Does Try-Catch Block Decrease Performance

does try catch clause affect performance?

Neither try/catch nor try/catch/finally affects performance to any significant degree. Exceptions being created do affect performance, of course (and that is whether they are caught, or not)

Do try/catch blocks hurt performance when exceptions are not thrown?

Do try/catch blocks hurt performance when exceptions are not thrown?

Check it.

static public void Main(string[] args)
Stopwatch w = new Stopwatch();
double d = 0;


for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
d = Math.Sin(1);
catch (Exception ex)


for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
d = Math.Sin(1);



00:00:00.4269033  // with try/catch
00:00:00.4260383 // without.

In milliseconds:


New code:

for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
Stopwatch w = new Stopwatch();
double d = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
d = Math.Sin(d);

catch (Exception ex)

d = Math.Sin(d);

Console.Write(" try/catch/finally: ");
d = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
d = Math.Sin(d);
d = Math.Sin(d);

Console.Write("No try/catch/finally: ");

New results:

   try/catch/finally: 382
No try/catch/finally: 332

try/catch/finally: 375
No try/catch/finally: 332

try/catch/finally: 376
No try/catch/finally: 333

try/catch/finally: 375
No try/catch/finally: 330

try/catch/finally: 373
No try/catch/finally: 329

try/catch/finally: 373
No try/catch/finally: 330

try/catch/finally: 373
No try/catch/finally: 352

try/catch/finally: 374
No try/catch/finally: 331

try/catch/finally: 380
No try/catch/finally: 329

try/catch/finally: 374
No try/catch/finally: 334

Does try-catch block decrease performance

TL;DR NO, exceptions are usually faster on the non-exceptional path compared to error code handling.

Well, the obvious remark is compared to what ?

Compared to not handling the error, it obviously decrease performance; but is performance worth the lack of correctness ? I would argue it is not, so let us supposed that you meant compared to an error code checked with an if statement.

In this case, it depends. There are multiple mechanisms used to implement exceptions. Actually, they can be implemented with a mechanism so close to an if statement that they end up having the same cost (or slightly higher).

In C++ though, all major compilers (gcc introduced it in 4.x serie, MSVC uses it for 64 bits code) now use the Zero-Cost Exception Model. If you read this technical paper that Need4Sleep linked to, it is listed as the table-driven approach. The idea is that for each point of the program that may throw you register in a side-table some bits and pieces that will allow you to find the right catch clause. Honestly, it is a tad more complicated implementation-wise than the older strategies, however the Zero Cost name is derived by the fact that it is free should no exception be thrown. Contrast this to a branch misprediction on a CPU. On the other hand, when an exception is thrown, then the penalty is huge because the table is stored in a cold zone (so likely requires a round-trip to RAM or worse)... but exceptions are exceptional, right ?

To sum up, with modern C++ compilers exceptions are faster than error codes, at the cost of larger binaries (due to the static tables).

For the sake of exhaustiveness, there is a 3rd alternative: abortion. Instead of propagating an error via either status or exception, it is possible to abort the process instead. This is only suitable in a restricted number of situations, however it optimizes better than either alternative.

Java try/catch performance, is it recommended to keep what is inside the try clause to a minimum?

In your example here, the real performance hit is if both doSomething() and doAnotherThing() both throw exceptions. Entering a try-block is fast, until it throws an exception.

It really comes down to what your situation is. If you need to do the same thing when MyCheckedException is thrown either way, I'd consider it both more readable and more performant to have them both in the same try block, but if you need to handle the two different situations differently then of course it makes more sense to separate them.

Edit: I read the end of your comment, you're assuming handling both the same way, in which case I'd put them both in the same try-block.

Is it expensive to use try-catch blocks even if an exception is never thrown?

try has almost no expense at all. Instead of doing the work of setting up the try at runtime, the code's metadata is structured at compile time such that when an exception is thrown, it now does a relatively expensive operation of walking up the stack and seeing if any try blocks exist that would catch this exception. From a layman's perspective, try may as well be free. It's actually throwing the exception that costs you - but unless you're throwing hundreds or thousands of exceptions, you still won't notice the cost.

try has some minor costs associated with it. Java cannot do some optimizations on code in a try block that it would otherwise do. For example, Java will often re-arrange instructions in a method to make it run faster - but Java also needs to guarantee that if an exception is thrown, the method's execution is observed as though its statements, as written in the source code, executed in order up to some line.

Because in a try block an exception can be thrown (at any line in the try block! Some exceptions are thrown asynchronously, such as by calling stop on a Thread (which is deprecated), and even besides that OutOfMemoryError can happen almost anywhere) and yet it can be caught and code continue to execute afterwards in the same method, it is more difficult to reason about optimizations that can be made, so they are less likely to happen. (Someone would have to program the compiler to do them, reason about and guarantee correctness, etc. It'd be a big pain for something meant to be 'exceptional') But again, in practice you won't notice things like this.

In Javascript, is it expensive to use try-catch blocks even if an exception is never thrown?

Are you doing typical CRUD UI code? Use try catches, use loops that go to 10000 for no reason sprinkled in your code, hell, use angular/ember - you will not notice any performance issue.

If you are doing low level library, physics simulations, games, server-side etc then the never throwing try-catch block wouldn't normally matter at all but the problem is that V8 didn't support it in their optimizing compiler until version 6 of the engine, so the entire containing function that syntactically contains a try catch will not be optimized. You can easily work around this though, by creating a helper function like tryCatch:

function tryCatch(fun) {
try {
return fun();
catch(e) {
tryCatch.errorObj.e = e;
return tryCatch.errorObj;
tryCatch.errorObj = {e: null};

var result = tryCatch(someFunctionThatCouldThrow);
if(result === tryCatch.errorObj) {
//The function threw
var e = result.e;
else {
//result is the returned value

After V8 version 6 (shipped with Node 8.3 and latest Chrome), the performance of code inside try-catch is the same as that of normal code.

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