C++ Frontend Only Compiler (Convert C++ to C)

C++ frontend only compiler (convert C++ to C)

If you use LLVM, llvm-g++ will compile your C++ code to LLVM bitcode, and llc has a backend which converts bitcode to C.

You could write commands like this:

llvm-g++ -emit-llvm -c foo.cpp -o foo.o
llc -march=c <foo.o >foo.c

Is the C++ code converted to C during the compilation process?

Absolutely not. The CFront way of doing things became untenable long ago. There are some C++ constructs with no C interpretation, especially exceptions, and stamping out literal C source for every template instantiation is a bit ridiculous. The entire reason Bjarne stopped making Cfront is because it was impossible.

It is, however, common to lower the code to a more useful IR like LLVM IR, and GCC also has an internal IR, before converting to machine code.

Is there a way to compile C++ to C Code?

The C++ FAQ has a list of possibilities: Is it possible to convert C++ to C?.

In short, it says that you can't expect this to give you particularly readable code. Think of the complexities involved; multiple inheritance, virtual-function resolution, templates, operator overloading, etc., etc. There's no clean succinct way of expressing these concepts in pure C. If all you're after is compilable C, though, then this is probably the way to go.

Do all C++ compilers generate C code?

Because C compilers are nearly ubiquitous and available on nearly every platform, a lot of (compiled) languages go through this phase in their development to bootstrap the process.

In the early phases of language development to see if the language is feasible the easiest way to get a working compiler out is to build a compiler that converts your language to C then let the native C compiler build the actual binary.

The trouble with this is that language specific constructs are lost and thus potential opportunities for optimization may be missed thus most languages in phase two get their own dedicated compiler front end that understands language specific constructs and can thus provide optimization strategies based on these constructs.

C++ has gone through phase 1 and phase 2 over two decades ago. So it is easy to find a `front end' of a compiler that is dedicated to C++ and generates an intermediate format that is passed directly to a backed. But you can still find versions of C++ that are translated into C (as an intermediate format) before being compiled.

Why there's no dedicated compiler for c or c++?

Actually, GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) has two different front-ends, gcc and g++. To specify C++, you can also use a .cpp (or a few others) extension, or -x c++, when executing gcc. However, this requires extra options (like linking in the C++ standard library).

cl, Microsoft's C++ compiler, does not support modern C. However, it will compile C source files as a variant of C89, and you can specify this explicitly with /TC.

For both, you are correct that there's a lot of shared code, regardless of which front-end is used (GCC also has many more). However, the languages do have significant differences, which are discussed elsewhere (this question among others).

Converting C source to C++

Having just started on pretty much the same thing a few months ago (on a ten-year-old commercial project, originally written with the "C++ is nothing but C with smart structs" philosophy), I would suggest using the same strategy you'd use to eat an elephant: take it one bite at a time. :-)

As much as possible, split it up into stages that can be done with minimal effects on other parts. Building a facade system, as Federico Ramponi suggested, is a good start -- once everything has a C++ facade and is communicating through it, you can change the internals of the modules with fair certainty that they can't affect anything outside them.

We already had a partial C++ interface system in place (due to previous smaller refactoring efforts), so this approach wasn't difficult in our case. Once we had everything communicating as C++ objects (which took a few weeks, working on a completely separate source-code branch and integrating all changes to the main branch as they were approved), it was very seldom that we couldn't compile a totally working version before we left for the day.

The change-over isn't complete yet -- we've paused twice for interim releases (we aim for a point-release every few weeks), but it's well on the way, and no customer has complained about any problems. Our QA people have only found one problem that I recall, too. :-)

Do programming language compilers first translate to assembly or directly to machine code?

gcc actually produces assembler and assembles it using the as assembler. Not all compilers do this - the MS compilers produce object code directly, though you can make them generate assembler output. Translating assembler to object code is a pretty simple process, at least compared with C→Assembly or C→Machine-code translation.

Some compilers produce other high-level language code as their output - for example, cfront, the first C++ compiler, produced C as its output which was then compiled to machine code by a C compiler.

Note that neither direct compilation or assembly actually produce an executable. That is done by the linker, which takes the various object code files produced by compilation/assembly, resolves all the names they contain and produces the final executable binary.

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