C++11 Equivalent to Boost Shared_Mutex

C++11 equivalent to boost shared_mutex

I tried but failed to get shared_mutex into C++11. It has been proposed for a future standard. The proposal is here.

Edit: A revised version (N3659) was accepted for C++14.

Here is an implementation:



Is it smart to replace boost::thread and boost::mutex with c++11 equivalents?

There are several differences between Boost.Thread and the C++11 standard thread library:

  • Boost supports thread cancellation, C++11 threads do not
  • C++11 supports std::async, but Boost does not
  • Boost has a boost::shared_mutex for multiple-reader/single-writer locking. The analogous std::shared_timed_mutex is available only since C++14 (N3891), while std::shared_mutex is available only since C++17 (N4508).
  • C++11 timeouts are different to Boost timeouts (though this should soon change now Boost.Chrono has been accepted).
  • Some of the names are different (e.g. boost::unique_future vs std::future)
  • The argument-passing semantics of std::thread are different to boost::thread --- Boost uses boost::bind, which requires copyable arguments. std::thread allows move-only types such as std::unique_ptr to be passed as arguments. Due to the use of boost::bind, the semantics of placeholders such as _1 in nested bind expressions can be different too.
  • If you don't explicitly call join() or detach() then the boost::thread destructor and assignment operator will call detach() on the thread object being destroyed/assigned to. With a C++11 std::thread object, this will result in a call to std::terminate() and abort the application.

To clarify the point about move-only parameters, the following is valid C++11, and transfers the ownership of the int from the temporary std::unique_ptr to the parameter of f1 when the new thread is started. However, if you use boost::thread then it won't work, as it uses boost::bind internally, and std::unique_ptr cannot be copied. There is also a bug in the C++11 thread library provided with GCC that prevents this working, as it uses std::bind in the implementation there too.

void f1(std::unique_ptr<int>);
std::thread t1(f1,std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(42)));

If you are using Boost then you can probably switch to C++11 threads relatively painlessly if your compiler supports it (e.g. recent versions of GCC on linux have a mostly-complete implementation of the C++11 thread library available in -std=c++0x mode).

If your compiler doesn't support C++11 threads then you may be able to get a third-party implementation such as Just::Thread, but this is still a dependency.

What is the equivalent of boost::upgrade_to_unique_lock in STL?

C++11 doesn't provide shared locks at all. C++14 does, but doesn't allow them to be upgraded to exclusive locks; you'd need a second mutex for that, something like:

mutable std::shared_timed_mutex read_mutex;
std::mutex write_mutex;

void Write() {
std::shared_lock read_lock(read_mutex);
// ... Verification statements

std::lock_guard write_lock(write_mutex);
// ... Writing statements

You'll need to take some care only to acquire the write lock while already holding the read lock, to avoid deadlocks. If you have a working Boost solution, it might be better to stick to that until the standard library provides equivalent functionality.

why C++0x standard committee rejected boost::shared_mutex?

Anthony Williams is an influential member of the C++ standards committee. He co-authored many of the proposals that led to the inclusion of the thread library in the C++11 Standard. You can read his objections in this commentary. Nevertheless, it did make it into C++17.

boost::shared_mutex slower than a coarse std::mutex on Linux

It turns out that boost::shared_mutex is "suboptimal" on Linux.

The current (as of boost 1.59) implementation of boost::shared_mutex for 'pthread' is pretty suboptimal as it's using a heavyweight mutex to guard the internal mutex state... [when access concurrency is high] the shared mutex is effectively exclusive.

Hooray for boost and the many hours of my life it has stolen.

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