Template Instantiation Details of Gcc and Ms Compilers

Template instantiation details of GCC and MS compilers

Point of instantiation

templates will be instantiated when actually used

Not exactly, but roughly. The precise point of instantiation is a bit subtle, and I delegate you over to the section named Point of instantiation in Vandevoorde's/Josuttis' fine book.

However, compilers do not necessarily implement the POIs correctly: Bug c++/41995: Incorrect point of instantiation for function template

Partial instantiation

templates will be instantiated when actually used

That is partially correct. It is true for function templates, but for class templates, only the member functions that are used are instantiated. The following is well-formed code:

#include <iostream>

template <typename> struct Foo {
void let_me_stay() {
this->is->valid->code. get->off->my->lawn;

void fun() { std::cout << "fun()" << std::endl; }

int main () {
Foo<void> foo;

let_me_stay() is checked syntactically (and the syntax there is correct), but not semantically (i.e. it is not interpreted).

Two phase lookup

However, only dependent code is interpreted later; clearly, within Foo<>, this is dependent upon the exact template-id with which Foo<> is instantiated, so we postponed error-checking of Foo<>::let_me_alone() until instantiation time.

But if we do not use something that depends on the specific instantiation, the code must be good. Therefore, the following is not well-formed:

$ cat non-dependent.cc
template <typename> struct Foo {
void I_wont_compile() { Mine->is->valid->code. get->off->my->lawn; }
int main () {} // note: no single instantiation

Mine is a completely unknown symbol to the compiler, unlike this, for which the compiler could determine it's instance dependency.

The key-point here is that C++ uses a model of two-phase-lookup, where it does checking for non-dependent code in the first phase, and semantic checking for dependent code is done in phase two (and instantiation time) (this is also an often misunderstood or unknown concept, many C++ programmers assume that templates are not parsed at all until instantiation, but that's only myth coming from, ..., Microsoft C++).

Full instantiation of class templates

The definition of Foo<>::let_me_stay() worked because error checking was postponed to later, as for the this pointer, which is dependent. Except when you would have made use of

explicit instantiations

cat > foo.cc
#include <iostream>

template <typename> struct Foo {
void let_me_stay() { this->is->valid->code. get->off->my->lawn; }
void fun() { std::cout << "fun()" << std::endl; }

template struct Foo<void>;
int main () {
Foo<void> foo;

g++ foo.cc
error: error: ‘struct Foo<void>’ has no member named ‘is’

Template definitions in different units of translation

When you explicitly instantiate, you instantiate explicitly. And make all symbols visible to the linker, which also means that the template definition may reside in different units of translation:

$ cat A.cc
template <typename> struct Foo {
void fun(); // Note: no definition
int main () {

$ cat B.cc
#include <iostream>
template <typename> struct Foo {
void fun();

template <typename T>
void Foo<T>::fun() {
std::cout << "fun!" << std::endl;
} // Note: definition with extern linkage

template struct Foo<void>; // explicit instantiation upon void

$ g++ A.cc B.cc
$ ./a.out

However, you must explicitly instantiate for all template arguments to be used, otherwise

$ cat A.cc
template <typename> struct Foo {
void fun(); // Note: no definition
int main () {
$ g++ A.cc B.cc
undefined reference to `Foo<float>::fun()'

Small note about two-phase lookup: Whether a compiler actually implements two-phase lookup is not dictated by the standard. To be conformant, however, it should work as if it did (just like addition or multiplication do not necessarily have to be performed using addition or multiplication CPU instructions.

Why does MSVC compiler put template instantiation binaries in assembly?

The /FA switch generates the listing file for each translation unit. Since this is before the linking stage, MSVC does not determine if those two functions are required anywhere else within the program, and are thus still included in the generated .asm file (Note: this may be for simplicity on MS's part, since it can treat templates the same as regular functions in the generated .obj file, though realistically there's no actual need to store them in the .obj file, as user17732522 points out in the comments).

During linking, MSVC determines that those functions are in fact not actually used / needed anywhere else, and thus can be eliminated (even if they were used elsewhere, since the result can be determined at compile time, they'd still be eliminated) from the compiled executable.

In order to see what's in the final compiled executable, you can view the executable through a disassembler. Example for using MSVC to do this, is put a breakpoint in the main function, run it, then when the breakpoint is hit, right click and "View Disassembly". In this, you will see that the two functions don't exist anymore.

You can also generate the Mapfile using /MAP option, which also shows it does not exist.

If I am reading the documentation correctly, it seems as those MS chose to include explicit instantiations of templates classes and functions because it "is useful" when creating libraries. Uninstantiated templates are not put into the obj files though.

Explicit template instantiation - when is it used?

Directly copied from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/cpp/explicit-instantiation:

You can use explicit instantiation to create an instantiation of a templated class or function without actually using it in your code. Because this is useful when you are creating library (.lib) files that use templates for distribution, uninstantiated template definitions are not put into object (.obj) files.

(For instance, libstdc++ contains the explicit instantiation of std::basic_string<char,char_traits<char>,allocator<char> > (which is std::string) so every time you use functions of std::string, the same function code doesn't need to be copied to objects. The compiler only need to refer (link) those to libstdc++.)

make compilation fail on specific instantiation of template class

If you want an hard compilation error when foo<Bar> is instantiated, you can use static_assert (which also allows you to provide a custom error message):

template <class T>
class foo
static_assert(!std::is_same_v<T, Bar>,
"foo does not support Bar");

live example on wandbox

C++ Templates: Are template ínstantiations inlined? Are there drawbacks in performance?

Due to the fact that a template entity must be defined when it is declared (which is commonly header files)

Not true. You can declare and define template classes, methods and functions separately, just like you can other classes, methods and functions.

I have the conception, which I try to convince myself as wrong, that when after a template has been instantiated it will be inlined by the compiler. I would like to ask if this is so?

Some of it may be, or all of it, or none of it. The compiler will do what it deems is best.

Slower compile-times are clear as template must be instantiated but why "possibly larger executables"? In what ways should this be interpreted?

It could be interpreted a number of ways. In the same way that a bottle of Asprin contains the warning "may induce <insert side-effects here>".

Should I interpret this as 'many functions are inlined' or 'the executable's size increases if there are many template instantiations, that is the same template is instantiated with a lot of different types, which causes several copies of the same entity to be there'?

You won't have several copies of the same entity - the compiler suite is obliged to see to that. Even if methods are inline, the address of the method will:

  1. always exist, and
  2. be the same address when referenced by multiple compilation units.

What you may find is that you start creating more types than you intended. For example std::vector<int> is a completely different type to std::vector<double>. foo<X>() is a different function to foo<Y>(). The number of types and function definitions in your program can grow quickly.

In the latter case, does a larger executable size cause the software to run more slowly seeing that more code must be loaded into memory which will in turn cause expensive paging?

Excessive paging, probably not. Excessive cache misses, quite possibly. Often, optimising for smaller code is a good strategy for achieving good performance (under certain circumstances such as when there is little data being accessed and it's all in-cache).

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