Bootstrap Scrollable Tab Panel Content

Bootstrap scrollable tab panel content

Are you looking for the content to scroll within the pane?



How to get scrollable tab content in bootstrap 4.1 using flex

Here's my solution. Add the following code in your css file. Hope it will be helpful to you. If you face further problem, feel free to inform.

.tab-content {
height: 90vh;

It allows your tab content to take the rest of the area. Because your header is taking 10% height of the screen. That's why you have 90% left.

.tab-content {  height: 90vh;}
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Bootstrap horizontal scrollable tab panel content

Here You go Fiddle:

You need to add this css



Scroll Bootstrap 4 nav-tabs horizontally

Here, You have add your code inside .row. but, would be used .row. when your are use col grid system. Here, You can use following Html structural & css for horizontal scrolled.

.tabbable .nav-tabs {   overflow-x: auto;   overflow-y:hidden;   flex-wrap: nowrap;}.tabbable .nav-tabs .nav-link {  white-space: nowrap;}
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Scrolling in Y axis Problem in Bootstrap Tabs

Try adding overflow-y: scroll; on the Tab that you want. It will make the content scrollable on the y-axis.

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