What Is the Worst Real-World Macros/Pre-Processor Abuse You'Ve Ever Come Across

What is the worst real-world macros/pre-processor abuse you've ever come across?

From memory, it looked something like this:

#define RETURN(result) return (result);}

int myfunction1(args) {
int x = 0;
// do something

int myfunction2(args) {
int y = 0;
// do something

int myfunction3(args) {
int z = 0;
// do something

Yes that's right, no closing braces in any of the functions. Syntax highlighting was a mess, so he used vi to edit (not vim, it has syntax coloring!)

He was a Russian programmer who had mostly worked in assembly language. He was fanatical about saving as many bytes as possible because he had previously worked on systems with very limited memory. "It was for satellite. Only very few byte, so we use each byte over for many things." (bit fiddling, reusing machine instruction bytes for their numeric values) When I tried to find out what kinds of satellites, I was only able to get "Orbiting satellite. For making to orbit."

He had two other quirks: A convex mirror mounted above his monitor "For knowing who is watching", and an occasional sudden exit from his chair to do a quick ten pushups. He explained this last one as "Compiler found error in code. This is punishment".

What is the worst real-world macros/pre-processor abuse you've ever come across?

From memory, it looked something like this:

#define RETURN(result) return (result);}

int myfunction1(args) {
int x = 0;
// do something

int myfunction2(args) {
int y = 0;
// do something

int myfunction3(args) {
int z = 0;
// do something

Yes that's right, no closing braces in any of the functions. Syntax highlighting was a mess, so he used vi to edit (not vim, it has syntax coloring!)

He was a Russian programmer who had mostly worked in assembly language. He was fanatical about saving as many bytes as possible because he had previously worked on systems with very limited memory. "It was for satellite. Only very few byte, so we use each byte over for many things." (bit fiddling, reusing machine instruction bytes for their numeric values) When I tried to find out what kinds of satellites, I was only able to get "Orbiting satellite. For making to orbit."

He had two other quirks: A convex mirror mounted above his monitor "For knowing who is watching", and an occasional sudden exit from his chair to do a quick ten pushups. He explained this last one as "Compiler found error in code. This is punishment".

What is the worst real-world macros/pre-processor abuse you've ever come across?

From memory, it looked something like this:

#define RETURN(result) return (result);}

int myfunction1(args) {
int x = 0;
// do something

int myfunction2(args) {
int y = 0;
// do something

int myfunction3(args) {
int z = 0;
// do something

Yes that's right, no closing braces in any of the functions. Syntax highlighting was a mess, so he used vi to edit (not vim, it has syntax coloring!)

He was a Russian programmer who had mostly worked in assembly language. He was fanatical about saving as many bytes as possible because he had previously worked on systems with very limited memory. "It was for satellite. Only very few byte, so we use each byte over for many things." (bit fiddling, reusing machine instruction bytes for their numeric values) When I tried to find out what kinds of satellites, I was only able to get "Orbiting satellite. For making to orbit."

He had two other quirks: A convex mirror mounted above his monitor "For knowing who is watching", and an occasional sudden exit from his chair to do a quick ten pushups. He explained this last one as "Compiler found error in code. This is punishment".

Preprocessor error when defining =

The == is a single token, it cannot be split in half. You should run gcc -E on your code

From GCC manual pages:

-E Stop after the preprocessing stage; do not run the compiler proper. The output is in
the form of preprocessed source code, which is sent to the standard output.

Input files that don't require preprocessing are ignored.

For your code gcc -E gives the following output

  if(x= =6)
printf("X == 6\n");

if(y= =6)

The second = is what causes the error message expected expression before ‘=’ token

See expanded C Macros

Compile your code from the terminal, with the -E flag: gcc my_code.c -E.

This will print the preprocessed code directly to the terminal. If you want to save it to a file instead, add something like -o result.txt at the end.

Simplify C++ inclusion with macros

The right way to do it is to pass SOMEPROJ_SRC_PATH as a search path of include files with -I option.


#include <iostream>

#include "some.h"

int main() {
std::cout << HELLO << std::endl;


#define HELLO "Hello, world!"

And then compile it:

g++ -I /some/path -o main main.cpp 

Tasm macros default value

subs MACRO x,y
IFB <y>
mov ax,x
sub ax,1
mov ax,x
sub ax,y

You need a reference: http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/borland/turbo_assembler/

playing with Macros

header file

#include <math.h>

extern double peri;
extern double area;

#define AREA_C(x) (x*x* M_PI)
#define PERI_C(x) (x*2*M_PI)

#define PERI(length, depth, polygone){\
if((polygone == "square")||(polygone == "rectangle"))\
peri = length * 2 + depth * 2;\

#define AREA(a,b,poly){\
if((poly == "square")||(poly == "rectangle"))\
area = a * b;\
else if(poly == "triangle")\
area = a * b / 2;\


#include "areaperi.h"
#include <stdio.h>

double area;
double peri;

int main(){
double Carea = AREA_C(3);
double Cperi = PERI_C(3);
printf("area: %.2lf\n", Carea);
printf("peri: %.2lf\n", Cperi);
printf("Area of the square: %.2lf\n", area);

return 0;


after having DEFINED the variable I got rid of the main error, but there was still the "24: warning: backslash-newline at end of file", with that one I just added puts(""); and fix it.

If want to learn more about that error I find the answer on: this stock overflow page

Macroexpand for parenscript

In parenscript's compiler.lisp file, there are the functions
ps-macroexpand-1 and ps-macroexpand. Unfortunately, they are not exported by the parenscript package. You can call them anyway using a double colon.

For example,

(defpsmacro aif (test true &rest false)
`(let ((it ,test))
(if it ,true ,@false)))

(ps::ps-macroexpand-1 '(aif 3 it))
(LET ((IT 3))

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