Default Argument in the Middle of Parameter List

Default argument in the middle of parameter list?

That code would work if in the very first declaration of the function, the last parameter has default value, something like this:

void error(char const *msg, bool showKind, bool exit = false);

And then in the same scope you can provide default values for other arguments (from right side), in the later declaration, as:

void error(char const *msg, bool showKind = true, bool exit); //okay

//void error(char const *msg = 0 , bool showKind, bool exit); // error

which can called as:

error("some error messsage");
error("some error messsage", false);
error("some error messsage", false, true);

Online Demo :

Note if you provide default value for the first parameter (from left), without providing default value for the second, it wouldn't compile (as expected) :

§8.3.6/4 says,

For non-template functions, default
arguments can be added in later
declarations of a function in the same

Example from the Standard itself:

void f(int, int);
void f(int, int = 7);

The second declaration adds default value!

Also see §8.3.6/6.

Default value parameter in Groovy as middle argument

In groovy you can assign default values to method's arguments, making those arguments optional.

Usually the optional arguments are the trailing ones, and that makes sence from the POV of calling such methods.

You could also declare default values for the middle arguments, like you did. In this case you should be aware of which arguments will get the defaults and which will not.

Consider the extension of your example:

def testMethod(arg1, arg2 = "arg2", arg3) {
println arg1
println arg2
println arg3
testMethod 1, 3

println '-----------'

def testMethod1(arg1, arg2 = "arg2", arg3 = 'arg3') {
println arg1
println arg2
println arg3
testMethod1 1,2

It prints:


So, when calling both methods with 2 arguments, the testMethod replaces the 2nd arg with default, whereas the testMethod1 defaults the 3rd arg.

Why should default parameters be added last in C++ functions?

To simplify the language definition and keep code readable.

void foo(int x = 2, int y);

To call that and take advantage of the default value, you'd need syntax like this:

foo(, 3);

Which was probably felt to be too weird. Another alternative is specifying names in the argument list:

foo(y : 3);

A new symbol would have to be used because this already means something:

foo(y = 3); // assign 3 to y and then pass y to foo.

The naming approach was considered and rejected by the ISO committee because they were uncomfortable with introducing a new significance to parameter names outside of the function definition.

If you're interested in more C++ design rationales, read The Design and Evolution of C++ by Stroustrup.

Lisp - optional argument in the middle of parameter list

&optional can only be at the end of the positional arguments (you can have &rest or &body after it). Even if you could put it earlier, if there's also &rest or &body, how would it know whether you provided the optional argument? E.g. if the lambda list were

(&optional arg1 arg2 &rest rest-args)

and the call were

(func-name 1 2 3 4 5)

it could either be arg1 = 1, arg2 = 2, rest-args = (3 4 5) or arg1 = NIL, arg2 = 1, rest-args = (2 3 4 5).

You'll need to define the macro to take a single &rest argument. Then you can check whether the first argument is a keyword or not, update the argument list to add the default, and then parse it with destructuring-bind.

(defmacro some-macro (&rest all-args) 
(unless (keywordp (first all-args))
(push nil all-args)) ;; flag defaults to NIL
(destructuring-bind (flag generic-name (&rest args) &body body) all-args

Change only a specific Default Parameter on a function

When you pass a value for a particular parameter that has a default argument, you have to pass values for all the default parameters before it. Otherwise, the value you have passed will be taken as the value for the first default parameter.

So you have to do this:

newAddress = QInputDialog::getText(
"Enter an Address to Validate",
"Adress: comma separated (e.g Address line 1, Address line 2, City, Postal Code)",

You can leave out passing values for the parameters after bool * parameter.

The C++ standard states in [dcl.fct.default]/1

Default arguments will be used in calls where trailing arguments are missing.

Lifetime of default function arguments in python

As the argument is an attribute of the function object, it normally has the same lifetime as the function. Usually, functions exist from the moment their module is loaded, until the interpreter exits.

However, Python functions are first-class objects and you can delete all references (dynamically) to the function early. The garbage collector may then reap the function and subsequently the default argument:

>>> def foo(bar, spam=[]):
... spam.append(bar)
... print(spam)
>>> foo
<function foo at 0x1088b9d70>
>>> foo('Monty')
>>> foo('Python')
['Monty', 'Python']
>>> foo.func_defaults
(['Monty', 'Python'],)
>>> del foo
>>> foo
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'foo' is not defined

Note that you can directly reach the func_defaults attribute (__defaults__ in python 3), which is writable, so you can clear the default by reassigning to that attribute.

Swift: function with default parameter before non-default parameter

The current compiler does allow default parameters in the middle of a parameter list.

screenshot of Playground

You can call the function like this if you want to use the default value for the first parameter:


If you want to supply a new value for the first parameter, use its external name:

f(first: 3, 1)

The documentation explains that parameters with a default value are automatically given an external name:

Swift provides an automatic external name for any defaulted parameter you define, if you do not provide an external name yourself. The automatic external name is the same as the local name, as if you had written a hash symbol before the local name in your code.

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