Real-Time Pitch Detection Using Fft

Real time pitch detection

Taking a step back... To get this working you MUST figure out a way to plot intermediate steps of this process. What you're trying to do is not particularly hard, but it is error prone and fiddly. Clipping, windowing, bad wiring, aliasing, DC offsets, reading the wrong channels, the weird FFT frequency axis, impedance mismatches, frame size errors... who knows. But if you can plot the raw data, and then plot the FFT, all will become clear.

FFT Algorithm: What goes IN/OUT? (re: real-time pitch detection)

There is an element of choice here. The most straightforward to implement is to do (2^n samples in) complex numbers in, and 2^n complex numbers out, so maybe you should start with that.

In the special case of a DCT(discrete cosine transform), typically what goes in is 2^n samples (often floats), and out go 2^n values, often floats too. DCT is an FFT but that takes only the real values, and analyses the function in terms of cosines.

It is smart (but commonly skipped) to define a struct to handle the complex values. Traditionally FFT's are done in-place, but it works fine if you don't.

It can be useful to instantiate a class that contains a work buffer for the FFT (if you don't want to do the FFT in-place), and reuse that for several FFTs.

Is my understanding of FFT and Pitch Detection correct here?

In addition to the nice answer by @HartmutPfitzinger recommending zero padding and interpolation, it's worth pointing out that there are important fundamental limits on the information you can get from the Fourier transform of a time-limited signal extract.

Think about the limiting case of zero padding -- e.g., taking a single sample, then padding it out to 1 sec duration in order to take a Fourier transform with 1 Hz resolution. It's clear that a very short fragment of signal simply doesn't contain the information about periodicity. Intuitively, we need a fragment longer than the period in question to be able to say anything about whether the signal really repeats at that period.

We can do better if we have constraints on the shape of our periodic signal. For instance, if we are only looking for single sinusoids (i.e., we know our signal is s(t) = A*cos(w*t + phi)), then we can solve for unknown amplitude A, frequency w, and phase phi using as few as three samples of s(t). However, it's pretty rare that we're looking at signals that exactly fit that formulation. At the very least we expect added noise, but most often we have lots of harmonics, i.e., an unknown, non-sinusoidal periodic waveform.

If you try implement interpolated peak picking and/or zero-padding suggested above, and then look at the results you get as you make your signal excerpt shorter (while keeping the FFT length the same), you'll see the uncertainty (error) growing as the fragment gets shorter - to the point where you'll likely get useless results when the fragment is shorter than around twice the cycle length of the periodicity you're trying to measure.

This illustrates a somewhat counter-intuitive but very fundamental limit: It's hard to decide the frequency of a signal to better than 1/T Hz based an observation shorter than T seconds. This is sometimes called the uncertainty principle, and mathematically it's the same as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle from quantum mechanics.

Finally, one other technique I've used to improve the resolution of discrete Fourier transforms is Instantaneous Frequency, as described in:

Toshihiko Abe, Takao Kobayashi, Satoshi Imai: Robust pitch estimation with harmonics enhancement in noisy environments based on instantaneous frequency. ICSLP 1996
(you can find the PDF online, I've run out of my link allowance).

Frequency is just the derivative of phase with respect to time; it turns out you can use "derivative by parts" to directly calculate the instantaneous frequency in each FFT bin by combining the real and imaginary parts of two FFTs using different window functions (one the derivative of the other). For a Matlab implementation, see

or in Python:

Multiple pitch detection: FFT or other?

There are two well known statistical techniques for parametric spectral estimation. One is MUSIC
and the other one is ESPRIT. If you can express your signal as sum of weighted complex exponentials (i.e. sinusoidals) you can apply either of them. Moreover, the eigendecomposition of the correlation matrix will also tell you the number of frequencies in the signal so you are not even supposed to know that. ESPRIT is better than MUSIC since you are not supposed to do any search for peaks in frequency domain. The frequencies are given you directly as a result. However, MUSIC is known to be more robust.

How can I do real-time pitch detection in .Net?

The highest peak in an audio spectrum is not necessarily the musical pitch as a human would perceive it, especially in a sound with strong overtones. That's because pitch is a human psycho-perceptual phenomena, the brain will often deduce frequencies that aren't even present in a waveform.

Auto-correlation methods of frequency or pitch estimation (roughly, finding how far apart even a funny-looking and/or non-sinusoidal waveform repeats in time) is usually a better match for what a human would call pitch. The reason for various enhancements to the autocorrelation algorithm is that simple autocorrelation will find an near infinite number of repeating wavelengths (e.g. if it repeats every 1 second it also repeats twice every 2 seconds, etc.) So the trick is to weight the correlation to somehow statistically better match what a human would guess about the same waveform.

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