightly build, so it'll be here for a while.) And there doesn't seem to be a solution, only workarounds.

The problem is that, if the container is positioned absolutely, the procedure with Gecko appears to be as follows:

  • The absolutely positioned container only needs to be as wide as its contents
  • So if the contents are, e.g. 300px wide, then the container will be 300px wide too
  • If the contents are higher than the container, add a vertical scrollbar
  • But don't adjust the container's width to account for this scrollbar
  • So now the contents are wider than the container's viewport.


#definitionDiv {  position: absolute;  left: 20px;  top: 20px;  max-height: 150px;  overflow: auto;}.data {  width: 220px;  height: 220px;  border: 40px inset #CCB;  background: #CCB;}
<div id="definitionDiv">   <div id="definitionDivContent">    <div class="data">    </div>  </div></div>

No horizontal page scroll when nowrap is set on DIV

The position: fixed is the cause of this issue. If your table doesn't need to be fixed, then you can remove that CSS rule and it will work.


You can also use position:absolute and that will work.


If you want to use the browser scroll, and not put a scroll bar on the table then I think these are your only options with fixed positioned elements overflowing the body.

Here's your more complicated fiddle with all position:fixed changed to position:absolute.

Uneven horizontally scrolling div with white-space: normal

The problem is caused by the default vertical-align: baseline property on inline elements. This causes the blocks to line themselves up with the baseline of the text. This is a problem when the text wraps as the baseline is pushed down.

Set vertical-align: top on .item

Working Example

.slider {  white-space: nowrap;  overflow: auto;}.item {  display: inline-block;  position: relative;  width: 200px;  height: 150px;  margin: 10px;  background: grey;  vertical-align: top;}.info {  position: relative;  height: 100%;  color: #fff;  white-space: normal;}
<div class="slider">  <div class="item">    <div class="info">      <h1>Title</h1>    </div>  </div>  <div class="item">    <div class="info">      <h1>This is a really long title</h1>    </div>  </div>  <div class="item">    <div class="info">      <h1>Title</h1>    </div>  </div></div>

CSS white-space: no wrap, no horizontal scrollbar and maintain white-space when copied

I got it working to an accuracy of about 99.8% of the time using the following...


<pre><code>/* Code here. */</code></pre>


pre {white-space: pre; width: 75vmax;}

Horizontal Scrolling - white gap issue

This seems to be a common issue with inline-block, some alternatives/workarounds are outlined here. Adding a negative margin worked well enough, but this doesn't work on some older browsers (IE 6/7).

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