Chrome & Safari Error::Not Allowed to Load Local Resource: File:///D:/Css/Style.Css

Cannot open local file - Chrome: Not allowed to load local resource

We use Chrome a lot in the classroom and it is a must to working with local files.

What we have been using is "Web Server for Chrome". You start it up, choose the folder wishing to work with and go to URL (like you chose)

It is a simple server and cannot use PHP but for simple work, might be your solution:

File URL Not allowed to load local resource in the Internet Browser

Now we know what the actual error is can formulate an answer.

Not allowed to load local resource

is a Security exception built into Chrome and other modern browsers. The wording may be different but in some way shape or form they all have security exceptions in place to deal with this scenario.

In the past you could override certain settings or apply certain flags such as

--disable-web-security --allow-file-access-from-files --allow-file-access

in Chrome (See

It's there for a reason

At this point though it's worth pointing out that these security exceptions exist for good reason and trying to circumvent them isn't the best idea.

There is another way

As you have access to Classic ASP already you could always build a intermediary page that serves the network based files. You do this using a combination of the ADODB.Stream object and the Response.BinaryWrite() method. Doing this ensures your network file locations are never exposed to the client and due to the flexibility of the script it can be used to load resources from multiple locations and multiple file types.

Here is a basic example ("getfile.asp"):

Option Explicit

Dim s, id, bin, file, filename, mime

id = Request.QueryString("id")

'id can be anything just use it as a key to identify the
'file to return. It could be a simple Case statement like this
'or even pulled from a database.
Select Case id
'The file, mime and filename can be built-up anyway they don't
'have to be hard coded.
file = "\\server\share\Projecten\Protocollen\346\Uitvoeringsoverzicht.xls"
mime = "application/"
'Filename you want to display when downloading the resource.
filename = "Uitvoeringsoverzicht.xls"

'Assuming other files
Case ...
End Select

If Len(file & "") > 0 Then
Set s = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
s.Type = adTypeBinary 'adTypeBinary = 1 See "Useful Links"
Call s.Open()
Call s.LoadFromFile(file)
bin = s.Read()

'Clean-up the stream and free memory
Call s.Close()
Set s = Nothing

'Set content type header based on mime variable
Response.ContentType = mime
'Control how the content is returned using the
'Content-Disposition HTTP Header. Using "attachment" forces the resource
'to prompt the client to download while "inline" allows the resource to
'download and display in the client (useful for returning images
'as the "src" of a <img> tag).
Call Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" & filename)
Call Response.BinaryWrite(bin)
'Return a 404 if there's no file.
Response.Status = "404 Not Found"
End If

This example is pseudo coded and as such is untested.

This script can then be used in <a> like this to return the resource;

<a href="/getfile.asp?id=TESTFILE1">Click Here</a>

The could take this approach further and consider (especially for larger files) reading the file in chunks using Response.IsConnected to check whether the client is still there and s.EOS property to check for the end of the stream while the chunks are being read. You could also add to the querystring parameters to set whether you want the file to return in-line or prompt to be downloaded.

Useful Links

  • Using METADATA to Import DLL Constants - If you are having trouble getting adTypeBinary to be recongnised, always better then just hard coding 1.

  • Content-Disposition:What are the differences between “inline” and “attachment”? - Useful information about how Content-Disposition behaves on the client.

Video does not load - chrome: Not allowed to load local resource

If you look at the error message you are getting above you will see that it is trying to open the video from a URL starting with:


The browser is interpreting that this file is a local file and not on a server - i.e. even though the 'video URL comes from a server' as you say the URL which the browser is seeing is a local URL.

If you want the source to be a video on a server your HTML code you should either see an absolute server source URL like this example:

<video id="testVid" controls preload="auto">
<source src="" type='video/mp4'>

Or a URL which is relative to your own web server serving the current page like this:

<video id="testVid" controls preload="auto">
<source src="/MyServerMoviesFolder/ToS/" type='video/mp4'>

You can see some more examples here:

If, in your example, 'MyServer' is a valid 'authority name, e.g. '', then you URL is indeed a valid URL according to the RFC. It is referred to as a network-path reference URI and described in section 4.2 of the RFC linked below.

Different browsers may treat this differently, and Chrome does seem to default to a local file when it sees a URI starting with a double forward slash if you enter it directly in the URL tab of the browser.

However, with a valid 'authority' in the URL it should resolve to a video - see the example snippet below which is tested on Chrome and Safari and plays the video: