Unsigned APK Can Not Be Installed

unsigned APK can not be installed

I did not know that even with the "Allow Installation of non-Marked application", I still needed to sign the application.

I self-signed my application, following this link self-sign and release application, It only took 5 minutes, then I emailed the signed-APK file to myself and downloaded it to SD-card and then installed it without any problem.

Unsigned Release APK not installing

First of all, it's not a bug.
Not allowing unsigned apks to install is one of security features. And unsigned apks have some use cases.

It's confusing but correct way ,for most of android app developers, to build a relase build, for public release, is Build -> Generate Signed Bundle / APK... .

Build -> Build Bundle(s) / APK(s) is for developpers and if signing setting is not set, it will generate unsigned apk. Signing setting can be set from File -> Project Structure... ->
Modules/app -> Signing tab and Build Types tab -> release -> Signing Config.

Unsigned apk can also be signed with tools other than Android Studio. Publishers like Google, Amazon etc also do like this. They sign (wrap) apks with signatures other than the signatures which developpers have signed. "When to sign" is separated from build process, but it doesn't mean allowing unsigned apks to install on devices.

There are developper tools like apksigner, and it's one of tools. Developpers have rights to select signing tools. Unsigned apks are for them, I think.

Just for knowledge:

Some guys seems to find a way to temporally disable such security features like this.

Android Studio 3.0 Unsigned Apk Not Installing

Looks like we can not directly use the apk after running on the device from the build->output->apk folder.

After upgrading to android studio 3.0 you need to go to Build -> Build
then copy the apk from build -> output -> apk -> debug

Like this -

Sample Image

Cannot install signed apk to device manually, got error App not installed

You may be using the android 5.0 or above device.

May be your development version is not uninstalled properly.

Try this,

Just go to the Settings --> Apps --> Click on your App. ---> In App info page at the action bar menu there will be an option called " Uninstall for All users " click that. Your app will be completely uninstalled and now you can try installing the new version with no issue. Hope this will help you

NOTE : This is for lollipop and above.
Refer the screenshot attached.

Complete Uninstall for Lollipop and Above

Unsigned APK from Ionic 2 can't be installed on device

the --release option is to produce the final build (for release). Just remove this option for debugging.

Note that sometimes, some installations will fail if the debug application has been compiled on another machine and already installed on the device, in this case you need to uninstall it before trying to install.

If you have more problems leave a comment, i'll try to help.

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