Twitter Integration on Android App

how to integrate twitter in android for twitter login after it's removal from fabric?

Instead of

Fabric.with(this, new Twitter(authConfig));

write this:

        TwitterConfig.Builder builder=new TwitterConfig.Builder(this);

Also,you need to add this line in gradle(app level) :

compile ''

twitter integration on android app

In addition to d.'s solid choices, you could:

  • Use ACTION_SEND Intents with createChooser(), and if the user has a Twitter application installed (Twidroid) they can use it to update their status
  • Use an existing Twitter Java API, like JTwitter

Twitter Integration in android using twitter4j-4.0.1

I was having the same problem. I referred to this tutorial and it works -

and also they have updated to twitter4j-core-4.0.1

Source code can be found here -

Twitter Integration in android using twitter application

Twitter just launched an official SDK that with only a few lines of code you have Sign in with Twitter working and with all alternate authentication flows implemented (having Twitter app installed, not installed, user cancelation, etc)



private void setUpTwitterButton() {
twitterButton = (TwitterLoginButton) findViewById(;
twitterButton.setCallback(new Callback<TwitterSession>() {
public void success(Result<TwitterSession> result) {
// TODO: success flow

public void failure(TwitterException exception) {
// TODO: failure flow

The access token will be in the result object of success method above.

The Android docs are here:

If you want to see a app sample with this SDK:

Android Application with twitter integration

try Twitter4j

Github link

This link has examples too

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