What Is Move Semantics

What is move semantics?

I find it easiest to understand move semantics with example code. Let's start with a very simple string class which only holds a pointer to a heap-allocated block of memory:

#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>

class string
char* data;


string(const char* p)
size_t size = std::strlen(p) + 1;
data = new char[size];
std::memcpy(data, p, size);

Since we chose to manage the memory ourselves, we need to follow the rule of three. I am going to defer writing the assignment operator and only implement the destructor and the copy constructor for now:

delete[] data;

string(const string& that)
size_t size = std::strlen(that.data) + 1;
data = new char[size];
std::memcpy(data, that.data, size);

The copy constructor defines what it means to copy string objects. The parameter const string& that binds to all expressions of type string which allows you to make copies in the following examples:

string a(x);                                    // Line 1
string b(x + y); // Line 2
string c(some_function_returning_a_string()); // Line 3

Now comes the key insight into move semantics. Note that only in the first line where we copy x is this deep copy really necessary, because we might want to inspect x later and would be very surprised if x had changed somehow. Did you notice how I just said x three times (four times if you include this sentence) and meant the exact same object every time? We call expressions such as x "lvalues".

The arguments in lines 2 and 3 are not lvalues, but rvalues, because the underlying string objects have no names, so the client has no way to inspect them again at a later point in time.
rvalues denote temporary objects which are destroyed at the next semicolon (to be more precise: at the end of the full-expression that lexically contains the rvalue). This is important because during the initialization of b and c, we could do whatever we wanted with the source string, and the client couldn't tell a difference!

C++0x introduces a new mechanism called "rvalue reference" which, among other things,
allows us to detect rvalue arguments via function overloading. All we have to do is write a constructor with an rvalue reference parameter. Inside that constructor we can do anything we want with the source, as long as we leave it in some valid state:

    string(string&& that)   // string&& is an rvalue reference to a string
data = that.data;
that.data = nullptr;

What have we done here? Instead of deeply copying the heap data, we have just copied the pointer and then set the original pointer to null (to prevent 'delete[]' from source object's destructor from releasing our 'just stolen data'). In effect, we have "stolen" the data that originally belonged to the source string. Again, the key insight is that under no circumstance could the client detect that the source had been modified. Since we don't really do a copy here, we call this constructor a "move constructor". Its job is to move resources from one object to another instead of copying them.

Congratulations, you now understand the basics of move semantics! Let's continue by implementing the assignment operator. If you're unfamiliar with the copy and swap idiom, learn it and come back, because it's an awesome C++ idiom related to exception safety.

    string& operator=(string that)
std::swap(data, that.data);
return *this;

Huh, that's it? "Where's the rvalue reference?" you might ask. "We don't need it here!" is my answer :)

Note that we pass the parameter that by value, so that has to be initialized just like any other string object. Exactly how is that going to be initialized? In the olden days of C++98, the answer would have been "by the copy constructor". In C++0x, the compiler chooses between the copy constructor and the move constructor based on whether the argument to the assignment operator is an lvalue or an rvalue.

So if you say a = b, the copy constructor will initialize that (because the expression b is an lvalue), and the assignment operator swaps the contents with a freshly created, deep copy. That is the very definition of the copy and swap idiom -- make a copy, swap the contents with the copy, and then get rid of the copy by leaving the scope. Nothing new here.

But if you say a = x + y, the move constructor will initialize that (because the expression x + y is an rvalue), so there is no deep copy involved, only an efficient move.
that is still an independent object from the argument, but its construction was trivial,
since the heap data didn't have to be copied, just moved. It wasn't necessary to copy it because x + y is an rvalue, and again, it is okay to move from string objects denoted by rvalues.

To summarize, the copy constructor makes a deep copy, because the source must remain untouched.
The move constructor, on the other hand, can just copy the pointer and then set the pointer in the source to null. It is okay to "nullify" the source object in this manner, because the client has no way of inspecting the object again.

I hope this example got the main point across. There is a lot more to rvalue references and move semantics which I intentionally left out to keep it simple. If you want more details please see my supplementary answer.

What does semantics mean? and why are move semantics named as such, instead of any other term?

"Semantics" is the meaning or interpretation of written instructions. It is often contrasted to "syntax", which describes the form of the instructions. For example, an assignment foo = bar has the same form in many programming languages, but not necessarily the same meaning. In C++ it means copy, in Rust it means move, and in Java or Python it means copy the object reference.

"Move semantics" applied to C++ syntax such as assignment or passing parameters to functions means that that syntax is or can be interpreted as object move as opposed to object copy. Semantics is not a synonym for "function", so "max semantics" doesn't make much sense.

Other examples where the word can be applied is reference semantics as opposed to value semantics, or "short-circuit semantics" (of the && and || operators) as opposed to evaluating all clauses. Basically, anything where there are multiple possible meanings of what you wrote, and you need to name and pinpoint the correct one.

Move semantics - what it's all about? [duplicate]

Forget about C++0x for the moment. Move semantics are something that is language independent -- C++0x merely provides a standard way to perform operations with move semantics.


Move semantics define the behaviour of certain operations. Most of the time they are contrasted with copy semantics, so it would be useful to define them first.

Assignment with copy semantics has the following behaviour:

// Copy semantics
assert(b == c);
a = b;
assert(a == b && b == c);

i.e. a ends up equal to b, and we leave b unchanged.

Assignment with move semantics has weaker post conditions:

// Move semantics
assert(b == c);
move(a, b); // not C++0x
assert(a == c);

Note that there is no longer any guarantee that b remains unchanged after the assignment with move semantics. This is the crucial difference.


One benefit of move semantics is that it allows optimisations in certain situations. Consider the following regular value type:

struct A { T* x; };

Assume also that we define two objects of type A to be equal iff their x member point to equal values.

bool operator==(const A& lhs, const A& rhs) { return *lhs.x == *rhs.x; }

Finally assume that we define an object A to have sole ownership over the pointee of their x member.

A::~A() { delete x; }
A::A(const A& rhs) : x(new T(rhs.x)) {}
A& A::operator=(const A& rhs) { if (this != &rhs) *x = *rhs.x; }

Now suppose we want to define a function to swap two A objects.

We could do it the normal way with copy semantics.

void swap(A& a, A& b)
A t = a;
a = b;
b = t;

However, this is unnecessarily inefficient. What are we doing?

  • We create a copy of a into t.
  • We then copy b into a.
  • Then copy t into b.
  • Finally, destroy t.

If T objects are expensive to copy then this is wasteful. If I asked you to swap two files on your computer, you wouldn't create a third file then copy and paste the file contents around before destroying your temporary file, would you? No, you'd move one file away, move the second into the first position, then finally move the first file back into the second. No need to copy data.

In our case, it's easy to move around objects of type A:

// Not C++0x
void move(A& lhs, A& rhs)
lhs.x = rhs.x;
rhs.x = nullptr;

We simply move rhs's pointer into lhs and then relinquish rhs ownership of that pointer (by setting it to null). This should illuminate why the weaker post condition of move semantics allows optimisations.

With this new move operation defined, we can define an optimised swap:

void swap(A& a, A& b)
A t;
move(t, a);
move(a, b);
move(b, t);

Another advantage of move semantics is that it allows you to move around objects that are unable to be copied. A prime example of this is std::auto_ptr.


C++0x allows move semantics through its rvalue reference feature. Specifically, operations of the kind:

a = b;

Have move semantics when b is an rvalue reference (spelt T&&), otherwise they have copy semantics. You can force move semantics by using the std::move function (different from the move I defined earlier) when b is not an rvalue reference:

a = std::move(b);

std::move is a simple function that essentially casts its argument to an rvalue reference. Note that the results of expressions (such as a function call) are automatically rvalue references, so you can exploit move semantics in those cases without changing your code.

To define move optimisations, you need to define a move constructor and move assignment operator:

T& operator=(T&&);

As these operations have move semantics, you are free to modify the arguments passed in (provided you leave the object in a destructible state).


That's essentially all there is to it. Note that rvalue references are also used to allow perfect forwarding in C++0x (due to the specifically crafted type system interactions between rvalue references and other types), but this isn't really related to move semantics, so I haven't discussed it here.

Is move semantics in C++ something C is missing?

Of course, there is a similar technique in C. We have been doing "move semantics" in C for ages.

Firstly, "move semantics" in C++ is based on a bunch of overload resolution rules that describe how functions with rvalue reference parameters behave during overload resolution. Since C does not support function overloading, this specific matter is not applicable to C. You can still implement move semantics in C manually, by writing dedicated data-moving functions with dedicated names and explicitly calling them when you want to move the data instead of copying it. E.g, for your own data type struct HeavyStruct you can write both a copy_heavy_struct(dst, src) and move_heavy_struct(dst, src) functions with appropriate implementations. You'll just have to manually choose the most appropriate/efficient one to call in each case.

Secondly, the primary purpose of implicit move semantics in C++ is to serve as an alternative to implicit deep-copy semantics in contexts where deep copying is unnecessarily inefficient. Since C does not have implicit deep-copy semantics, the problem does not even arise in C. C always performs shallow copying, which is already pretty similar to move semantics. Basically, you can think of C as an always-move language. It just needs a bit of manual tweaking to bring its move semantics to perfection.

Of course, it is probably impossible to literally reproduce all features of C++ move semantics, since, for example, it is impossible to bind a C pointer to an rvalue. But virtually everything can be "emulated". It just requires a bit more work to be done explicitly/manually.

Understanding Move Semantics of C++ Standard

When we move an object with by std::move

No. std::move doesn't move things. It gives us an rvalue expression referring to some object. An rvalue expression results in overload resolution picking functions that take rvalue references, which is convenient because now we will pick those instead of the functions that take values, or lvalue references, which traditionally do copy-like things. Such functions tend to be constructors (so-called "move constructors") or assignment operators (so-called "move assignment operators") because it is during construction and assignment that moving is useful.

it makes the object nullptr

That depends entirely on what said function does. Typically, an object that's worth moving has indirect state, like a pointer to some dynamically-allocated resource. And if said object is moveable, its move constructor is best off doing a swap on those pointers. If it didn't leave the source object's pointer as nullptr then you have two objects owning the resource. That wasn't a move; it was a [shallow] copy.

A full discussion of the hows and the whys is out of scope of a Q&A, but any good book should have one.

Also, if this all sounds like a hack, that's because it is one. C++ is a hodge-podge of hacks built on hacks to provide additional functionality over time. In this case, we needed (read: wanted) a way to create a different kind of constructor (and assignment operator), a kind that would take a non-const reference and could modify the source object (to "steal" its resources), and to achieve that we had to introduce a new kind of reference that would only bind to rvalues (because we were already using everything else for copies), and then we had to introduce a utility function that would turn the name of an object into an rvalue … hence, std::move was born, the utility function that doesn't move anything. /p>

Why are move semantics necessary to elide temporary copies?

Move functions do not elide temporary copies, exactly.

The same number of temporaries exists, it's just that instead of calling the copy constructor typically, the move constructor is called, which is allowed to cannibalize the original rather than make an independent copy. This may sometimes be vastly more efficient.

The C++ formal object model is not at all modified by move semantics. Objects still have a well-defined lifetime, starting at some particular address, and ending when they are destroyed there. They never "move" during their life time. When they are "moved from", what is really happening is the guts are scooped out of an object that is scheduled to die soon, and placed efficiently in a new object. It may look like they moved, but formally, they didn't really, as that would totally break C++.

Being moved from is not death. Move is required to leave objects in a "valid state" in which they are still alive, and the destructor will always be called later.

Eliding copies is a totally different thing, where in some chain of temporary objects, some of the intermediates are skipped. Compilers are not required to elide copies in C++11 and C++14, they are permitted to do this even when it may violate the "as-if" rule that usually guides optimization. That is even if the copy ctor may have side effects, the compiler at high optimization settings may still skip some of the temporaries.

By contrast, "guaranteed copy ellision" is a new C++17 feature, which means that the standard requires copy ellision to take place in certain cases.

Move semantics and copy ellision give two different approaches to enabling greater efficiency in these "chain of temporaries" scenarios. In move semantics, all the temporaries still exist, but instead of calling the copy constructor, we get to call a (hopefully) less expensive constructor, the move constructor. In copy ellision, we get to skip some of the objects all together.

Basically, why are move semantics considered special and not just a compiler optimization that could have been performed by pre-C++11 compilers?

Move semantics are not a "compiler optimization". They are a new part of the type system. Move semantics happens even when you compile with -O0 on gcc and clang -- it causes different functions to be called, because, the fact that an object is about to die is now "annotated" in the type of reference. It allows "application level optimizations" but this is different from what the optimizer does.

Maybe you can think of it as a safety-net. Sure, in an ideal world the optimizer would always eliminate every unnecessary copy. Sometimes, though, constructing a temporary is complex, involves dynamic allocations, and the compiler doesn't see through it all. In many such cases, you will be saved by move semantics, which might allow you to avoid making a dynamic allocation at all. That in turn may lead to generated code that is then easier for the optimizer to analyze.

The guaranteed copy ellision thing is sort of like, they found a way to formalize some of this "common sense" about temporaries, so that more code not only works the way you expect when it gets optimized, but is required to work the way you expect when it gets compiled, and not call a copy constructor when you think there shouldn't really be a copy. So you can e.g. return non-copyable, non-moveable types by value from a factory function. The compiler figures out that no copy happens much earlier in the process, before it even gets to the optimizer. This is really the next iteration of this series of improvements.

What's the connection between value semantics and move semantics in C++?

From the original move proposal:

Copy vs Move

C and C++ are built on copy semantics. This is a Good Thing. Move
semantics is not an attempt to supplant copy semantics, nor undermine
it in any way. Rather this proposal seeks to augment copy semantics. A
general user defined class might be both copyable and movable, one or
the other, or neither.

The difference between a copy and a move is that a copy leaves the
source unchanged. A move on the other hand leaves the source in a
state defined differently for each type. The state of the source may
be unchanged, or it may be radically different. The only requirement
is that the object remain in a self consistent state (all internal
invariants are still intact). From a client code point of view,
choosing move instead of copy means that you don't care what happens
to the state of the source.

For PODs, move and copy are identical operations (right down to the
machine instruction level).

I guess one could add to this and say:

Move semantics allows us to keep value semantics, but at the same time gain the performance of reference semantics in those cases where the value of the original (copied-from) object is unimportant to program logic.

What is std::move(), and when should it be used?

Wikipedia Page on C++11 R-value references and move constructors

  1. In C++11, in addition to copy constructors, objects can have move constructors.

    (And in addition to copy assignment operators, they have move assignment operators.)
  2. The move constructor is used instead of the copy constructor, if the object has type "rvalue-reference" (Type &&).
  3. std::move() is a cast that produces an rvalue-reference to an object, to enable moving from it.

It's a new C++ way to avoid copies. For example, using a move constructor, a std::vector could just copy its internal pointer to data to the new object, leaving the moved object in an moved from state, therefore not copying all the data. This would be C++-valid.

Try googling for move semantics, rvalue, perfect forwarding.

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