Portability of Native C++ Properties

Portability of Native C++ properties

This is something similar to what you are asking and is (I hope) standard C++...

#include <iostream>

template<typename C, typename T, T (C::*getter)(), void (C::*setter)(const T&)>
struct Property
C *instance;

Property(C *instance)
: instance(instance)

operator T () const
return (instance->*getter)();

Property& operator=(const T& value)
return *this;

template<typename C2, typename T2,
T2 (C2::*getter2)(), void (C2::*setter2)(const T2&)>
Property& operator=(const Property<C2, T2, getter2, setter2>& other)
return *this = (other.instance->*getter2)();

Property& operator=(const Property& other)
return *this = (other.instance->*getter)();


struct Foo
int x_, y_;

void setX(const int& x) { x_ = x; std::cout << "x new value is " << x << "\n"; }
int getX() { std::cout << "reading x_\n"; return x_; }

void setY(const int& y) { y_ = y; std::cout << "y new value is " << y << "\n"; }
int getY() { std::cout << "reading y_\n"; return y_; }

Property<Foo, int, &Foo::getX, &Foo::setX> x;
Property<Foo, int, &Foo::getY, &Foo::setY> y;

Foo(int x0, int y0)
: x_(x0), y_(y0), x(this), y(this)

int square(int x)
return x*x;

int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
Foo foo(10, 20);
Foo foo2(100, 200);
int x = foo.x; std::cout << x << "\n";
int y = foo.y; std::cout << y << "\n";
foo.x = 42; std::cout << "assigned!\n";
x = foo.x; std::cout << x << "\n";
std::cout << "same instance prop/prop assign!\n";
foo.x = foo.y;
std::cout << "different instances prop/prop assign\n";
foo.x = foo2.x;
std::cout << "calling a function accepting an int parameter\n";
std::cout << "square(" << foo.x << ") = " << square(foo.x) << "\n";
return 0;

As you can see from main the usage is transparent as long as you are assigning values of type T (here int) or implicitly convertible to T to properties and as long you are converting them back to T values on reading.

Behavior will be different however if you for example pass foo.x to a template function because the type of foo.x is not int but Property<Foo, int, ...> instead.

You can also have problems with non-template functions... calling a function accepting a T value will work fine, however a T& parameter is for example going to be a problem because basically the function is asking a variable to access directly using the address. For the same reason you cannot pass of course the address of a property to a function accepting a T* parameter.

C#-like properties in native C++?

In .NET properties are syntactic sugar for the real get and set functions which are emitted behind the scenes (in fact they are more than syntactic sugar because properties are emitted in the resulting IL and could be used with Reflection). So in C++ you would need to explicitly write those functions as there's no such notion as property.

WChars, Encodings, Standards and Portability

Is this the right way to write an idiomatic, portable, universal, encoding-agnostic program core using only pure standard C/C++

No, and there is no way at all to fulfill all these properties, at least if you want your program to run on Windows. On Windows, you have to ignore the C and C++ standards almost everywhere and work exclusively with wchar_t (not necessarily internally, but at all interfaces to the system). For example, if you start with

int main(int argc, char** argv)

you have already lost Unicode support for command line arguments. You have to write

int wmain(int argc, wchar_t** argv)

instead, or use the GetCommandLineW function, none of which is specified in the C standard.

More specifically,

  • any Unicode-capable program on Windows must actively ignore the C and C++ standard for things like command line arguments, file and console I/O, or file and directory manipulation. This is certainly not idiomatic. Use the Microsoft extensions or wrappers like Boost.Filesystem or Qt instead.
  • Portability is extremely hard to achieve, especially for Unicode support. You really have to be prepared that everything you think you know is possibly wrong. For example, you have to consider that the filenames you use to open files can be different from the filenames that are actually used, and that two seemingly different filenames may represent the same file. After you create two files a and b, you might end up with a single file c, or two files d and e, whose filenames are different from the file names you passed to the OS. Either you need an external wrapper library or lots of #ifdefs.
  • Encoding agnosticity usually just doesn't work in practice, especially if you want to be portable. You have to know that wchar_t is a UTF-16 code unit on Windows and that char is often (bot not always) a UTF-8 code unit on Linux. Encoding-awareness is often the more desirable goal: make sure that you always know with which encoding you work, or use a wrapper library that abstracts them away.

I think I have to conclude that it's completely impossible to build a portable Unicode-capable application in C or C++ unless you are willing to use additional libraries and system-specific extensions, and to put lots of effort in it. Unfortunately, most applications already fail at comparatively simple tasks such as "writing Greek characters to the console" or "supporting any filename allowed by the system in a correct manner", and such tasks are only the first tiny steps towards true Unicode support.

What is portability? How is java more portable than other languages?

Portability isn't a black and white, yes or no kind of thing. Portability is how easily one can I take a program and run it on all of the platforms one cares about.

There are a few things that affect this. One is the language itself. The Java language spec generally leaves much less up to "the implementation". For example, "i = i++" is undefined in C and C++, but has a defined meaning in Java. More practically speaking, types like "int" have a specific size in Java (eg: int is always 32-bits), while in C and C++ the size varies depending on platform and compiler. These differences alone don't prevent you from writing portable code in C and C++, but you need to be a lot more diligent.

Another is the libraries. Java has a bunch of standard libraries that C and C++ don't have. For example, threading, networking and GUI libraries. Libraries of these sorts exist for C and C++, but they aren't part of the standard and the corresponding libraries available can vary widely from platform to platform.

Finally, there's the whole question of whether you can just take an executable and drop it on the other platform and have it work there. This generally works with Java, assuming there's a JVM for the target platform. (and there are JVMs for many/most platforms people care about) This is generally not true with C and C++. You're typically going to at least need a recompile, and that's assuming you've already taken care of the previous two points.

Yes, if a "CVM " existed for multiple platforms, that would make C and C++ more portable -- sort of. You'd still need to write your C code either in a portable way (eg: assuming nothing about the size of an int other than what the standard says) or you'd write to the CVM (assuming it has made a uniform decision for all of these sorts of things across all target platforms). You'd also need to forgo the use of non-standard libraries (no networking, threading or GUI) or write to the CVM-specific libraries for those purposes. So then we're not really talking about making C and C++ more portable, but a special CVM-C/C++ that's portable.

Once again, portability isn't a black and white thing. Even with Java there can still be incompatibilities. The GUI libraries (especially AWT) were kind of notorious for having inconsistent behavior, and anything involving threads can behave differently if you get sloppy. In general, however, it's a lot easier to take a non-trivial Java program written on one platform and run it on another than it is to do the same with a program written in C or C++.

Is there an alternative for visual C++ __declspec (property declaration attribute) in clang and gcc?

While C++ does not offer support for smart overridable operators (and there are no gcc extensions for that), the language allows you to implement it using it's existing features.

The following example (which does not assume to cover all cases!) shows a possible solution using native C++ 11 or higher.

We could use virtual overrides to override the properties, but that's not how modern smart properties work in other languages such as swift, C# etc, so instead - I'm using lambdas to inject overriding code for setters and getters.

// The following is by no means a FULL solution!
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

template<typename T>
class Property {
operator const T& () const {
// Call override getter if we have it
if (getter) return getter();
return get();
const T& operator = (const T& other) {
// Call override setter if we have it
if (setter) return setter(other);
return set(other);
bool operator == (const T& other) const {
// Static cast makes sure our getter operator is called, so we could use overrides if those are in place
return static_cast<const T&>(*this) == other;
// Use this to always get without overrides, useful for use with overriding implementations
const T& get() const {
return t;
// Use this to always set without overrides, useful for use with overriding implementations
const T& set(const T& other) {
return t = other;
// Assign getter and setter to these properties
std::function<const T&()> getter;
std::function<const T&(const T&)> setter;
T t;

// Basic usage, no override
struct Test {
Property<int> prop;

// Override getter and setter
struct TestWithOverride {
prop.setter = [&](const int& other){
std::cout << "Custom setter called" << std::endl;
return prop.set(other);
prop.setter = std::bind(&TestWithOverride::setProp,this,std::placeholders::_1);
prop.getter = std::bind(&TestWithOverride::getProp,this);
Property<int> prop;
const int& getProp() const {
std::cout << "Custom getter called" << std::endl;
return prop.get();
const int& setProp(const int& other){
std::cout << "Custom setter called" << std::endl;
return prop.set(other);

int main(int,char**){
Test t;
TestWithOverride t1;
t.prop = 1;
assert(t.prop == 1);
t1.prop = 1;
assert(t1.prop == 1);
Expected output:
1. No aborts on assertions
2. Text:
Custom setter called
Custom getter called
return 0;

Compile with something like:

c++ -std=c++11 test.cpp -o test


Portable PCL needing native code – why?

What makes it "portable" is that you can use the package in different kind of projects and write the same code to use it. What is never portable is deployment, you use a very different way to get your program and its libraries deployed to, say, a phone vs a desktop machine.

Nuget packages like that always include a Powershell script that runs when you add the package. They look at your project to know what DLL needs to be copied. The package usually include them all but you'll use only one specific set of them. The one that can run on the specific device you selected. Which is for one why the blog post points out that you cannot target AnyCPU, the Powershell script needs to know whether to copy the 32-bit or the 64-bit version of the native DLL.

More details about this script and a way to get the DLLs deployed in this post.

Deploying C# (.NET 2.0) application as a portable application?

Well, other than things like Salamander and Thinstall (now VMWare ThinApp) you would have to have .NET installed if you really want to run .NET.

It may be possible to run Mono without actually installing it (not statically linking your program, but including Mono on the flash drive). I suspect it would be tricky though, as you'd have to tell the runtime about things like the GAC location.

I can't see anything in the Mono FAQ about this, but you might want to ping a Mono mailing list - it sounds like a potentially interesting and useful thing to be able to do.

Portable C++ build system

(-) demands a configuration file in every project folder

This is not correct, you just need to pass bigger pathes like:

add_program(foo src/foo.cpp src/main.cpp)

Few notes, about Boost.Jam - first it is not Boost.Jam - bjam on its own quite useless, what you are looking for is Boost.Build which is set of Jam macros that make bjam useful.

Now, I worked with both, and I must admit, Boost.Build is not suitable for any serious projects outside the Boost itself. Need to find library? Can't need to find header? Can't. Need to do something outside of simple build - and you have not idea how to do it as BB documentation... Totally useless and maybe cover 10% of BB. So most of cases you need to ask questions in BB mailing lists and...

So, if you have some complicated project - and you need to make something more then simple compile and link, stay away from Boost.Build.

So if you need to support MSVC I find today CMake as only feasible choice.

I don't tell that CMake is very good system, it has many problems but it is something
mostly suitable for cross platform development (if you need to support MSVC).

And if you don't care about MSVC and happy with MinGW... take a look on autotools as well.

About Scons - it is still less mature them CMake.

Do you recommend Native C++ to C++\CLI shift?

I would recommend the following, based on my experience with C++, C# and .NET:

  • If you want to go the .NET way, use C#.
  • If you do not want .NET, use traditional C++.
  • If you have to bridge traditional C++ with .NET code, use C++/CLI. Works both with .NET calling C++ classes and C++ calling .NET classes.

I see no sense in just going to C++/CLI if you don't need it.

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