How to Combine Two SQL Queries in One Result

How do I merge or combine two SQL queries in one result? See the following parts of this article to learn the details.

Most in common, UNION and UNION ALL are used to combine two SQL queries in one result. These two methods allow you to easily combine two SQL queries, but what is the difference? The difference between them is that UNION ALL acceptes duplicate valuses, but UNOIN does not. That is to say, you should use UNION ALL to merge two SQL queries in one result if you allow duplicate values in your result.

Let's see examples below. In our examples, two tables in our database are used, namely "teachers" and "professors". Both of the tables contain information columns, including id, name, gender, and age.


id name gender age
1 Paul Male 31
2 Alan Female 29
3 Jason Male 45
4 Linda Female 38


id name gender age
1 Sarah Female 35
2 Karl Male 34
3 David Male 45
4 Alan Female 29

Combine Two SQL Queries Without Duplication

Now, we will combine these two tables into one result. But, as you can see, Alan is duplicated in the two tables. To combine these two SQL queries in one result without duplication, UNION should be used.

SELECT name, gender, age FROM teachers
SELECT name, gender, age FROM professors;


name gender age
Paul Male 31
Alan Female 29
Jason Male 45
Linda Female 38
Sarah Female 35
Karl Male 34
David Male 45

Combine Two SQL Queries with Duplication

If you want to combine two SQL queries and remain the duplicated Alan values, you should use UNION ALL. See the example and result below.

SELECT name, gender, age FROM teachers
SELECT name, gender, age FROM professors;


name gender age
Paul Male 31
Alan Female 29
Jason Male 45
Linda Female 38
Sarah Female 35
Karl Male 34
David Male 45
Alan Female 29

Combine Two SQL Queries In Another Way

In addition to above two methods of combining two SQL queries in one result, you can also try with a a temporary table.

1. This method is the same as UNION ALL.

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t AS SELECT a,b,c from table1 ...
INSERT INTO t SELECT a,b,c from table2
SELECT * from t;

2. This meothod is to emulate UNION.

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t (PRIMARY KEY (a,b,c)) AS SELECT a,b,c from table1 ...
INSERT IGNORE INTO t select a,b,c from table2 ...
SELECT * from t;

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