How to Rearrange a String Equation

How to rearrange a string equation?

I started with a Syntax Diagram to define (I wouldn't call it) a language:

Syntax Diagram

Then I translated this into a hand-written parser.

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>

int parseDigit(const char *&la)
switch (*la) {
case '0': ++la; return 0;
case '1': ++la; return 1;
case '2': ++la; return 2;
case '3': ++la; return 3;
case '4': ++la; return 4;
case '5': ++la; return 5;
case '6': ++la; return 6;
case '7': ++la; return 7;
case '8': ++la; return 8;
case '9': ++la; return 9;
default: return -1; // ERROR!

int parseNumber(const char *&la)
int value = parseDigit(la);
if (value < 0) return -1; // ERROR!
for (;;) {
const int digit = parseDigit(la);
if (digit < 0) return value;
value *= 10; value += digit;

struct Term {
int coeff; // -1 ... missing
int expon; // -1 ... missing -> ERROR

Term(int coeff = -1, int expon = 0): coeff(coeff), expon(expon) { }

Term parseTerm(const char *&la)
Term term;
term.coeff = parseNumber(la);
if (*la == 'x') {
term.expon = parseDigit(la);
if (term.coeff < 0) term.coeff = 1; // tolerate missing coeff. for x
return term;

struct Expression {
bool error;
int coeffs[10];

Expression(bool error = false): error(error)
std::fill(std::begin(coeffs), std::end(coeffs), 0);

Expression parseExpression(const char *&la)
Expression expr;
int sign = +1;
do {
const Term term = parseTerm(la);
if (term.expon < 0) return Expression(true); // ERROR!
expr.coeffs[term.expon] += sign * term.coeff;
switch (*la) {
case '+': sign = +1; ++la; break;
case '-': sign = -1; ++la; break;
case '=': break;
default: return Expression(true); // ERROR!
} while (*la != '=');
// parse right hand side
const int result = parseNumber(la);
if (result < 0) return Expression(true); // ERROR!
expr.coeffs[0] -= result;
// check for extra chars
switch (*la) {
case '\n': ++la;
case '\0': break;
default: return Expression(true); // ERROR!
return expr;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Expression &expr)
if (expr.error) out << "ERROR!";
else {
bool empty = true;
for (size_t i = 9; i; --i) {
const int coeff = expr.coeffs[i];
if (coeff) out << coeff << 'x' << i << std::showpos, empty = false;
if (empty) out << 0;
out << std::noshowpos << '=' << -expr.coeffs[0];
return out;

int main()
const char *samples[] = {
enum { nSamples = sizeof samples / sizeof *samples };
for (size_t i = 0; i < nSamples; ++i) {
std::cout << "Parse '" << samples[i] << "'\n";
const char *la = samples[i];
std::cout << "Got " << parseExpression(la) << std::endl;
return 0;

Compiled with g++ and tested in cygwin:

$ g++ -std=c++11 -o parse-equation 

$ ./parse-equation
Parse '2x1+3x2+4x3=16'
Got 4x3+3x2+2x1=16
Parse '1x1+2x2+1x3=8'
Got 1x3+2x2+1x1=8
Parse '3x1+1x2+2x3=13'
Got 2x3+1x2+3x1=13
Parse '2x1+3x2+5+4x3-11=10'
Got 4x3+3x2+2x1=16
Parse 'x1+3x2-x3=10'
Got -1x3+3x2+1x1=10


Life Demo on Coliru


  1. Instead of parseDigit() and parseNumber(), std::strtol() could be used. This would reduce the code significantly.

  2. I used const char* for the "read head" la (... abbr. for "look ahead"). The pure C++ way might have been a std::stringstream or a std::string::iterator but, may be, I'm not used enough to these new fancy things. For me, the const char* was the most intuitive way...

  3. The result on right hand side is simply subtracted from the coefficient for x0. So, either the right hand side is 0, or the negative coefficient for x0 becomes right hand side. For my pretty-printing operator<<(), I chose the latter option.

  4. The error handling is rather poor and could be enhanced with more detailed infos about the reason of failed parsing. I left this out to not to "blow" the code even more.

  5. The parser could be enhanced easily to skip white space at any appropriate place. This would improve the convenience.

  6. In the current state, the result on right hand side might not be a negative number. I leave this extension as exercise.

Rearrange a string in R Studio

Something like this?

> paste(rev(strsplit(a," ")[[1]]),collapse=" ")
[1] "day good"

split, rearrange and join string in dataframe

As per my understanding your rearrange function should be like this:

def rearrange(x):
return " -> ".join(x.split("->")[::-1])

because, you are using it to apply and not directly manipulating data.

Java String reorder

One way would be regex. This probably isn't the most efficient way but it's fairly clean:

public static void main(String args[]) {
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\d++)\\.([^,]++),\\s*+([^,]++),\\s*+(.*+)");
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher("");
//for each input string
final String input = "Subject, Uni Name, Location 2";
final String output = matcher.replaceAll("$1, $3, $2, $4");

So you pre-compile your Pattern and reuse the Matcher for maximum speed. You then simply do a replaceAll on each input String.

Python/Pandas - Rearrange string from column value

You may use strftime

df['new_Quarter'] = df.Quarter.dt.strftime('Q%q %y')

As a side note, the column Quarter can also be simply created using to_period

df['Quarter'] = df.Date.dt.to_period('Q')

        Date Quarter new_Quarter
0 2019-09-18 2019Q3 Q3 19
1 2019-03-18 2019Q1 Q1 19
2 2019-05-13 2019Q2 Q2 19

Algorithm(s) for rearranging simple symbolic algebraic expressions

What you want is equation solving algorithm(s). But i bet that this is huge topic. In general case, there may be:

  • system of equations
  • equations may be non-linear, thus additional algorithms such as equation factorization needed.
  • knowledge how to reverse functions is needed,- for example =>
    sin(x) + 10 = z, solving for x we reverse sin(), which is arcsin(). (Not all functions may be reversible !)
  • finally some equations may be hard-solvable even for CAS, such as
    sin(x)+x=y, solve for x.

Hard answer is - your best bet is to take source code of some CAS,- for example you can take a look at MAXIMA CAS source code which is written in LISP. And find code which is responsible for equation solving.

Easy answer - if all that you need is solving equation which is linear and is composed only from basic operators +-*/. Then you know answer already - use old good paper method
- think of what rules we used on paper, and just re-write these rules as symbolic algorithm which manipulates equation string.

good luck !

How to rearrange a complicated equation by Python

The equation you are trying to solve is:

In [23]: eq                                                                                                                       
⎛ -n⎞
C⋅⎝1 - (r + 1) ⎠ -n
P = ───────────────── + fv⋅(r + 1)

We can rearrange this into a polynomial like so

In [24]: eq2 = Eq(eq.lhs * (1+r)**n * r, eq.rhs * (1+r)**n * r).expand()                                                          

In [25]: eq2
n n
P⋅r⋅(r + 1) = C⋅(r + 1) - C + fv⋅r

Now we see that this is a polynomial except that the exponent n is symbolic. In general this kind of equation will not have a solution expressible in closed form - that is why sympy has no algorithms for this particular case (it is not a limitation of sympy itself).

It is possible to solve this equation numerically but numerical solution only works if we have numerical values for each of the parameters. If we substitute numbers for the parameters then nsolve can find the solution numerically:

In [26]: eq3 = eq.subs({P:1, C:2, fv:1, n:100})                                                                                   

In [27]: eq3
⎛ 1 ⎞
2⋅⎜1 - ──────────⎟
⎜ 100⎟
1 ⎝ (r + 1) ⎠
1 = ────────── + ──────────────────
100 r
(r + 1)

In [28]: nsolve(eq3, r, 1)
Out[28]: 2.00000000000000

But note that the solutions to this equation are not unique for example -2 is also a solution here:

In [52]: nsolve(eq3, r, -1.9)                                                                                                     
Out[52]: -2.00000000000000

This particular equation has something like 100 roots although not necessarily all real.

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