How to Use Qt Without Qmake or Qt Creator

Can I use Qt without qmake or Qt Creator?

Sure you can. Although it is more convenient with qmake or CMake, you can do:

CXXFLAGS += -Ipath_to_your_qt_includes
LDFLAGS += -Lpath_to_your_qt_libs

LDLIBS += -lqt-mt (for Qt3)


LDLIBS += -lQtCore -lQtGui (for Qt4, add what you need)

my_prog: my_prog.cpp

(in a makefile)

Update - invoking moc:

Quote from moc manpage:

Here is a useful makefile rule if you
only use GNU make:

m%.cpp: %.h
moc $< -o $@

I'd personally name the output rather %.moc.cpp (than m%.cpp). You then add the dependency of my_prog on my_prog.moc.cpp

my_prog: my_prog.cpp my_prog.moc.cpp

Similarly for uic. The situation here is more complicated, since you have to generate rules for headers and source files, and you have to add a dependency on a header file to ensure it gets generated before the sources are compiled. Something like this might work:

my_prog: my_prog.o my_prog.moc.o my_prog.ui.o
$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o my_prog $^ $(LDLIBS)

my_prog.o: my_prog.cpp my_prog.ui.h

How to compile a Qt program without qtCreator on Windows?

I finally managed to do it 100% from command line, without the qtCreator IDE, but not yet without qmake. Steps to reproduce:

  • Let's assume Microsoft MSVC 2019 is installed.

  • Install qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.14.2.exe. (This is the latest Windows offline installer I could find), double check that you install at least msvc2017_64.

    Note: Don't use using the include subfolder from this package for cl.exe /I ... is not enough. (I thought it would, at first)

  • Create a folder example containing the main.cpp file above

  • Open a command line window in this folder and do:

    vcvarsall.bat x64
  • Now either do "c:\path\to\msvc2017_64\bin\qmake.exe" -project to create a project file or create it manually with:

    TEMPLATE = app
    TARGET = qt_example
    CONFIG += console
    SOURCES += main.cpp
  • Do "c:\path\to\msvc2017_64\bin\qmake.exe". This will create a Makefile file.

  • Run nmake. This is Microsoft MSVC's equivalent of the make tool.

  • Copy c:\path\to\msvc2017_64\bin\Qt5Core.dll into the release folder

  • Run release\example.exe. Working!

Addendum: here is solution now for a minimal GUI app:


#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QApplication>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QMessageBox::information(NULL, "Hello", "Hello", "Ok");
return a.exec();

TARGET = qt_example_gui
SOURCES += main.cpp
QT += gui widgets

Do the vcvarsall.bat x64, qmake, nmake like in the solution above. No be sure you have this file structure:


Run the .exe, that's it!

How to avoid qmake Build Step if using QT Creator

This is quite easy, I use makefile only project alot because I like qt-creator as an IDE. In the IDE goto the projects tab on the left.

Select the "build" tab near the top of that page, looks like: (build | run).

In the build steps:

  • remove the qmake build step by press hovering the mouse over that step and clicking the X that appears.
  • Edit the build directory so that it is the same directory as your makefile.

    Note: you will have to click the shadow build check box next to it to enable it.

  • remove any other steps you don't want (infact just remove them all for now).
  • Add a new step make step. It will try to use the default make, but you can override that if you want. Also add any arguments like debug or -j4 etc...

Then you are done :)

Next time you hit build it will simply invoke that make command.

Note: You will need to do the same for any other configurations you have (like release, debug, etc...). You can also just add loads more configurations for doing other make options (if you have them) for instance make doxygen or such...

Just remembered you can also either:

  • I am not sure why, but when I tested it (as OP did) you can't seem to just setup a make step with parameters -C ../, it seems to want to look in the "build directory" first.

I tend to use the build location since its a nice feature of the IDE.

Note an issue with newer versions of Qtcreator as a makefile IDE is that you cant share your build settings with other people (i.e. can't configure control them) because they are locked to your PC profile... long story... but its very sad and I no longer use qt creator for that one reason.

Set .exe icon for Qt windows app without qmake/VS

Yes, you can. Instead of windres.exe, the Windows SDK provides rc.exe, a.k.a. the Resource Compiler. You need first an image in .ico format (named here "app.ico") and a text file named "app.rc" with this content:

IDI_ICON1               ICON    DISCARDABLE     "app.ico"

You can compile this file with this command:

rc app.rc

That command will produce a file with the name "app.res". This RES file can be processed by the linker directly, or you may convert it to .obj with this command:

cvtres /MACHINE:X64 app.res

That command produces a file with the name "app.obj" (for architecture x86_64, use cvtres /h to see other parameters). You need to give this .obj file to the linker when producing the executable. "cvtres.exe" comes from the VC compiler bin directory, and not the Windows SDK.

How to use a build system other than qmake with a Qt project?

My CMake template:

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8)


set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++1y -pthread -fno-permissive -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -fPIC")

set(QT_VERSION_REQ "5.2")

find_package(Qt5Core ${QT_VERSION_REQ} REQUIRED)
find_package(Qt5Quick ${QT_VERSION_REQ} REQUIRED)
find_package(Qt5Widgets ${QT_VERSION_REQ} REQUIRED)
find_package(Qt5DBus ${QT_VERSION_REQ} REQUIRED)






add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${MAIN_SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${LIBS})

Why does Qt Creator need a kit for non-qt cmake project

You are free to have kits in Qt Creator with or without Qt, with or without a C++ compiler, with or without cmake binaries, etc.

Qt Creator uses kits as a collection of things that are used together in (multiple) projects, so that you do not have to define these same settings again and again. The settings available in a kit depend on the plugins you have enabled and Creator is perfectly happy if some information is not set -- as long as this information is not needed by the project you are working on. So if you open a qmake-based project, creator will complain if a kit has no Qt version set (which is what provides the qmake binary). If you try to open a cmake-based project, then Creator will complain about Kits without a cmake binary set up. Kits are in no way limited to qmake projects, but does also apply to cmake, autotools, nim, python projects (and whatever else is supported;-).

For CMake projects the Kit defines the cmake binary to use, the Generator to use with that binary, default values to pass to cmake, the compiler used by the code model built into Qt Creator (and by the cmake project itself in newer Qt Creator versions), the Qt version that is used by the code model (and by the cmake project in newer QtC versions), the default environment the project will see when building and some more things.

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