Operator[][] Overload

Operator[][] overload

You can overload operator[] to return an object on which you can use operator[] again to get a result.

class ArrayOfArrays {
ArrayOfArrays() {
_arrayofarrays = new int*[10];
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
_arrayofarrays[i] = new int[10];

class Proxy {
Proxy(int* _array) : _array(_array) { }

int operator[](int index) {
return _array[index];
int* _array;

Proxy operator[](int index) {
return Proxy(_arrayofarrays[index]);

int** _arrayofarrays;

Then you can use it like:

ArrayOfArrays aoa;

This is just a simple example, you'd want to add a bunch of bounds checking and stuff, but you get the idea.

Overloading member access operators -, .*


This is the only really tricky one. It must be a nonstatic member function, and it takes no arguments. The return value is used to perform the member lookup.

If the return value is another object of class type, not a pointer, then the subsequent member lookup is also handled by an operator-> function. This is called the "drill-down behavior." The language chains together the operator-> calls until the last one returns a pointer.

struct client
{ int a; };

struct proxy {
client *target;
client *operator->() const
{ return target; }

struct proxy2 {
proxy *target;
proxy &operator->() const
{ return * target; }

void f() {
client x = { 3 };
proxy y = { & x };
proxy2 z = { & y };

std::cout << x.a << y->a << z->a; // print "333"


This one is only tricky in that there is nothing special about it. The non-overloaded version requires an object of pointer to class type on the left-hand side and an object of pointer to member type on the right. But when you overload it, you can take any arguments you like and return anything you want. It doesn't even have to be a nonstatic member.

In other words, this one is just a normal binary operator like +, -, and /. See also: Are free operator->* overloads evil?

.* and .

These cannot be overloaded. There is already a built-in meaning when the left-hand side is of class type. Perhaps it would make a little sense to be able to define them for a pointer on the left-hand side, but the language design committee decided that would be more confusing than useful.

Overloading ->, ->*, ., and .* can only fill in cases where an expression would be undefined, it can never change the meaning of an expression that would be valid with no overloading.

Is it okay to use an overloaded operator to implement another operator overload?

You can do that. However, it is more common to implement operator+ using operator+= instead of the other way around.

myClass & operator += (const myClass & rhs) { ... )

// Return by value.
// const member function.
myClass operator + (const myClass & rhs) const
myClass ret = *this; // Uses copy constructor, not assignment.
return ret += rhs;

The interface

myClass & operator + (const myClass & rhs);

is not idiomatic since you cannot do the equivalent of

int a = 10 + 20;


MyClass a = MyClass(args...) + MyClass(args...);

won't work since the first object in RHS is a temporary object.

C# operator overload for `+=`?

Overloadable Operators, from MSDN:

Assignment operators cannot be overloaded, but +=, for example, is evaluated using +, which can be overloaded.

Even more, none of assignment operators can be overloaded. I think this is because there will be an effect for the Garbage collection and memory management, which is a potential security hole in CLR strong typed world.

Nevertheless, let's see what exactly an operator is. According to the famous Jeffrey Richter's book, each programming language has its own operators list, which are compiled in a special method calls, and CLR itself doesn't know anything about operators. So let's see what exactly stays behind the + and += operators.

See this simple code:

Decimal d = 10M;
d = d + 10M;

Let view the IL-code for this instructions:

  IL_0000:  nop
IL_0001: ldc.i4.s 10
IL_0003: newobj instance void [mscorlib]System.Decimal::.ctor(int32)
IL_0008: stloc.0
IL_0009: ldloc.0
IL_000a: ldc.i4.s 10
IL_000c: newobj instance void [mscorlib]System.Decimal::.ctor(int32)
IL_0011: call valuetype [mscorlib]System.Decimal [mscorlib]System.Decimal::op_Addition(valuetype [mscorlib]System.Decimal,
valuetype [mscorlib]System.Decimal)
IL_0016: stloc.0

Now lets see this code:

Decimal d1 = 10M;
d1 += 10M;

And IL-code for this:

  IL_0000:  nop
IL_0001: ldc.i4.s 10
IL_0003: newobj instance void [mscorlib]System.Decimal::.ctor(int32)
IL_0008: stloc.0
IL_0009: ldloc.0
IL_000a: ldc.i4.s 10
IL_000c: newobj instance void [mscorlib]System.Decimal::.ctor(int32)
IL_0011: call valuetype [mscorlib]System.Decimal [mscorlib]System.Decimal::op_Addition(valuetype [mscorlib]System.Decimal,
valuetype [mscorlib]System.Decimal)
IL_0016: stloc.0

They are equal! So the += operator is just syntactic sugar for your program in C#, and you can simply overload + operator.

For example:

class Foo
private int c1;

public Foo(int c11)
c1 = c11;

public static Foo operator +(Foo c1, Foo x)
return new Foo(c1.c1 + x.c1);

static void Main(string[] args)
Foo d1 = new Foo (10);
Foo d2 = new Foo(11);
d2 += d1;

This code will be compiled and successfully run as:

  IL_0000:  nop
IL_0001: ldc.i4.s 10
IL_0003: newobj instance void ConsoleApplication2.Program/Foo::.ctor(int32)
IL_0008: stloc.0
IL_0009: ldc.i4.s 11
IL_000b: newobj instance void ConsoleApplication2.Program/Foo::.ctor(int32)
IL_0010: stloc.1
IL_0011: ldloc.1
IL_0012: ldloc.0
IL_0013: call class ConsoleApplication2.Program/Foo ConsoleApplication2.Program/Foo::op_Addition(class ConsoleApplication2.Program/Foo,
class ConsoleApplication2.Program/Foo)
IL_0018: stloc.1


According to your Update - as the @EricLippert says, you really should have the vectors as an immutable object. Result of adding of the two vectors is a new vector, not the first one with different sizes.

If, for some reason you need to change first vector, you can use this overload (but as for me, this is very strange behaviour):

public static Vector operator +(Vector left, Vector right)
left.x += right.x;
left.y += right.y;
return left;

Rules of thumb for when to use operator overloading in python

Operator overloading is mostly useful when you're making a new class that falls into an existing "Abstract Base Class" (ABC) -- indeed, many of the ABCs in standard library module collections rely on the presence of certain special methods (and special methods, one with names starting and ending with double underscores AKA "dunders", are exactly the way you perform operator overloading in Python). This provides good starting guidance.

For example, a Container class must override special method __contains__, i.e., the membership check operator item in container (as in, if item in container: -- don't confuse with the for statement, for item in container:, which relies on __iter__!-).
Similarly, a Hashable must override __hash__, a Sized must override __len__, a Sequence or a Mapping must override __getitem__, and so forth. (Moreover, the ABCs can provide your class with mixin functionality -- e.g., both Sequence and Mapping can provide __contains__ on the basis of your supplied __getitem__ override, and thereby automatically make your class a Container).

Beyond the collections, you'll want to override special methods (i.e. provide for operator overloading) mostly if your new class "is a number". Other special cases exist, but resist the temptation of overloading operators "just for coolness", with no semantic connection to the "normal" meanings, as C++'s streams do for << and >> and Python strings (in Python 2.*, fortunately not in 3.* any more;-) do for % -- when such operators do not any more mean "bit-shifting" or "division remainder", you're just engendering confusion. A language's standard library can get away with it (though it shouldn't;-), but unless your library gets as widespread as the language's standard one, the confusion will hurt!-)

Operator overloading and different types

I might go ahead and define an implicit conversion from int to Score, so that when you deal with equality, you only need to deal with a single type.

public static implicit operator Score(int value)
return new Score { Value = value }; // or new Score(value);
// define bool operator ==(Score score1, Score score2)

// elsewhere
Score score = new Score { Value = 1 };
bool isScoreOne = (score == 1);

And while you're defining your own == operator, do remember to go ahead and define !=, and override Equals and GetHashCode.

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