Checkboxes Not Displaying Chrome - Work in Other Browsers

Checkboxes not displaying Chrome - Work in other browsers

This line in your CSS:

-webkit-appearance: none;

In the style rule for input, button, select, textarea is breaking things for you.

Why html checkbox function only works in IE but not in Firefox or Chrome?

After some research I found the answer, added "styleId" to the following solved the problem :

<html:text property="searchTerm2" styleId="searchTerm2" value="" style="display:none" tabindex="6"/>

<html:select property="searchField2" styleId="searchField2" onchange="showOptions2(this.form)" value= "" style="display:none" tabindex="7">

styleId="xyz" after processing will be turned into Id="xyz" which will be identified by document.getElementById(), otherwise it will cause error because there is no Id in it.

Custom Checkbox Not Working in Chrome on Windows

Turns out it is a bug in Chrome v39. See here for details:

You can wait for the next Chrome release, or use @RaianaLadeira's suggestion.

Check box checked property doesn't change in Chrome or Firefox Developer Tools

That is just the default property defined by the HTML attribute of the element when loaded. When unchecked, its the DOM property that is whats actually toggled. Which is why the attribute does not seem to change.

This follow code outputs the current DOM checked property to the console:


Here is the JSFiddle

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